Sunday, February 27, 2022

Do you like plays?


If you do like plays, then I invite you to read my one-act play Climbing the Hill with Sisyphus. This is not a genre piece, but rather a mainstream piece that I wrote when I was in college. I always liked the play, and I would love to see it performed at some point.

Eric is a teen with troubles, the biggest of which is his alcoholic father. This one-act play uses a split-stage, showing Eric talking to his therapist on one side of the stage, while we get to see flashbacks to the last couple of troubled years on the other side of the stage. 

Order from Smashwords:

Order from Amazon: 


Saturday, February 26, 2022

A bestseller at DriveThruFiction

As I type this, my Tales of Space Exploration and Discovery is currently ranked as the #13 bestseller at DriveThruFiction. Can we push it higher?

Buy it today at


Friday, February 25, 2022

My Tales of Space Exploration and Discovery now in wide release


I originally released my Tales of Space Exploration and Discovery exclusively through Amazon, but now the e-book version is available from a wide variety of booksellers.

Order from Smashwords:

Order from Amazon:

Order from DriveThruFiction: 

More sellers will be carrying it in the days to come.

The paperback and hardcover versions are still available from Amazon.


The Ephemeris Character Class Compendium

 From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

Over the years, we’ve released individual supplements for each of the character classes in Ephemeris. Now we’ve combined all of those supplements into one book, which is available from all of the usual sources.

 Order from DriveThruRPG:

Order from Amazon:

Order from Smashwords: 


Friday, February 18, 2022

Book of the Month reminder


Just a reminder, my collection, J Alan Erwine's Tales of the Earth and Moon is my book of the month for February. You can download the collection for just $1.50 from Smashwords at

Seven stories from award winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine that explore the future of both the Earth and the Moon.
Stranded astronauts, intelligent dolphins being used by the government, a soldier struggling with orders he knows he shouldn’t have followed, lovers waiting for the end of the world, politics even dirtier than what we’re seeing in the modern world (maybe), a man resurrected because he wanted to see the future, but now feeling very much alone, and manipulation on the moon.
These are the stories that are waiting for you in this collection. 



 I've been away for a bit, as the whole family contracted COVID. The youngest came home on Friday the 28th not feeling good. By Sunday, Rebecca was feeling really bad, so on Monday the 31st, she had herself tested. We got the results the next day that she was positive, so we all went into quarantine.

I never got really sick. I felt like I had a head cold, but I had a fever that I just couldn't break and I felt exhausted all the time. Rebecca got quite sick, and there were a few times I thought she might need to be hospitalized. The kids were sick, but never really bad. I returned to work last Saturday and Rebecca returned today. We're both still feeling the effects. Once I start moving too much at work, I feel like I'm going to drop, so I guess it's a long recovery process.

I have returned, so you can expect me to start annoying you about sales and everything else very soon.

Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Book of the Month


For the entire month of February, you can download my Tales of the Earth and Moon for just $1.50 (usually it sells for $2.99) from Smashwords.

Seven stories from award winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine that explore the future of both the Earth and the Moon.
Stranded astronauts, intelligent dolphins being used by the government, a soldier struggling with orders he knows he shouldn’t have followed, lovers waiting for the end of the world, politics even dirtier than what we’re seeing in the modern world (maybe), a man resurrected because he wanted to see the future, but now feeling very much alone, and manipulation on the moon.
These are the stories that are waiting for you in this collection. 

Download it today at