Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Divided States of America Role Playing Game is here

No one can say with any reasonable certainty when the United States of America began to fall apart. Many point to the presidential election of 2016, but most believe the breakup started long before this. Now, in the year 2110, the former United States is made up of fourteen nation-states and The Wastelands. Some of the nation-states have prospered under self-rule, while others have declined. Some nation-states are very accepting of outsiders, while others trust no one…sometimes not even their fellow citizens. There is chaos in some places, and order in others…sometimes too much order.

The first state to break away from the USA was, not unexpectedly, Texas, and from there, things continued to spiral out of control as the national government tried to hold on to control that the state governments wanted back, and eventually, the federal government was no longer able to control the states, and the break-up came about.

Some of the nation-states kept the name “America” in their new names. Some did this as a tribute to where they had come from, while others did it to remind their citizens of what they were breaking away from. Others adopted new names, or took on names that were given to them.

Borders in some areas are heavily patrolled, even walled in places, while other borders have no protection at all…mostly it depends on the views of the new government and its citizens, even though sometimes those two groups still don’t agree. Let’s face it, greed and independence are bred into the human race, and even allying with others that have similar viewpoints does not necessarily mean that they will always get along.

As a game, players create characters with seven attributes that are used to enhance a variety of skills. As the characters advance, they gain experience, which can be put towards their skills, their health, or banked to allow the player to raise their character’s attributes.

Order from DriveThruRPG:

Order from Amazon:

Order from another retailer:

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Bestseller for January 2025

Once again, the new game continues its big run!

Check it out at:



Other retailers:

Humanity has finally made it to the stars, and they’ve found they’re not alone. They are one of twenty species making their way around the galaxy. Some of the species they’ve met are friendly, while some are quite hostile, and others are just plain indifferent. The galaxy is full of warfare, trade, and unexplored star systems. This is the galaxy of Ephemeris 2.0.
The game features thirteen different character classes and twenty different species. You can play a Clipsie Cyber Wizard, a Human Pirate, or maybe a Taurin Nanist. Build your characters up with goods, cybernetic implants, genetic modifications, and special abilities that are unique to each class.
The universe of Ephemeris 2.0 is yours to explore, and yours to build. The new version of the game is a d20 version, and the rules are less convoluted, and more player friendly than the previous version.
Now, step into the greatest science fiction adventure that you’ve ever been on!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

50% off at Ko-fi

I have a few of my titles listed at Ko-fi as PDFs, and you can download them for 50% off by going to, or you can go to and use the code 50OFF at checkout.

Friday, January 24, 2025

A short story collection bundle

All of my independently published short story collections are now available in one bundle for just $12 at

Even though it doesn't feature my collections that are available from traditional publishers, it does feature almost all of my 70 published short stories. And just as a disclaimer, some stories do appear in multiple titles.

Another RPG sale

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

As we prepare for the release of our new RPG, The Divided States of America, we’ve put all of our RPG titles on sale for 75% off at DriveThruRPG:

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A Divided States of America collection

I've put all of my Divided States of America stories from Nomadic Delirium Press together in one collection.



Other vendors:

No one can say with any reasonable certainty when the United States of America began to fall apart. Many point to the presidential election of 2016, but most believe the breakup started long before this. Now, in the year 2110, the former United States is made up of 13 nation-states and The Wastelands. Some of the nation-states have prospered under self-rule, while others have declined. Some nation-states are very accepting of outsiders, while others trust no one…sometimes not even their fellow citizens. There is chaos in some places, and order in others…sometimes too much order.
This was the theme created by Nomadic Delirium Press editor J Alan Erwine. With these ideas in mind, many authors have contributed to this concept, including Erwine, and now for the first time, all of the stories he’s written for The Divided States of America (so far) are gathered together in one collection.

So this will be happening next month

Monday, January 20, 2025

We have a rough draft

I typed the last words of the very rough draft of my new novel today. This one is definitely going to take a lot of work to fix. It's shorter than I wanted, which isn't a surprise. I don't include much description in my rough drafts (yeah, I know there's not much in my final drafts either), but that will lengthen it, and I will have to add several scenes to make sense of some of the things I wrote as I was going.

With my main character being a teenager, I'm debating whether to market this one as mainstream SF or YA SF, but I guess I have time to figure that out, as it will be at least three more drafts before I'm least.

And I still need a damn title!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Progress on the far

My new novel has now reached 40,000 words, so I thought I'd give an update on the progress. This book has taken me on so many unexpected twists and turns that it's going to take a great deal of revision. There are entire scenes, and possibly even entire chapters that will have to be created during my first revisions...of course I have to finish the book first.

There are parts of this book that I love, and there are parts of this book that I hate. The biggest difference from my past novels is that this one is told entirely from one character's POV, a teenage girl. That alone has created numerous challenges, but it has been fun.

I'm looking forward to finishing the first draft soon, but there will be more revisions on this one than what is typical for my work, as it just needs more revisions, but hopefully in a few months, I will have a nice new novel. My fifth, or sixth if you count the one I co-wrote.

Still don't have a title though...

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Ways to help

There are a few different ways that you can help my career, if you're so inclined.

First) This one is quite my books. If you've read something of mine that you liked, you'll probably like others. If you haven't read my stuff, I bet there's something there you'd like. Check everything out at

Two) Reviews!!! These are so important to writers, and not just for their egos. It helps their book get noticed, and it boosts the chances of it being seen on book seller websites. So, if you've liked something of mine that you've read, please review it.

Three) Feel free to donate to my ko-fi to keep me at my desk.


Monday, January 06, 2025


In my WIPS post yesterday, I mentioned that I was starting work on a new RPG, and that I'd talk more about it later...well, later is here. After a huge creative outburst yesterday, I can now announce that I'm hard at work on an RPG based on The Divided States of America, a series of stories published by Nomadic Delirium Press.

Not sure when I'll have it done, and although it will have some similarities to the other three RPGs I've created, it will also have some definite differences.

In the meantime, you can check out all of the Divided States of America stories at, and oh yeah, they're 50% off for a limited time.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

New Year, New Game Sale

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

DriveThruRPG is having their annual New Year, New Game sale, which means it's your chance to download a new RPG for cheap! Check it out at

You can download Ephemeris 2.0 for $7.99. Rocks on the Other Side for $5.99, or The Battle for Turtle Island for $1.79.


As the new year starts, I thought I'd give an update on what I'm currently working on. Since my first writing book, Do You Really Want to be a Writer? was Nomadic Delirium Press' second best seller of the year, I'm hard at work on Do You Really Want to be a Science Fiction Writer? About 25% of the way through the 1st draft.

The new novel sits at just over 35,000 words, and I will hopefully be finishing the very rough draft soon. This one has been a battle, but I think I'm happy with the way it will ultimately turn out.

I'm working on two supplements for the new Ephemeris 2.0 RPG, and I've also started work on a brand new RPG that I think will be a departure from the first three I've created. There will be more on this in the near future...I hope.

There are a couple of other things that I'm working on in between these, but these are the titles that I'm sure I'll finish, and that I'm excited about.

Keep an eye on this blog and my homepage at for more.


Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Divided States of America sale

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

Political bitterness continues to plague the United States. Will this eventually lead to The Divided States of America?

All of our Divided States of America stories, and the first collection, are on sale for 50% off for a limited time at DriveThruFiction:

Bestseller for December 2024

The bestseller for December 2024, and my bestseller for the entire year was Ephemeris 2.0

Check it out at:



Other retailers:

Humanity has finally made it to the stars, and they’ve found they’re not alone. They are one of twenty species making their way around the galaxy. Some of the species they’ve met are friendly, while some are quite hostile, and others are just plain indifferent. The galaxy is full of warfare, trade, and unexplored star systems. This is the galaxy of Ephemeris 2.0.
The game features thirteen different character classes and twenty different species. You can play a Clipsie Cyber Wizard, a Human Pirate, or maybe a Taurin Nanist. Build your characters up with goods, cybernetic implants, genetic modifications, and special abilities that are unique to each class.
The universe of Ephemeris 2.0 is yours to explore, and yours to build. The new version of the game is a d20 version, and the rules are less convoluted, and more player friendly than the previous version.
Now, step into the greatest science fiction adventure that you’ve ever been on!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Support me at Ko-Fi

 If you enjoy my work, then please feel free to drop by my Ko-Fi page at and show your support. You don't have to donate. I've made several of my titles available for download, and even a few short stories that are available for just 50 cents.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Get both of my screenplays for just $3.50

You can pick up both of the screenplays that I've written so far for just $3.50 from DriveThruFiction at

That means you get The Opium of the People and A Problem in Translation. These are the first two screenplays that I've written, and both are based on my novels.

I'm currently at work on an original screenplay, although it's definitely fighting me...

Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Ephemeris 2.0 Book of 1st Level Characters

Every PC and NPC has to start somewhere, and that’s what this book gives you. Here you’ll find 60 1st level characters that are ready to be played by players or used by the GM to inhabit their game. Each character is already equipped with items and skills. All that’s needed are a name, a gender, and maybe a few more items.

Order from DriveThruRPG:

Paperback coming soon from Amazon and other retailers.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The Abandoned Cargo Ship is here!

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

The Abandoned Cargo Ship, the first adventure for Epehemeris 2.0, is here!



A ship full of cargo, and it’s been abandoned? What a great way to start out a career! The characters learn of an abandoned cargo ship in Rian space, and decide it’s time to salvage the cargo for themselves. It can’t be that dangerous, right? What could go possibly go wrong?
The Abandoned Cargo Ship is an Ephemeris 2.0 adventure for characters of 1st to 4th level.

Monday, December 09, 2024

Not Much Time Left

There's not much time left to download my special holiday collection of stories that aren't holiday stories!!! And remember, if you're a Kindle Unlimited member, it's a free download.

Order today at:

For the 2024 holiday season, I decided to put together a small collection of some of my short stories. None of them are actually holiday themed, since with the way I tend to write, I’d probably end up killing Santa over and over again.
Instead, what you’re holding is a collection of some stories that have been well received over the years, and I’m making this a Kindle Unlimited title, so those of you that are members, you can download it for free.
This year’s edition contains the same eight stories that last year’s edition had, but I’ve also added my stories “Origins” and “Choices.”
So, enjoy a few stories while you’re shopping, wrapping, celebrating, or whatever it is you do over the holidays.

Thursday, December 05, 2024

A book for your to-read list

If you're looking for a new book to add to your wish list, then I would strongly recommend Open Mic Night at the Nexus by Ian Brazee-Cannon.

Ian is possibly one of the most underrated authors in the genre, and definitely deserves more attention.

Pre-order the book today at

For years, Ian Brazee-Cannon has been subjecting his readers to his twisted view of the universe, and now Nomadic Delirium Press has gathered up a mere smattering, just a taste, a mere morsel, of some of those tales.
Journey into Ian’s mind…if you dare, and venture to other times and other places like none you have imagined, but make sure you’re buckled up because you have no idea where his imagination might take you…and we don’t think he really does either…

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

The Abandoned Cargo Ship is available for pre-order

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

The Abandoned Cargo Ship is the first adventure for the Ephemeris 2.0 science fiction RPG, and it's now available for pre-order at

A ship full of cargo, and it’s been abandoned? What a great way to start out a career! The characters learn of an abandoned cargo ship in Rian space, and decide it’s time to salvage the cargo for themselves. It can’t be that dangerous, right? What could go possibly go wrong?
The Abandoned Cargo Ship is an Ephemeris 2.0 adventure for characters of 1st to 4th level.

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

We Are Not All Right

If you're looking for a great collection of science fiction short stories, look no further than We Are Not All Right by Mike Morgan. 10 wonderful stories that will definitely keep you entertained.

Order today at

Journey through 10 short stories of chaos, conflict, and confusion. In these worlds, giant spiders control household pests, stealth bombers reengineer the atmosphere, and foul horrors lurk beneath mind-altering trees.
You’ll be fine as long as you remember a few golden rules: Beware sales contracts offered by friendly environmental saviors, don’t ask what it took to build a towering wall along Texas’s southern border, and—whatever you do—don’t ask aliens whether they believe in God.
Chances are you’ll be fine. The gladiatrixes are highly unlikely to stab you (they haven’t killed anyone in forever), the trolls are only wiping out one major city today, and the nameless abomination inside that mountain-sized tomb is guaranteed to stay asleep (unless you insist on letting off a bunch of explosives).
Even if things go completely wrong, you can rest easy in the knowledge that an eternal spirit of compassion is ready and waiting to give you comfort… as your species dies out.
We’re all… all right… Aren’t we?

Sunday, December 01, 2024

The Black Friday sale is still running

My Black Friday sale is still running at DriveThruFiction. You can save 75% off of my novels, screenplays, short story collections, and individual short stories.

Start downloading at:

Bestseller for November 2024

The bestseller for November 2024, and the biggest seller I've ever had in one month is the new Ephemeris 2.0 RPG.

Check it out at:



Other retailers:

Humanity has finally made it to the stars, and they’ve found they’re not alone. They are one of twenty species making their way around the galaxy. Some of the species they’ve met are friendly, while some are quite hostile, and others are just plain indifferent. The galaxy is full of warfare, trade, and unexplored star systems. This is the galaxy of Ephemeris 2.0.
The game features thirteen different character classes and twenty different species. You can play a Clipsie Cyber Wizard, a Human Pirate, or maybe a Taurin Nanist. Build your characters up with goods, cybernetic implants, genetic modifications, and special abilities that are unique to each class.
The universe of Ephemeris 2.0 is yours to explore, and yours to build. The new version of the game is a d20 version, and the rules are less convoluted, and more player friendly than the previous version.
Now, step into the greatest science fiction adventure that you’ve ever been on!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The Ephemeris Creature Comendium is here!

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

The Ephemeris Creature Compendium is now available for Ephemeris 2.0.

Order from DriveThruRPG:

Order from Amazon:

Order from other vendors:

Every game needs creatures to challenge the characters, and Ephemeris 2.0 is no different. Step inside this tome and learn about new species that are on the edge of space travel, other creatures that can threaten the characters on a variety of worlds, and learn about creatures that live amongst the stars…and even creatures that live in hyperspace.
Discover the celestial wyrm, the mosicans, asteroid mites, and so much more!

Monday, November 25, 2024

Black Friday sale

My Black Friday sale has begun at DriveThruFiction. For a limited time, you can save 75% off of my novels, collections, and even individual short stories. Head over to and start downloading today.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Don't forget about my special holiday collection

My special collection of stories for the holidays (not holiday stories) is still available from Amazon, and if you're an Amazon Unlimited member, you can download it for free.

Download today at

For the 2024 holiday season, I decided to put together a small collection of some of my short stories. None of them are actually holiday themed, since with the way I tend to write, I’d probably end up killing Santa over and over again.
Instead, what you’re holding is a collection of some stories that have been well received over the years, and I’m making this a Kindle Unlimited title, so those of you that are members, you can download it for free.
This year’s edition contains the same eight stories that last year’s edition had, but I’ve also added my stories “Origins” and “Choices.”
So, enjoy a few stories while you’re shopping, wrapping, celebrating, or whatever it is you do over the holidays.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Writing is hard work!

The first ten thousand words of my new novel flew by, and I have to admit that even I was impressed with some of my writing (usually I hate my stuff.) The next ten thousand words were a struggle, but I kept slogging through. The ten thousand I'm on now have been a tooth and nail struggle just trying to get each word out.

Anyone that tells you that writing is easy, or that they could write a novel if they just had the time is insane! Writing is hard work!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Updates to my website

I've made some updates to my website at Mostly it's adding my screenplays to the site, since this is a direction that I am definitely thinking about taking my writing...especially with the idea percolating in my brain right now.

Monday, November 04, 2024

My holiday collection is back

For the 2024 holiday season, I decided to put together a small collection of some of my short stories. None of them are actually holiday themed, since with the way I tend to write, I’d probably end up killing Santa over and over again.
Instead, what you’re holding is a collection of some stories that have been well received over the years, and I’m making this a Kindle Unlimited title, so those of you that are members, you can download it for free.
This year’s edition contains the same eight stories that last year’s edition had, but I’ve also added my stories “Origins” and “Choices.”
So, enjoy a few stories while you’re shopping, wrapping, celebrating, or whatever it is you do over the holidays.

Order today at:

Sunday, November 03, 2024

Hello from Aurora, Colorado

I live in Aurora, know the place that has been taken over by Venezuelan gangs, the place where it's no longer safe to live, the place that needs to be liberated...only it's not.

My family and I are as safe in Aurora as we would be in just about any other big city. It is true that there were some Venezuelan gang members in a small part of our city, but most of them have been arrested. And the area they were in has had a gang problem for decades, like places in most big cities.

In Aurora, it is safe to walk the streets, to shop, to do whatever we need to do on a daily basis.

Please stop trying to make an example out of our city for political're actually taking a problem that isn't real and creating a serious problem for those of us that actually live here. We just want to live our lives and be left alone.

Venezuelan gangs are not running our streets, and we don't need to be liberated.

Thanks for listening.

Anthology sale

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:

For a limited time, you can save 50% off of our anthologies at DriveThruFiction. Download today at:

Bestseller for October 2024

The bestseller for October 2024 was actually the original Ephemeris RPG, mostly because of the 75% off sale that was run at DriveThruRPG, but that game is no longer available, but you can download Ephemeris 2.0...



Other retailers:

Humanity has finally made it to the stars, and they’ve found they’re not alone. They are one of twenty species making their way around the galaxy. Some of the species they’ve met are friendly, while some are quite hostile, and others are just plain indifferent. The galaxy is full of warfare, trade, and unexplored star systems. This is the galaxy of Ephemeris 2.0.
The game features thirteen different character classes and twenty different species. You can play a Clipsie Cyber Wizard, a Human Pirate, or maybe a Taurin Nanist. Build your characters up with goods, cybernetic implants, genetic modifications, and special abilities that are unique to each class.
The universe of Ephemeris 2.0 is yours to explore, and yours to build. The new version of the game is a d20 version, and the rules are less convoluted, and more player friendly than the previous version.
Now, step into the greatest science fiction adventure that you’ve ever been on!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Ephemeris 2.0 is here!

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

The wait is over! Ephemeris 2.0 is finally here! Order today at:


Amazon: including print versions.

Other retailers:

Humanity has finally made it to the stars, and they’ve found they’re not alone. They are one of twenty species making their way around the galaxy. Some of the species they’ve met are friendly, while some are quite hostile, and others are just plain indifferent. The galaxy is full of warfare, trade, and unexplored star systems. This is the galaxy of Ephemeris 2.0.
The game features thirteen different character classes and twenty different species. You can play a Clipsie Cyber Wizard, a Human Pirate, or maybe a Taurin Nanist. Build your characters up with goods, cybernetic implants, genetic modifications, and special abilities that are unique to each class.
The universe of Ephemeris 2.0 is yours to explore, and yours to build. The new version of the game is a d20 version, and the rules are less convoluted, and more player friendly than the previous version.
Now, step into the greatest science fiction adventure that you’ve ever been on!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

50 cent short stories

A short story for just 50 cents? That's right, you can download many of my individual stories for just 50 cents (they're usually 99 cents) at

And, oh yeah, you can also download my novels and short story collections for half price!