Friday, September 15, 2023

Fiction Month is half over

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

The month of September is now half over, and that means that Fiction Month is also half over at Nomadic Delirium Press. Have you saved 30% off of our fiction titles yet? You can save on novels, collections and anthologies at DriveThruFiction by going to or at Smashwords by going to We know there are several of our titles that you’ve been wanting to check out, so now’s your chance.

And if magazines are more your style, well, don’t forget that you can download all 60 zines that we have published for just $12 at Whether it’s The Martian Wave, The Fifth Di…, Spaceports & Spidersilk, Environmental Holocaust, or Mundanities….they’re all there.


You're running out of time for your third Taste of the Madness


Very soon now, A Taste of the Madness Vol. 3 will be disappearing from Amazon, and you will no longer be able to order it, so you need to do it soon… And remember, for Kindle Unlimited members, the download is FREE!

The third volume is here!
A collection of six previously published short stories, that are available only for a limited time. Travel to distant planets and travel to different mad visions that prize-winning sf author J Alan Erwine has come up with, but beware, you can never be sure where his weird mind might take you.
Again, this collection is only available for a very limited time.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Does the economy have to be growing?

 I’ve been reading a lot of eco-fiction lately, and I’m even working on a story that somewhat falls into that genre, and it all got me thinking about a conversation I’d had with a friend many years ago. Both of us were quite political, but didn’t always see eye to eye on things. He was a card carrying Democrat, and pretty much bought everything the dems said and did. I, on the other hand, have always been an adamant supporter of the destruction of the two-party system. I see both parties, with the exclusion of other parties, as an evil that the US can’t survive.

Now, on this particular day, we were discussing the economy. He made the observation that the American economy was like a flower. It had to either be growing or dying. I looked at him for what was probably ten seconds, because it just didn’t make any sense to me, and then I finally countered with my point of view.

The American economy is not like a flower, but rather the individuals within that economy are the flowers, growing richer or poorer. The American economy was more like the field of flowers. Some flowers are growing and some are dying, but the overall status of the field is to remain stable. Nature survives best with stability, so it was my point of view that the US economy should remain stable, rather than constantly trying to grow.

To this day, I still say that the American ideal of constantly growing the economy, and the GDP, is one of the biggest problems America faces. We’re so caught up in growth that we’re destroying everything else, and ultimately, our system will fail. And it doesn’t matter what any Democrat or Republican might tell you…their focus is in making the corporations of America richer…and that does not work in favor of “We the People.”

Thursday, September 07, 2023

The importance of reviews


You will often hear writers asking, yes, maybe even begging for reviews. I can certainly understand this behavior. The most simple reason why we’re always asking for reviews is because the more reviews a book or story has, the more likely it is that the market will show the product to more readers. This is especially true with Amazon. In order to have much hope of being seen on a main page of Amazon, an author will almost always have to have 10 reviews or more.

Another reason for asking for reviews is because not everyone is going to like a piece that you create. It doesn’t matter if you’re JK Rowling, Robert Sawyer, or even little ol’ me, there will be readers that don’t like your work, and if those are the only readers reviewing your work, you have less chance of reaching more readers.

A good example is my short short story (yes, the two shorts are intentional) “Lost in the Dark.” One reader refers to it as “Extremely implausible,” while another reader refers to it as “Good angst, totally identifiable protagonist. Nice (one more time – short) story.”

Who’s right? Well, both of them actually are…at least in their opinions. So, if only the first review was posted, people would be less likely to want to read the story, so reviews are good so that people can see all possible sides of a story.

So, in short, review an author’s work. They’ve put a lot of effort into whatever you’re reading, and they deserve at least a few words of praise. And, oh yeah, definitely make sure you review my work if you’ve liked it! I can genuinely tell you that I will be highly appreciative of your effort on my behalf!

Saturday, September 02, 2023

A new Smashwords Sale


For the rest of this month, I’ve listed all of my novels and short story collections at 30% off through Smashwords. So, if you like science fiction, especially science fiction that doesn’t give you what you might expect, then I think you should check this sale out. You can find it at

In addition to the novels and collections, I’ve also listed some of my individual short stories for free. All I ask in payment is that if you like one of the stories that you read for free, please review it. Reviews are what really makes a writer’s career, so I would greatly appreciate it. I’ve tried to list a variety of stories for free, so you can get a taste for my wide array of writing styles…and bizarre interests…

The Rocks on the Other Side Book of Characters


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

Whether you’re looking for characters to use in an adventure, or non-player characters to help or challenge your characters, this book gives you 50 characters that you can quickly insert into any Rocks on the Other Side adventure. This book focuses more on lower level characters, as the game is still young, but there are still plenty of higher level characters featured towards the end of the book.

Due to the format of this book, it is only available as a paperback from Amazon or a PDF from DriveThruRPG.

Order from Amazon:

Order from DriveThruRPG:

Friday, September 01, 2023

Would you like to download all of our zines?


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

As part of NDP Fiction month, we’ve made a very special bundle available through DriveThruFiction. You can download every zine that we’ve ever published for just $12. That’s every copy of The Martian Wave, The Fifth Di…, Spaceports & Spidersilk, Mundanities, and Ecotastrophe that Nomadic Delirium Published. All totaled, that’s 60 individual magazines for 20 cents a piece. Surely you have $12 laying around that will give you enough material to read on these very hot days.

Order today at


August's Bestseller


It looks like people wanted to game last month. My bestseller for August was The Ephemeris Encyclopedia Galactica. A very nice addition to any Ephemeris game that you might be playing.

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Order from DriveThruRPG:

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Fiction Month at NDP


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:
September is fiction month here at Nomadic Delirium Press, and for you, our beloved readers, this means that you can save 30% all month on novels, short story collections, and anthologies...and believe us, we have a lot of these for you to browse.

Start shopping today at Smashwords: or at DriveThruFiction:

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Grumbles from the Grave


Last month, I posted about Yours, Isaac Asimov, a collection of letters from one of my biggest influences. I loved to read correspondence from people I admired, even though I am definitely not a letter writer myself, although it makes me kind of wish I was...

Today, I'm posting about another letter collection. This one from another huge influence, Robert A. Heinlein. I loved reading Heinlein as a kid, and even if I thought some of his later stuff got a little strange, when I found out there was a collection of his letters, I had to get it. And that was how I found Grumbles from the Grave. Although the organization of the book can be a bit jarring, you get a look at what he thought being a writer meant, as well as many of his personal views (not all of which I agree with, but then we shouldn't all agree anyway.) He also gives a look at his relationship with his agent...those you'll just have to read for yourself to see exactly how he felt.

If you're a Heinlein fan, and you enjoy reading letter collections, this one is a must have. Order today from Amazon at

Saturday, August 26, 2023

A project I haven't mentioned

As always, I have numerous projects going on...short stories, a novel, RPG supplements, yeah, just my typical workload, but one project that I haven't mentioned is that I'm currently working on rewriting James Baker's novel Goatherds and Gods.

For those of you unfamiliar with the name James Baker, let me give you the backstory. Jim, as I knew him, was one of the pioneers of the science fiction and fantasy small presses. He helped to launch the careers of many small press writers, myself included, and a few of his early authors have also gone on to bigger things in the large press. Jim ran a small press publishing company, ProMart Publishing, out of his apartment in California. His early publications were, about what you'd expect from an older gentleman working at Taco Bell, they were photocopied and comb bound magazines. And, yes, sometimes you'd even find a page that the copier hadn't fed properly. Although the magazines weren't the glossy zines you saw from the major publishers at the time, or even that you see from the small press publishers now, there was a high quality of work in those magazines.

Some of the names of those magazines...Star*Anthology, Just Because, The Fifth Di..., and The Martian Wave. Yes, anyone that has followed my career probably knows that I continued to edit those last two magazines up until a few years ago. And even now, those magazines are still alive at Hiraeth Publishing. I can't think of any other zines from that time that are still around today. And why are they still alive? Because of Jim.

He kept a stable of authors, poets, and artists around to him that in many ways he took care of and nurtured, and even though Jim could be cantankerous (his word for himself), he took care of those that worked for him. Through emails and phone calls, Jim would help authors nurture their stories. I always thought of it as a small press version of what John Campbell created during the Gold Era of science fiction. Jim referred to us as his ProMartins.

When Jim passed away in 2002, I became the steward of his work. His novel The Poet, was released by Nomadic Delirium Press, and I put together a collection of his short stories, poems and essays that I titled Just Because, in honor of one of those old magazines. His second novel, Goatherds and Gods was never re-released however. I always loved this book, but I didn't want to release it in the format that it was in. As Jim liked to say, he loved to write, but he hated to rewrite, and the book clearly showed that. It also showed that I had a lot to learn about editing...

So, the book has sat waiting, and now, I've finally decided that it's time to rework the book. Jim was good about having talking heads in his stories...lots of dialogue with no attribution, and he also had a tendency to drop large amounts of information...telling, rather than showing. The story is amazing, and I really want to share it with people, so, this is my task now. I'm rewriting the book, and hopefully making it relevant to readers 20 years later. It will still be very much Jim's voice, but hopefully it will be easier to follow and understand. I owe it to the man to make it the best book that I possibly can.

If you'd like to get a taste of Jim's work, please check out Just Because. It gives a great taste of who he was, and it also features some notes from those of us that knew him. I will warn you that much of the work is raw, as some of it was just drafts that I had on file.

And if you read the last story, "Doppleganger," which could have been a third novel for him, you might get an idea of what I might be rewriting in the future...

Order Just Because from Amazon:


Thursday, August 24, 2023

Last week of our RPG sale


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

This is the last week of our RPG sale at DriveThruRPG and Smashwords. So, this is your last chance to save 50% off of all of our RPG titles. This includes core rulebooks, adventures, and it's now time for you to stock up on everything you need for those gaming nights!

Shop DriveThruRPG:

Shop Smashwords:


Saturday, August 19, 2023

Marionettes on the Moon is the Deal of the Day


For the next 24 hours, you can pick up the re-release of my collection Marionettes on the Moon for just $2.

Do Humans control their destiny, or are they merely victims of the circumstances that surround them?

A collection of short stories from prize winning SF author J Alan Erwine examines whether we have freedom of choice, or are merely puppets on strings subject to the whims of the universe.

This newly reworked version of Marionettes on the Moon features the original 13 short stories, plus two recent releases.

Order from DriveThruFiction:

Friday, August 18, 2023

Marionettes on the Moon revisited


Do Humans control their destiny, or are they merely victims of the circumstances that surround them?

A collection of short stories from prize winning SF author J Alan Erwine examines whether we have freedom of choice, or are merely puppets on strings subject to the whims of the universe.

This newly reworked version of Marionettes on the Moon features the original 13 short stories, plus two recent releases.

Order from Amazon:

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Order from DriveThruFiction:

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Danger on the Spectrum


So, people think all I do now is write stories for the Solar Federation collection and Divided States of America series? Oh, so not true. Now you can check out my latest stand-alone story "Danger on the Spectrum."

Richard doesn’t see the world like most people, and for the most part, he’d like to avoid people as much as he can, but once he reaches Foster’s Planet, he finds that even with a small population, he has to interact with people more than he’d like…and he also finds that the thing that makes him so different from everyone else might be the only thing that can save everyone on the planet…

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Tales of Space Exploration and Discovery revisited


For decades, J Alan Erwine has been writing stories about space exploration and all of those stories are gathered into one massive tome. Travel the far reaches of space, or explore the solar system with him. Some of the stories are dark, some are optimistic, but all of them are uniquely his.
This collection also features the first four stories in Erwine's Solar Federation Series.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

A Problem in Translation revisited


Humanity's first contact with an alien species, the Lemec, is complicated by the fact that the aliens don't use an entirely verbal language...not only that, but the other aliens in their "domain" seem to worship the Lemec as some type of gods, and as they seem to anticipate every move that Captain Shiro Takahashi and his crew make, humanity begins to think that maybe the other aliens know something that they don't.

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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Red Moon Rising revisited


Erik Singer is an environmental warrior overwhelmed by the battle before him. When he loses his brother, his vision starts to become focused, but he can’t overcome the overwhelming grief of the loss. But then a Native America activist named Charlie Chases Crows comes into his life, and Erik has no idea what that single event will do to his life.Troubled by wild dreams of his brother and bizarre Native American imagery, Erik suddenly finds himself on a quest to take down the corporation that he feels killed his brother, and ultimately change the world for the better…but can he fight the powers of corporate America?

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Monday, August 14, 2023

The Opium of the People revisited


The U.S. government has been overthrown! After a near-miss of a giant comet, the American people fall under the control of a radical right-wing fundamentalist Christian government, ruled by the Grand Patriarchs, that slowly strips away their freedoms and establishes a rule of law that even Hitler couldn’t have dreamed up. Forced into virtual seclusion, Edward Silverberg, a former professor, finds himself on a path that will lead to either his destruction, or the destruction of the Grand Patriarchs…or maybe both.

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Sunday, August 13, 2023

Lowering One's Self Before Fate revisited


More than 20 years ago, ProMart Publishing released prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine’s first short story collection. Now as Erwine establishes himself as an indie author, read that collection in a new and improved format. Journey back and see where Erwine’s warped view of the universe started.

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Saturday, August 12, 2023

Manic Musings of a Maniacal Mind revisited


For more than two decades, editors have been publishing the works of J Alan Erwine, exposing you, the reader, to the dark recesses of the author’s mind. Now, all of those stories have been combined together into one massive tome.
Get a glimpse into Erwine’s grim view of the future, and explore the universe from his slightly off-kilter point of view.
Visit the planets, the stars, the scary places in the human mind, but make sure you’re wearing a seatbelt, because you never know where Erwine might take you next…

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Friday, August 11, 2023

Don't forget RPG month


August is RPG month at Nomadic Delirium Press, and this is your opportunity to save 50% off of all of our RPG titles. This includes core rulebooks and supplements. So, if you’re looking for a new game, or if you’re looking to stock up on one of our games that you’re already playing, now’s the time.

This sale includes all of our titles for Rocks on the Other Side, The Battle for Turtle Island, and Ephemeris.

Order today from DriveThruRPG at or from Smashwords at

Tales of Twisted Realities revisited


Science fiction author J Alan Erwine has always had a twisted view of reality, and now he’s chosen to share that twisted view with his readers.
This collections features stories about an astronaut who has suffered brain damage and can no longer distinguish between the realities in his mind and the realities of the world…a man obsessed with the concept of entropy and what it might be doing to our universe…the last man on Earth trying to cope with his dilemma, but is he really the very last man on Earth…a pothead netrunner who can’t decide what’s more important to him, his pot, or his work…a soldier who is slowly going crazy and is sent to a computer therapist, but which one of them is actually crazy…and parents who hear their child begging to die, and are then shocked when the devil shows up to grant the child his wish.
These six stories will have you questioning what reality is, and what we can possibly do with it.

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Thursday, August 10, 2023

Tales of Dystopia revisited


J Alan Erwine’s Tales of Dystopia brings you six bleak futures that hopefully will never be possible. Are the stories dire predictions, or warnings of futures possible? It’s the author’s sincere hope that none of these stories will be taken as a blueprint for the future, but with the way the world seems to be going…he can’t be too sure…

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Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Tales of Interstellar Space revisited


Welcome to fifteen stories from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine. Be prepared to explore a variety of locals throughout interstellar space. You’ll find wars, exploration, aliens, humans struggling to survive…and sometimes failing, and sometimes succeeding…but more than anything, you’ll find yourself questioning what’s possible…

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Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Tales of the Solar Sytstem revisited


Seven stories from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine that look at possible futures for our species throughout the solar system.
Some stories are optimistic, most see us carrying our Earth-bound limitations into the future and out to the planets.
These may be cautionary tales, but no matter what, they’ll leave you feeling that humanity does indeed have a future of exploring our solar system…if we can learn to survive on Earth.

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Monday, August 07, 2023

Tales of the Earth and Moon revisited


Seven stories from award winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine that explore the future of both the Earth and the Moon.
Stranded astronauts, intelligent dolphins being used by the government, a soldier struggling with orders he knows he shouldn’t have followed, lovers waiting for the end of the world, politics even dirtier than what we’re seeing in the modern world (maybe), a man resurrected because he wanted to see the future, but now feeling very much alone, and manipulation on the moon.
These are the stories that are waiting for you in this collection.

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Sunday, August 06, 2023

Tales of Mars revisited


Three stories from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine that are set on the planet Mars.
A soldier set on crushing a rebellion begins to question his own loyalties once he’s captured by the “enemy.”
One woman fights to save microbial life in Valles Marineris.
And a young woman forced into a bad life because of her race suddenly finds herself to have abilities she never could have expected…abilities that might just be able to save her people.

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Saturday, August 05, 2023

Seedlings on the Solar Winds revisited


America as a fascist state, soldiers driven to terrorism, insane computers, insane humans, insane aliens, these are just some of the things waiting for readers in the pages of this new collection from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine.
Seedlings on the Solar Winds contains sixteen stories that will have readers questioning what reality really is, and wondering what the future of humanity might be.

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Friday, August 04, 2023

Stuck at the Edge


I know many readers have been wondering what happened to Captain Jamieson and the crew of the SFS Lincoln after the end of "Mission Unknown," well, now you can find out as their story continues in "Stuck at the Edge."

Captain Jamieson and the crew of the SFS Lincoln have been sentenced to patrol duty in the Kuiper Belt after failing a mission that they had no chance of succeeding at. Now, as morale plunges on the ship, the young Ensign Al-Afadil makes a discovery that won’t only change the fortunes of the crew, but will forever change everything humanity knows about itself.

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Have you had your third Taste of the Madness?


For a very limited time, my short story collection, A Taste of the Madness Vol. 3 is available to Kindle Unlimited members for free at

Check out six of my stories that cover a wide array of my writing styles, but like I said, this one is only available for a very brief period of time, and then like Volumes 1 & 2, it will disappear forever...

Thursday, August 03, 2023

July's Bestseller


For July, it looks like people wanted a little variety in their favorite title...a book that can change each time you read it...

July's Bestseller was One More Good Trade

Your name is Anthony Jones. You’re a Human free Trader. Your ship is called The Longest Night, and you have two crewmates, Tora-no, a four-armed Althani Soldier and Creeoona, a Tulmath Cyber Wizard. Three adventures lie open to you, which one will you pick, and what will happen along the way? You get to decide what happens in this story, as you pick your way through various plot twists.

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Order from DriveThruFiction:

RPG Month


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

August is RPG month at Nomadic Delirium Press, and this is your opportunity to save 50% off of all of our RPG titles. This includes core rulebooks and supplements. So, if you're looking for a new game, or if you're looking to stock up on one of our games that you're already playing, now's the time.

This sale includes all of our titles for Rocks on the Other Side, The Battle for Turtle Island, and Ephemeris.

Order today from DriveThruRPG at or from Smashwords at

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Yours, Isaac Asimov


Many people feel that you can get to know an author by reading their fiction, and this is most certainly true, but reading memoirs or letters that the author wrote is also a great way to get to know the author...maybe an even better way, as you're seeing them for themselves, rather than the fiction that they're creating. Contrary to popular belief, not every character in a story is some part of the author's psyche, and not every story is the author trying to get their point across about something that they believe in. Sometimes we write stories or create characters because those are the stories or characters that come to us.

Anyone that has read my work has to know that Isaac Asimov was a huge influence on me...probably the biggest influence, especially in my earlier work. One reviewer once made a comment that my work was reminiscent of the classics without the scientific clunkiness that their work now seems to have. So, when I had a chance to pick up this book and read letters that were actually written by Asimov himself, I had to jump at the chance, and I was not disappointed.

These letters will give you insight into the man as an author, teacher, family man, and so much more. Edited by his brother, the collection really gives you a look at the man behind the stories. If you're any kind of Asimov fan, you have to pick this book up.

Order from Amazon at

Friday, July 28, 2023

Marionettes on the Moon, and other stories


As I continue my transformation to a self-published author, I've now republished one of my first short story collections, Marionettes on the Moon, and other stories. I've included the original 13 stories in the collection, with a few changes, but I've added two more stories to the collection. You also get "It's in the Water" from the Divided States of America series and "Mission Unknown" from my Solar Federation series, both of which certainly qualify for the theme of this collection...

The Back Cover Blurb: Do Humans control their destiny, or are they merely victims of the circumstances that surround them?

A collection of short stories from prize winning SF author J Alan Erwine examines whether we have freedom of choice, or are merely puppets on strings subject to the whims of the universe.

This newly reworked version of Marionettes on the Moon features the original 13 short stories, plus two recent releases.

Order from Amazon:

Order from Smashwords:

Order from DriveThruFiction:

Thursday, July 27, 2023

A Taste of the Madness Vol. 3


The third volume is here!
A collection of six previously published short stories, that are available only for a limited time. Travel to distant planets and travel to different mad visions that prize-winning sf author J Alan Erwine has come up with, but beware, you can never be sure where his weird mind might take you.
Again, this collection is only available for a very limited time...and it's free for Kindle Unlimited members.

Order today at


The Rocks on the Other Side Book of Beasts


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

The core rulebook for the Rocks on the Other Side RPG introduced you to a few beasts that you could use in your game. The Rocks on the Other Side Book of Beasts gives you nearly 70 beasts that you can use in your game.

Included in this book are the beasts from the original rules, plus many many more. You now have all kinds of mutated animals, plants, and monsters that you can challenge your players with.

Sentient molds, undead, giant cockroaches, mutated ants, twisted trees, intellifungus…these are just some of the challenges for your players. Open the book, and find all kinds of ways to terrify their characters.

Order from DriveThruRPG:

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Order from Smashwords:

Thursday, July 20, 2023

X-mas in July at DriveThruFiction


The time has come for DriveThruFiction's annual X-mas in July sale. This is your chance to save up to 25% off of a wide variety of titles, and this includes many of my titles. You can download novels, short story collections, and even individual short stories. What a deal!!! A short story for just 74 cents! Head over to and start downloading today.


Sunday, July 16, 2023

One More Good Trade is the Deal of the Day


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

For the next 24 hours, you can download One More Good Trade from DriveThruFiction for 50% off. That means you can get the book for just $1.50, and this is a book that you can read over and over again because you can choose different paths for your character each time you read it! Download it today at

Your name is Anthony Jones. You’re a Human free Trader. Your ship is called The Longest Night, and you have two crewmates, Tora-no, a four-armed Althani Soldier and Creeoona, a Tulmath Cyber Wizard. Three adventures lie open to you, which one will you pick, and what will happen along the way? You get to decide what happens in this story, as you pick your way through various plot twists.


Friday, July 14, 2023

The Smashwords sale is still running


While you're looking for deals on science fiction to read, please keep in mind that the Smashwords Summer/Winter sale is still running, which means you can download my short story collections and novels for 50% off. The sale only runs through the end of July, so make sure you take advantage of this great offer soon. Download today at


You're almost out of time to get your second Taste of Madness


Time definitely flies, and your time is almost up if you want to download A Taste of the Madness Vol. 2. This collection will only be available for a couple more weeks, and then it will be gone forever...and remember, if you're a Kindle Unlimited member, the download is FREE!

Go get your taste today at 


Thursday, July 13, 2023

Divided States of America sale


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

Is America doomed? Will we eventually fall into a group of individual nations, instead of being one united nation? This is the idea behind the Divided States of America. Created by longtime Nomadic Delirium Press editor J Alan Erwine, many different writers have decided to play in this "universe," and now, for a limited time, those stories are available from DriveThruFiction at 33% off. Head to and you can start downloading individual titles or the first collection.

Can America be saved?


Future Syndicate II is the Deal of the Day


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog: 

Today is your chance to download Future Syndicate II for just $1.50 at

Many would like to think that as our species evolves, crime will disappear, but most know this is not true. Crime has always been with us, and it always will. Future Syndicate II features stories told from the point of view of the criminals, sometimes bad people, sometimes people forced to make bad decisions, but always, in the eyes of society, criminals.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Tales of Interstellar Space is the Deal of the Day


For the next 24 hours you can download my Tales of Interstellar Space for just $2. That's half off the usual $3.99 cover price.

Welcome to fifteen stories from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine. Be prepared to explore a variety of locals throughout interstellar space. You’ll find wars, exploration, aliens, humans struggling to survive…and sometimes failing, and sometimes succeeding…but more than anything, you’ll find yourself questioning what’s possible…

Order from DriveThruFiction at


Saturday, July 08, 2023

World Building


A few weeks ago, I posted about a book called Aliens and Alien Societies. Another book in that series is World Building by Stephen L. Gillett, who is both a science fiction author and an essayist who has had numerous works published, including being a major contributor to Analog.

This book has everything a writer needs to create a well-balanced and believable science fiction world. In addition to going into detail about what it takes to create a believable world, it also gives you the equations you need to properly figure out everything you can about your world. And while some might think this isn't important, the simple fact is that if you're writing science fiction, you have to get the science right, and this includes the math. And, let's face it, science fiction readers love to catch authors in science mistakes...don't be one of those authors!

This book was a huge asset to me when I was writing A Problem in Translation. Several times when the Astrid enters a new system, a string of numbers about the star and the planets are listed off by one of the crew. I painfully worked out all of these details with this book right next to me to make sure that everything would be accurate. This, I think, gives the book more authenticity.

Check out the book at

And while we're talking about A Problem in Translation, grab it as well at

I've updated my Wordpress site

In an effort to make it easier for everyone to find my current books in print, I've added "pages" to my Wordpress site. They appear in the header above the blog posts. This will allow my avid readers, and I know there are oh, so many of you out there, to find my books without having to scroll through the blogs.

Hope this helps. Head to and check it out...and make sure you follow the links and buy something...and then review it...


Friday, July 07, 2023

June Bestseller


My best selling title for the month of June was my collection of all three of my novels, A Trio of Wonder.

For the first time in one collection, all three of prize-winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine's novels appear together. The Opium of the People tells the story of what happens to one man in America when the radical Christian right seizes control of the government. Red Moon Rising brings you the story of one young man's struggles to save the environment and take down the company that he blames for his brother's death. A Problem in Translation tells the story of humanity's first contact with aliens...aliens that are difficult to understand, and that seem to demand an almost godlike reverence from all of the other aliens that the humans meet.

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50% off at Smashwords


Smashwords is currently having their Summer/Winter sale, and you can save 50% off of all of my short story collections and novels. The sale lasts through July, so head over there, and be sure to share the link!

Thursday, July 06, 2023

McConnelsville: The Village at the Crossroads


McConnelsville, Ohio was a sleepy little village that most of Ohio had forgotten before the war, but now it has become a center of trade, and a growing political power in the world that’s rebuilding after the war.

Your characters are headed there. Are you going to try to take things over for yourself, or are you going to try to join up with Victor Edmundson and use the little town as your base of operations?

This Rocks on the Other Side RPG adventure is designed for a group of characters between 8th and 12th level.

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Rocks on the Other Side sale


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

World War III has destroyed much of the world, and what's left is forever changed. Your characters are survivors of the war, and now they must try to survive in a world filled with radiation, mutant animals, mutant plants, and mutant people. Do you try to restore the world, or do you try to take whatever you can? The choice is yours...

Now is your chance to start playing Rocks on the Other Side, with all of the titles available for 33% off.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Rainbow's House of Herbs: A Rocks on the Other Side RPG Supplement


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

How are you doing, man? No, I mean how are you really doing? Like the real you, man?

My name’s Rainbow, and this is my House of Herbs. Just by looking at your aura, I can tell that you’re in need of some of what I sell. You name it, I have it. Pick me ups, strength boosts, aura enhancements, stuff to treat radiation, yeah, I have it all. So, hey man, please feel free to look around, but I have to ask that you don’t touch anything.

I know it’s a real bummer and all, and I know it’s not like peace and love and everything, but I’ve got a pistol and I’ll have to shoot you if you try to steal anything.

Yeah, sorry dude. I know it’s a real downer, but that’s how it has to be.

Welcome to Rainbow’s House of Herbs, a supplement for the Rocks on the Other Side RPG. Here you will find all kinds of herbs that can give your character a short term boost that they might need. You can enhance attributes, health, even help fight off radioactive contamination. All of this from some tiny little plants.

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Thursday, June 22, 2023

Disharmony of the Spheres is the Deal of the Day


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

Today's deal of the day at DriveThruRPG is Disharmony of the Spheres. You can download it today for just $2.00 at

Mental illness is very common in our society, but it’s also very misunderstood. Many view those with mental illnesses as being weak, but there is a great deal of strength in those that must battle their own minds on a regular basis.

Disharmony of the Spheres focuses on characters with mental illnesses that are still able to be successful. They may not completely overcome their illnesses, but they are able to beat them back and succeed.

In this volume, you will find the fiction of Ian Brazee Cannon, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, MH Bonham, David Lee Summers, Nicole Givens Kurtz, Kate Runnels, Michael Morgan, L.J. Bonham, Carol Hightshoe, Francis W. Alexander, and Terrie Leigh Relf.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The sequel is in progress

For many years now, people have been asking me to write a sequel to my first contact novel A Problem in Translation. Well, I started working on the new novel today. So, in a year or two, all of you will get your wish, and you'll be able to find out what happens to now Ambassador Shiro Takahashi, the crew of the Astrid, everyone's favorite alien from the book, Grisan, and they pesky and annoying Lemec. Hopefully I'll surprise you with where this one ends up going...

In the meantime, if you haven't read the first book, please feel free to grab a copy at any of the following:





A surprise in your e-mail every month?

 Everyone likes the surprise of a blind pack, or the surprise of the mystery boxes where you don't know what science fiction item, or Harry Potter trinkets, or whatever you might be getting that month, right? Well, what about a surprise e-book in your mail box every month?

That's right, for just $2 a month, you can get a random e-book delivered from me every month. This could be a novel, an RPG, a short story collection, or even an anthology I've edited. Sounds like a great deal, right? So head over to and start your subscription today.