I've just completed the second draft of my new novel, which unfortunately still doesn't have a title...which is weird, since titles usually come so easily to me.
I'm a little happier with the way it's turning out, but it's still going to need a great deal of work. The main character is now much more of a real person to me.
I think this novel has been more difficult because it's basically told from just the main character's perspective. There are no chapters, or even scenes that don't feature her. Usually my novels bounce from character to character, but hopefully this will make her a likeable character...sure she can be a little petulant at times, and she might cry a bit too much, but she's also a teenager. But I think she's believable because I can see bits of all three of my daughters in her.
Now the book sits for a little while, and then I'll get back to another draft. I'm figuring AT LEAST two more drafts to get it where I want it to be.