Friday, November 17, 2023

Dystopic fiction is not meant to be a roadmap...

Authors have been writing dystopic fiction for a very long time, warning us about where our society could be heading if we're not careful. Titles like 1984, Brave New World, and A Handmaid's Tale are usually the first to jump to mind when talking about dystopias, but there have been a great many more titles written that fit the genre.

As an author, reader, and editor, I absolutely love dystopias, but in looking at the degeneration of modern society, I have to wonder if some politicians and their followers aren't taking dystopic fiction as a warning, but instead are using it as a roadmap for how to create a "better" society. Anyone that reads about a fictional dystopia and thinks it would be good to create something like that in the real world must be one of two things...incredibly stupid or insane...or maybe both.

I think the majority of politicians, whether conservative or liberal, or anything in between are nothing but self-deluded egotists, but some of the things I'm seeing from conservative America and Europe are truly frightening. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with conservatives in general. True conservatism has some good values, and definitely has a place in our political lives. I'm talking about the radical element of modern conservatism. That's where the problem with our future lies.

If you think loyalty tests, the limitation of free speech, the militarization of police forces, using the justice system for revenge, racial profiling, the purification of race, or any of the other elements that have been put forth in dystopic fiction are good ideas, then you, my friend, are a threat to civilization. Everyone has a right to have a voice in American politics, but when your voice says I can't have my say, you've overstepped your boundaries, and you are a threat to the American way of life.

Remember the American motto: E Pluribus Unum. If you don't know what it means, look it up, and if you think it's wrong, then are you really following the ideals of America?

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Save 25% on Manic Musings of a Maniacal Mind

Now is your chance to look into the darker recesses of my mind with my massive short story collection Manic Musings of a Maniacal Mind, and you can save 25% while you're looking around in there by going to

For more than two decades, editors have been publishing the works of J Alan Erwine, exposing you, the reader, to the dark recesses of the author’s mind. Now, all of those stories have been combined together into one massive tome.
Get a glimpse into Erwine’s grim view of the future, and explore the universe from his slightly off-kilter point of view.
Visit the planets, the stars, the scary places in the human mind, but make sure you’re wearing a seatbelt, because you never know where Erwine might take you next…

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Save 25% on A Problem in Translation

Want to save 25% on A Problem in Translation? Now's your chance at

Humanity's first contact with an alien species, the Lemec, is complicated by the fact that the aliens don't use an entirely verbal language…not only that, but the other aliens in their "domain" seem to worship the Lemec as some type of gods, and as they seem to anticipate every move that Captain Shiro Takahashi and his crew make, humanity begins to think that maybe the other aliens know something that they don't.

Monday, November 06, 2023

The Stanley

This week, my youngest daughter turns 13...not sure how the hell that's even possible, but I guess it is. We talked to her quite a bit about what she wanted to do to celebrate this momentous occasion, and she finally decided that she wants to stay at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. For those of you that have never heard of the Stanley, it's supposedly one of the most haunted hotels in America. Not only that, but this is also the hotel that Stephen King was staying at when he came up with the idea for The Shining, and the mini-series (not the movie) was filmed there.

My wife and daughter are both hoping to have some kind of paranormal encounter while they're there. I, of course, am not expecting anything, since I don't believe in ghosts, but I would love to be proven wrong on this belief! I am, however taking along a journal just in case I'm also inspired while I'm there. If I come back writing horror, you'll know something happened.

Oh, and yeah, we will not be staying in the Stephen King suite. There's no way we could afford that...

Saturday, November 04, 2023

A new collection is coming

I will soon be releasing a new short story collection that will feature the 13 stories I've written since the release of Manic Musings of a Maniacal Mind, which was a collection of every story I'd ever had published up until that point in my career...yeah, it's a REALLY big book!

12 of the stories from this new collection are already available individually. The 13th story, "The Lies of Belial" will only be available in this collection for now, and it will also be the title story.

And the 14th story I've written since the massive omnibus will soon be released by Nomadic Delirium Press as part of their Divided States of America series.

Thursday, November 02, 2023

October Bestseller

Normally people seem to want to buy my books, whether those are novels, short story collections, or RPGs, but for October, one of my new short stories was my bestseller. So, I present you with "Choices."

Ereven is on the run. Having abandoned the dictatorial governor of Ganymede, he now finds himself pushed and pulled in directions he doesn’t want to go as he tries to flee the brutal hands of the governor. Where will he go? The inner solar system seems to be the only choice, but does he have any chance of getting there? He’s never had choices, and now that he does, every one of them seems to lead to death, imprisonment, or both…

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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Save 25% on One More Good Trade

Now's your chance to save 25% on One More Good Trade at

Your name is Anthony Jones. You’re a Human free Trader. Your ship is called The Longest Night, and you have two crewmates, Tora-no, a four-armed Althani Soldier and Creeoona, a Tulmath Cyber Wizard. Three adventures lie open to you, which one will you pick, and what will happen along the way? You get to decide what happens in this story, as you pick your way through various plot twists.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Fear and Panic excerpt

Edward watched as Phobos and Deimos raced overhead, each battling for supremacy over the Martian sky.  Supremacy, he laughed to himself.  How could two little chunks of rock with almost no gravity vie for supremacy?

Things were different back home on Earth.  Now Earth had a real moon.  Edward looked off to the east and saw the twin star of the Earth-Moon system rising just to the north of one of the giant volcanoes.  Edward wasn’t sure which volcano; he didn’t really even care.  He just wanted to get back to that twin star on the horizon, but of course, he probably never would…not if his mission failed.

“Probably not if it succeeds either,” he said aloud.  No one would be able to hear him.  There was no one else out on the red sands with him, and he didn’t even have his suit radio on, so it wouldn’t have mattered if someone had been standing right next to him; they wouldn’t have heard.

Phobos and Deimos continued their race across the sky, but it wasn’t really a race.  With different orbits, they weren’t running alongside each other.

Edward shook his head.  There really wasn’t time for this.  He had a mission to carry out, and it was a simple mission, kill the head of the Armies of Ares, Felicia Penthesilea.  He was sure it was a pseudonym, but he’d never bothered to check into what her real name was, and it wouldn’t have mattered to him anyway.  She was a target, not a person.  And she wasn’t just any target, she was the leader of one of the most aggressive terrorist organizations the solar system had ever seen.  A group that would do anything to get their Mars for Mars mantra across to anyone that was listening, but especially to those who weren’t listening.

The remainder of his mission was to take out as many of her top leaders as possible, which is what had led him to Pettit Crater on the Amazonis Planitia.  Soon, within two hours, there would be a grand meeting of most of the heads of the Armies of Ares, and Edward was determined to rupture the dome and kill as many of them as he could…and hopefully not get himself killed in the process, but his death was almost a certainty.  The fact that he was going to commit what was basically a terrorist act to kill terrorists didn’t strike him as odd.  The Armies of Ares were an enemy of Earth, and the other planets and satellites in the Allied Planets, including Mars, and the removal of the group in any way was the first priority of the newly established government.

He checked his air, still two hours in this tank, and he still had eight more tanks in reserve, enough for two days should he need it.  Deimos had now set, but he could still see Phobos heading for the horizon.  Panic was gone, but there was still fear to be reckoned with.  He shook his head again.  What a stupid observation.  He wasn’t afraid of dying; he had a mission to carry out, and if he died, it would be an honorable death, and it would assure his place in immortality.

Rovers began to appear, headed for the small dome.  The time was coming.  Checking the chronometer in his helmet, he saw that it was coming up on the end of the day and that damn thirty-seven extra minutes when the chronometer was useless, just stuck on the same time.

Adjusting his telescopic lenses with a click on the controls at the side of his mouth, he zoomed in on the dome, hating the bitter taste of the aluminum-gallium composite of the molar controls.  Even from four miles away, the telescopic lenses were powerful enough to make out the pores on the noses of the terrorists if he wanted them to.  Satisfied with just naming some of the people to himself, he watched as each vehicle headed to the dome, allowing the embedded chip in his cortex to catalog each person.

It didn’t take him long to identify the person he was looking for.  She was in the twelfth crawler to come across the sandy plains.  The chip in his head wasn’t even necessary.  He “knew” her face.

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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Ephemeris 2.0

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

The ground has been broken, in a virtual sense, for the creation of Ephemeris 2.0. This time the game will not be a d6 game, instead it will involve all of those little dice that you gamers like to collect, and we know you do…because we do it too…

Although the general skeleton of the game will still exist, we’re looking to do a massive overhaul of the game, and we’d like to know what you the players would like to see in a new version of the game, so please drop by one of the blogs and post your comments. We’d love to hear from you.

We’re still a loooooooooooooong way off from releasing the new version, so you can still pick up any of the original game supplements at


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Fear and Panic

Edward’s mission is simple, blow up a dome on Mars that’s full of Martian terrorists. What can go wrong? Everything! Things just keep going from bad to worse, as the Agency demands results, results he thinks he’s accomplishing…but they say he’s not…

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Choices excerpt

Crowds of people pushed around Ereven Samuelson as he left the Callisto Prime docking port.  He looked at as many of them as he could, without actually looking any of them in the eye.  He noticed several suspicious stares.  He was, after all, leaving a low rate shuttle, even though he was wearing the long blonde ponytail of the Ganymedian aristocracy.  Nor did it help that he wore the brightly colored, billowy blouse and pants worn by members of the Outerworld governments.

Two men began to walk towards him as soon as he cleared the passport check.  Ereven looked for a place to go, but the crowds were oppressively stifling, and he had to follow the mob wherever it led him.  The two men in plain grey tight jumpsuits aggressively pushed their way through the crowds towards him, stopping right in front of him.

Ereven stopped, while the crowd parted around the massive men, with a number of grumbles and inappropriate comments about Ereven’s and the men’s lineage being made by the angry mob.

“Excuse me, sir, might we have a word with you?” one of the gray suited men asked.

Ereven glanced at him, again trying not to meet his eyes.  He was a burly man, just the type Ereven knew would be looking for him.  The other man was even larger.

“I don’t think so,” Ereven mumbled.

The two men looked at each other in obvious surprise.  “It will only take a minute,” the smaller of the two behemoths said.

Just then a space opened in the surging current of the crowd, and Ereven darted into it, glancing back to make sure the others weren’t following.  They weren’t.  They were just standing there with dumb expressions on their faces.  Ereven had no idea who they might have been, but he knew it was best to not take any chances.  The governor’s men could be anywhere.

He glanced down at his clothes and realized how much he stood out.  If he didn’t want them finding him, he’d have to change, and soon. 

He stopped into the first clothing store he saw and picked out a dull gray suit, the type that was typical of the working class on the satellites.

The clerk eyed him suspiciously as Ereven set the clothes on the counter.  “In some kind of trouble?”

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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Danger on the Spectrum excerpt

Richard paced the room from one side to the other, 15 steps each direction. He’d counted it the first three times he’d paced it out, and now he had to make sure it was the same 15 steps each time he did it. They would be arriving at Foster’s Planet by noon ship time tomorrow, and Richard really wanted to watch the approach, but the viewing room was out of the question, almost everyone on the ship, other than the crew obviously, would be there wanting to see the spectacle. That was just too much for him.

With a sigh, Richard walked over to the monitor on the wall, 15 steps, and punched in the codes to get the display to come up on the monitor. The scene in the viewing room would be the actual approach. His monitor would only show him a camera eye’s view of the approach. Not quite the same thing, but he figured it would have to do.

“Computer,” he called out, “How far are we from Foster’s Planet?”

The computer responded, “Rounded or exact kilometers?”

It seemed like the computer had learned that Richard didn’t like the rounded numbers, because it had given him rounded numbers the first few times he’d asked it questions. That might be ok for most, but Richard needed exact numbers, and he’d informed the computer of this.

“Exact please,” he answered.

“We are currently 1,683,477,864 kilometers distance from Foster’s Planet, although this number has of course changed in the time it’s taken to report this. Do you require an updated distance?”

“Not necessary,” Richard answered as his brain started to take the number apart.

Divisible by 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 9, he thought. The fact that it was divisible by so many of the single integers pleased a part of his brain, but another part was frustrated like always. Just once he’d like to be able to look at a number and not feel the need to take it apart. It was a great trick when he’d learned it in pre-algebra all those years ago, but his brain had latched onto it and had never let it go.

He shook his head. He’d tried to stop himself so many times in the past, but he could never get his brain to not do it. Why worry about it now?

He took the time to examine the approaching pinpoint of light that was Foster’s Planet. There were no real details to see, although that would change quickly. He’d seen numerous images of Foster’s Planet. He knew it looked quite a bit like Earth, although Foster’s Planet had 10% more land mass than Earth, and a gravity that was 97% of Earth. Most people probably wouldn’t know the difference, but Richard figured that he probably would.

Most important to him was the fact that there were only 174,873 people on the planet. That would be a nice change from the billions on Earth. Only divisible by 3, he thought with a sigh.

For a moment, he thought about resuming his pacing, but he was tired, and even if sleep would be difficult, he knew he had to try.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Stuck at the Edge excerpt


Captain Rick Jamieson and the crew of the SFS Lincoln had been stuck in the Kuiper Belt for nearly nine months now, monitoring cometary fragments for possible threats to the colonies further into the solar system, and looking for any potential rebel activity that might rise up at the edge of the solar system.

So far, they had found no cometary fragments that posed a risk to anything aside from possibly another cometary fragment, and they hadn’t seen any signs of rebel activity, or any activity of any kind. In fact, they hadn’t even seen another ship since they’d arrived in the Kuiper Belt, but at least they hadn’t ended up in the Oort Cloud like they originally thought they were going to.

Still, to say that morale was low onboard the Lincoln would be an understatement. They’d basically been banished for failing a mission that was pretty much doomed to failure before they’d even set out on it. Three enlisted personnel and one officer were now in the brig for mutinous activities, and Captain Jamieson was sure there’d be more to follow. Hell, he’d felt like mutinying a few times himself. This was an unjust punishment for something that wasn’t their fault, but that was part of the military life. Trying not to sigh, he realized that he had more than two years left before this rotation was up. When it was up, he seriously thought about retiring, or at least leaving the service.

“Nothing on scans,” Lt. Andrew Jenkins said from the helm. It was the hourly report that he was required to give. He didn’t sound enthused to be giving the report, and Captain Jamieson certainly wasn’t enthused to be receiving it.

“Thank you, lieutenant,” he said automatically.

“Surprise, surprise,” his first officer, Elena Castillo said.

Captain Jamieson shot her a freezing glare.

“Apologies, sir,” she said, but he knew she didn’t really mean it. She was just as frustrated as he was, but she needed to remember that neither of them could show that frustration. Morale didn’t need to drop any lower than it already was, or they’d be mopping blood up off of the decks.

“We’ll be back where we belong soon,” he said, even though he wasn’t really sure if he believed it. No, truth be told, he didn’t believe it at all.

His first officer didn’t answer him. A wise choice, he thought.

“I’m going to go put our next report together. I’ll be in my quarters should you need me.”

He could see in her expression that she was thinking the same thing he was, it’ll be yet another very short report, since there was really nothing to report, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to need to call him for anything.

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Monday, October 23, 2023

Return to the Wastelands? excerpt

The day he surrendered to Captain Bryan Howard was supposed to be the best day of young Robert Jenkins’ life, and maybe it was, but something never felt quite right to him.

The young Captain, who had also once been a member of the Rose Clan, had taken him back to a mobile unit, and Robert couldn’t believe everything he saw. Wherever he looked, there were soldiers, and these weren’t like the gang members he was used to seeing; these people were heavily armed. Robert had seen a few military style weapons in the Wastelands, but nothing like what these people were carrying, and even though he got a few weird looks, everyone was nice to him once Captain Howard explained his situation.

“Go ahead,” Captain Howard had said, pointing at what he had called a tub that was now filled with steaming water and bubbles. Robert didn’t understand.

“You’ve never had a bath, have you?” the Captain asked.

“I’ve heard of them,” Robert said, “But, I’ve never seen anything like this…what am I supposed to do?”

“You take your clothes off, and you get in and soak. There’s more soap there and a wash cloth. You clean yourself, and then you get out and dry off, and there’s some clean clothes over there that you can put on.”

The idea of a clean body and clean clothes was odd to him. He’d taken numerous showers, but most of them had been very cold, so he’d gotten out as fast as he could, and he’d often washed his clothes in a sink before, but Robert could actually smell a fragrance coming from the clothes that were sitting next to the toilet.

“You can stay in as long as you want,” the Captain said with a smile.

Robert suddenly felt his stomach turn and he started to tremble. “Where will you be?” he cautiously asked.

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Sunday, October 22, 2023

Fight or Flight excerpt

Robert Jenkins cowered in the corner of the disheveled building, sweat pouring from every pore. His grungy clothes were even dirtier than normal as he desperately tried to catch his breath. The patrol had almost caught him, and he knew what would happen. If he was lucky, a life in a Rocky Mountain States of America prison, but if the patrol had been too busy, or didn’t feel like following the “rules,” he’d be just another dead kid from the Wastelands left on the side of a street in Campo, Colorado.

The Rocky Mountain States were supposed to be so great, at least that’s what he’d heard, but what he had seen so far in Campo, abandoned buildings, dust, and high winds, reminded him a lot of Boise City in what used to be Oklahoma, but that had been long before Robert had been born. Now Boise City was just a series of ruins run by various gangs. His, the Rose Clan, had sent him to Colorado. He was supposed to make his way to Springfield, where he was supposed to steal some resources. That had been the plan, anyway. That had been when there were four of them. Jackson got fried in an electric fence while crossing the border. Evans was shot dead by some random hunter who thought he was a dear, or some shit like that. And Billings got hit by a truck just outside of Campo. They hadn’t seen any traffic since they’d entered Colorado, so Billings had thought it would be safe to walk down the middle of what had been Highway 287…maybe it was still called that in Colorado. In what used to be Oklahoma, it was just called The Road, a place where the gangs could try to take out the occasional truck going between the Rocky Mountain States and Texas, and those were few and far between.

Billings had been walking down the middle of the Highway when the truck came out of nowhere and took him out at 200 miles per hour. Now Robert was left alone to complete a mission that would probably require at least two of them, but if he returned to the Rose Clan empty handed, Jim Bob, the head of his clan would probably have him killed.

“Talk about lose-lose,” he mumbled to himself, and then quickly put his hand over his mouth as he heard a noise outside the “door.” The boarded over relic of a door had offered no resistance to his entering, and he’d hoped that he’d put everything back into place so that no one would notice that there might be someone inside.

But now the movement had stopped right outside of the door. Robert thought he could hear breathing, but maybe it was just his own.

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One More Good Trade is the deal of the day for October 22nd


For one day only, you can pick up One More Good Trade for just $1.50 at

Your name is Anthony Jones. You’re a Human free Trader. Your ship is called The Longest Night, and you have two crewmates, Tora-no, a four-armed Althani Soldier and Creeoona, a Tulmath Cyber Wizard. Three adventures lie open to you, which one will you pick, and what will happen along the way? You get to decide what happens in this story, as you pick your way through various plot twists.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

A Taste of the Madness Vol. 4 is here

For a limited time, you can download A Taste of the Madness Vol. 4, and if you're an Amazon Unlimited member, the download is free. Pick it up today at

The fourth volume is here!
A collection of six previously published short stories, that are available only for a limited time. Travel to distant planets and travel to different mad visions that prize-winning sf author J Alan Erwine has come up with, but beware, you can never be sure where his weird mind might take you.
Again, this collection is only available for a very limited time.

One Night at Sharon's excerpt

It was a Tuesday night, but Sharon’s was packed. Sharon’s was the only place on Artemis Station to get a real drink, and every ship in the Solar Federation knew it was the place to be. It wasn’t for Sharon’s hospitality. No, the proprietor was not always the friendliest of people. She wasn’t mean by any stretch of the imagination, but she had a tendency to tell people exactly what was on her mind, and she didn’t care if they were enlisted, officers, or even admirals. No one was safe from Sharon’s honesty…but if she ended up liking you, you had a friend for life.

One of those people she liked was Ensign Marie Haggerman, who was currently sitting in a booth with three crewmates. A few months earlier, Ensign Haggerman had almost been run out of the service, now she was one of the most important ensigns on her ship, the SFS Carter, and the Ensign insisted on constantly thanking Sharon for her help. She raised her glass in a small toast towards Sharon, who just growled slightly, waving a dismissive hand towards the Ensign before turning away from the bar and smiling slightly.

At the end of the bar sat Sonny. He wasn’t sitting on a barstool. No, he was actually sitting on the bar, and that was because Sonny was Sharon’s dog, and no one questioned his right to sit on the bar. Those who did, didn’t have the dog to fear. No, they had Sharon to fear, and that was far worse. More than a few officers had been overheard saying they’d rather face a fleet of rebels, or a meteor swarm than face Sharon’s wrath. Still, almost everyone that came in the bar loved Sharon; they always knew where they stood with her, and those that had really faced her ire, just chose to stay away.

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Friday, October 20, 2023

The Expanded Rocks on the Other Side Skill and Equipment List

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

In any game, there's always room to add more, so we've put together a few new skills and some new equipment that you can add to what was included in the core rulebook. This supplement contains all of the skills and equipment from the core rulebook, plus several new things you can incorporate into your game.

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A Thin Line excerpt

The SFS Arizona lay crumpled on the surface of the asteroid Hygeia. The hull was ruptured in several places, and gasses slowly leaked out of chambers that had once held life sustaining air. Bodies lay next to some sections of the ship, killed by the impact, or killed by the lack of atmosphere on the asteroid.

On the bridge of the Arizona, Captain John Lee slowly came to with alarm claxons and red lights flashing all over the bridge. For the moment, he couldn’t hear the sound of air escaping, but how could he be expected to hear anything over the noise of the claxons and the moans and screams of his wounded bridge crew? His hand slowly found its way to his aching head. Pulling it away from his scalp, he wasn’t surprised to find his hand covered in blood.

“That explains the warmth,” he said quietly. “Status,” he tried to call out, but only managed a feeble croak. He cleared his throat several times, and then managed, “Jenkins, status?”

A quiet feminine voice said through what was obvious pain. “We have no communications, internal or external. Sensors are showing that more than half of the ship has been vented. The bridge is intact, and I think most of us are alive, but I’ve got a broken leg.”

“Understood,” the Captain said. “Keep trying to get status reports from the sectors that haven’t been vented, and keep me updated.”

“Understood,” his first officer said. He couldn’t see Commander Jenkins, and for the moment, he figured it was best for him not to try to move because his head wouldn’t stop spinning, and his eyesight was very blurry. There were also pains in his chest and abdomen that didn’t seem like any pain he’d ever had before. That probably wasn’t good, but he didn’t have time to worry about that right now. His ship was dying, and his crew with it.

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Thursday, October 19, 2023

Random Encounters of the Radioactive Kind


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

Are you in need of encounters for your Rocks on the Other Side RPG? We have just the supplement for you...

Looking for encounters to add to your Rocks on the Other Side game? Herein you will find 50 encounters that you can plug into any game as regular encounters, or as random encounters to keep the characters on their toes.

Sorted by level, you’ll find brief descriptions of each encounter, as well as stats, and any items the encounter might give the characters.

In addition, you’ll also be introduced to two new beasts that will really keep the characters guessing.

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Your absolute last chance!

There are mere days left for you to download A Taste of the Madness Vol. 3. After that, this collection will no longer be available! And remember, if you are a Kindle Unlimited member, the download is free.

The third volume is here!
A collection of six previously published short stories, that are available only for a limited time. Travel to distant planets and travel to different mad visions that prize-winning sf author J Alan Erwine has come up with, but beware, you can never be sure where his weird mind might take you.
Again, this collection is only available for a very limited time.

Order today at

Friday, October 13, 2023

The NDP Fiction Bundle

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

We've updated the NDP Fiction Bundle at DriveThruFiction. You can now get 17 books for just $25. These aren't individual short stories. These are novels, anthologies and collections. That's a lot of reading for only $25.

You get Just Because and The Poet by James Baker...Seedlings on the Solar Winds and Manic Musings of a Maniacal Mind by J Alan Erwine...Crisis Averted by Laura Givens...Federation and Empire and The Spirit of Mars by Eamonn Murphy...Quantum Women, The Butterfly and the Sea Dragon, The Thursday Child and The Moth and the Flame by Tyree Campbell. You also get all of the following collections: Delirious Doubles, Disharmony of the Spheres, Ecotastrophe II, Future Syndicate II, Taurin Tales and The Divided States of America Vol. 1. That's a lot of fiction for just $25, so download this bundle today at

It's a birthday sale

My birthday is this month, but my readers get the presents. You can save 50% off of my titles at DriveThruFiction. Download novels for less than two bucks, and get individual short stories for just 50 cents. Now is a great time to stock up on everything at

Thursday, October 12, 2023

You're almost out of time to get your third Taste of the Madness

There's a little more than a week left before A Taste of the Madness Vol. 3 will no longer be available, so you need to order now at, and if you're a Kindle Unlimited member, the download is FREE!

A collection of six previously published short stories, that are available only for a limited time. Travel to distant planets and travel to different mad visions that prize-winning sf author J Alan Erwine has come up with, but beware, you can never be sure where his weird mind might take you.
Again, this collection is only available for a very limited time.

Saturday, October 07, 2023

The immorality of Atheists

I've often heard religious people say that Atheists can't be moral beings because they don't believe in God. To me, this has never made sense. This seems to imply that in order to be moral, one has to be afraid that God is watching, afraid of eternal damnation, or striving for eternal salvation. Shouldn't morality come from within instead of from without?

I would argue that an Atheist who chooses to be moral with no imperative from any kind of higher being is making a more moral stand that a religious person that is only choosing to be moral because of a fear of God. This is not saying that all religious people are only moral because God tells them to be. There are a great number of moral religious people that act as they do because it's the right thing to do as a human being. I do believe, however, that there are numerous religious people out there that only choose to be moral because they're afraid of what could happen to their eternal soul. Without that exterior imperative, these individuals would actually choose to be immoral.

This has always been something that I've believed in, and recently I started re-reading Towing Jehovah by James Morrow. In this book, which is obviously satirical, God has died and his two-mile long body must be towed to the Arctic by a super tanker to preserve it. During the voyage, many of the crew decide to start doing things that are immoral because God is no longer watching, and I honestly believe that this is something that would happen. Many, but not all, people would choose to do what's in their best interest if they didn't think there was a God. This isn't true of the Atheist. An Atheist chooses to be moral or immoral because it's what they want to do, not what they feel they're being forced to do. And I'm not trying to make the argument that Atheists are moral by nature...there are plenty of bad Atheists out there. I'm just saying that those that choose morality do so because of their own nature.

If you don't think that some people would choose to be immoral if given the chance, take a look at how quickly our society is deteriorating. People have so much less respect for one another today than they used to...and if they believed there was no God overseeing their actions, just how low would they sink...

If you're interested in checking out Towing Jehovah, I would highly recommend it if you like good satirical fiction...and you're not easily offended...

Check it out at

Thursday, October 05, 2023

The Martian Wave Boxed Set

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

For six years, Nomadic Delirium Press published The Martian Wave. This was a magazine that focused on short stories and poems about the exploration and colonization of space, with a special focus on stories about our solar system. Now, all six issues have been gathered into one boxed set for a very low price.

Order from Amazon:

Order from Smashwords:


Ereven is on the run. Having abandoned the dictatorial governor of Ganymede, he now finds himself pushed and pulled in directions he doesn’t want to go as he tries to flee the brutal hands of the governor. Where will he go? The inner solar system seems to be the only choice, but does he have any chance of getting there? He’s never had choices, and now that he does, every one of them seems to lead to death, imprisonment, or both…

Order from Amazon:

Order from Smashwords:

Order from DriveThruFiction:


September Bestseller


My bestseller for September was a re-release of an older collection, Marionettes on the Moon.

Do Humans control their destiny, or are they merely victims of the circumstances that surround them?
A collection of short stories from prize winning SF author J Alan Erwine examines whether we have freedom of choice, or are merely puppets on strings subject to the whims of the universe.
This newly reworked version of Marionettes on the Moon features the original 13 short stories, plus two recent releases.

Order from Amazon:

Order from Smashwords:

Order from DriveThruFiction:

Monday, October 02, 2023

Birthday sale at DriveThruFiction

 I have a birthday in October, and no, we aren't going to talk about how ancient I've become, but I figure if there's a birthday, there should be presents, right? So, for the month of October, all of you get the presents in the form of 50% off of any of my fiction titles at DriveThruFiction. Head over to and start downloading today!

Friday, September 29, 2023

Have you checked out Smashwords lately?

 If you're looking for a great place to download books, then Smashwords is the place to be. Major authors, indie authors, they have them all...and yeah, of course they sell my stuff as well. Check it out at

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Don't forget my Amazon Page

If you'd like to keep up with all of my future releases, and there should be a couple of new short stories very soon, then please make sure you're visiting my Amazon page often at better yet, just follow me on Amazon that way you'll get the updates automatically.

Thanks to everyone who supports my work!

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Patreon Stories


Now that I'm able to sell titles directly through Patreon, without they buyer being obligated to become a patron, I decided to put together a special collection of ten stories that will only be available on Patreon. Although I have dabbled in horror, dark fantasy, children's fantasy, and even mainstream/literary, I decided to make the collection a collection of just science fiction, since that's my main passion...and I only play around in other fields when I come up with a really good idea. So if you're interested, here's the write-up for the collection:

Available only for download on Patreon, I give you Patreon Stories. This is a collection of 10 of my stories that best represent my various science fiction writing styles. Kind of gives you a taste of what you could expect if you become a patron.
The collection includes: The Galton Principle, Origins, Forgive Men Their Trespasses, The Limit of Tolerance, Lowering One's Self Before Fate, On the Word of Ancients, Reality, Mission Unknown, It's In the Water, and Fight or Flight.

Buy it today at

Friday, September 22, 2023

Pick up my titles on Patreon


I've made some of my titles available on Patreon for download. You don't have to be a supporter of mine in order to download them. You can buy them and read them with absolutely no obligation. And the best part is, for a limited time, I've made the titles available at a you can read and save a few pennies.

So, what are you waiting for? Head over to and start downloading today.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

The last week of fiction month is almost here


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

Fiction Month is almost over here at Nomadic Delirium Press, and that means that your chance to save 30% off of our fiction titles is almost over as well. Save on novels, collections, and anthologies at Smashwords: and at DriveThruFiction: And to make the last week of the sale even juicier, you can now download all 60 magazines that we published (The Martian Wave, The Fifth Di..., Spaceports & Spidersilk, Mundanities, and Environmental Holocaust) for just $6. Yes, just 10 cents an issue! Download all 60 today at:


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Download my Tales of Space Exploration and Discovery for 30% off


For decades, J Alan Erwine has been writing stories about space exploration and discovery…now all of those stories are gathered into one massive tome. Travel the far reaches of space, or explore the solar system with him. Some of the stories are dark, some are optimistic, but all of them are uniquely his.
This collection also features the first four stories in Erwine's Solar Federation Series, and you can download it for just $2.79 at

Monday, September 18, 2023

Save 30% off of Manic Musings of a Maniacal Mind


For more than two decades, science fiction editors have been publishing the works of J Alan Erwine, exposing you, the reader, to the dark recesses of the author’s mind. Now, all of those stories have been combined together into one massive tome. Get a glimpse into Erwine’s grim view of the future, and explore the universe from his slightly off-kilter point of view. You can download this massive tome for 30% off, but only for a limited time at

Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Smashwords sale continues


Remember, I still have a 30% off sale running at Smashwords. You can pick up my short story collections and my novels all at a great savings. And there are a few free short stories there as well. I just ask that if you read those, please review them. If you're looking for science fiction writing that is somewhat off kilter from what you're used to, then you just might like my fiction. Please check it out at

Friday, September 15, 2023

Fiction Month is half over

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

The month of September is now half over, and that means that Fiction Month is also half over at Nomadic Delirium Press. Have you saved 30% off of our fiction titles yet? You can save on novels, collections and anthologies at DriveThruFiction by going to or at Smashwords by going to We know there are several of our titles that you’ve been wanting to check out, so now’s your chance.

And if magazines are more your style, well, don’t forget that you can download all 60 zines that we have published for just $12 at Whether it’s The Martian Wave, The Fifth Di…, Spaceports & Spidersilk, Environmental Holocaust, or Mundanities….they’re all there.


You're running out of time for your third Taste of the Madness


Very soon now, A Taste of the Madness Vol. 3 will be disappearing from Amazon, and you will no longer be able to order it, so you need to do it soon… And remember, for Kindle Unlimited members, the download is FREE!

The third volume is here!
A collection of six previously published short stories, that are available only for a limited time. Travel to distant planets and travel to different mad visions that prize-winning sf author J Alan Erwine has come up with, but beware, you can never be sure where his weird mind might take you.
Again, this collection is only available for a very limited time.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Does the economy have to be growing?

 I’ve been reading a lot of eco-fiction lately, and I’m even working on a story that somewhat falls into that genre, and it all got me thinking about a conversation I’d had with a friend many years ago. Both of us were quite political, but didn’t always see eye to eye on things. He was a card carrying Democrat, and pretty much bought everything the dems said and did. I, on the other hand, have always been an adamant supporter of the destruction of the two-party system. I see both parties, with the exclusion of other parties, as an evil that the US can’t survive.

Now, on this particular day, we were discussing the economy. He made the observation that the American economy was like a flower. It had to either be growing or dying. I looked at him for what was probably ten seconds, because it just didn’t make any sense to me, and then I finally countered with my point of view.

The American economy is not like a flower, but rather the individuals within that economy are the flowers, growing richer or poorer. The American economy was more like the field of flowers. Some flowers are growing and some are dying, but the overall status of the field is to remain stable. Nature survives best with stability, so it was my point of view that the US economy should remain stable, rather than constantly trying to grow.

To this day, I still say that the American ideal of constantly growing the economy, and the GDP, is one of the biggest problems America faces. We’re so caught up in growth that we’re destroying everything else, and ultimately, our system will fail. And it doesn’t matter what any Democrat or Republican might tell you…their focus is in making the corporations of America richer…and that does not work in favor of “We the People.”

Thursday, September 07, 2023

The importance of reviews


You will often hear writers asking, yes, maybe even begging for reviews. I can certainly understand this behavior. The most simple reason why we’re always asking for reviews is because the more reviews a book or story has, the more likely it is that the market will show the product to more readers. This is especially true with Amazon. In order to have much hope of being seen on a main page of Amazon, an author will almost always have to have 10 reviews or more.

Another reason for asking for reviews is because not everyone is going to like a piece that you create. It doesn’t matter if you’re JK Rowling, Robert Sawyer, or even little ol’ me, there will be readers that don’t like your work, and if those are the only readers reviewing your work, you have less chance of reaching more readers.

A good example is my short short story (yes, the two shorts are intentional) “Lost in the Dark.” One reader refers to it as “Extremely implausible,” while another reader refers to it as “Good angst, totally identifiable protagonist. Nice (one more time – short) story.”

Who’s right? Well, both of them actually are…at least in their opinions. So, if only the first review was posted, people would be less likely to want to read the story, so reviews are good so that people can see all possible sides of a story.

So, in short, review an author’s work. They’ve put a lot of effort into whatever you’re reading, and they deserve at least a few words of praise. And, oh yeah, definitely make sure you review my work if you’ve liked it! I can genuinely tell you that I will be highly appreciative of your effort on my behalf!

Saturday, September 02, 2023

A new Smashwords Sale


For the rest of this month, I’ve listed all of my novels and short story collections at 30% off through Smashwords. So, if you like science fiction, especially science fiction that doesn’t give you what you might expect, then I think you should check this sale out. You can find it at

In addition to the novels and collections, I’ve also listed some of my individual short stories for free. All I ask in payment is that if you like one of the stories that you read for free, please review it. Reviews are what really makes a writer’s career, so I would greatly appreciate it. I’ve tried to list a variety of stories for free, so you can get a taste for my wide array of writing styles…and bizarre interests…

The Rocks on the Other Side Book of Characters


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

Whether you’re looking for characters to use in an adventure, or non-player characters to help or challenge your characters, this book gives you 50 characters that you can quickly insert into any Rocks on the Other Side adventure. This book focuses more on lower level characters, as the game is still young, but there are still plenty of higher level characters featured towards the end of the book.

Due to the format of this book, it is only available as a paperback from Amazon or a PDF from DriveThruRPG.

Order from Amazon:

Order from DriveThruRPG:

Friday, September 01, 2023

Would you like to download all of our zines?


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

As part of NDP Fiction month, we’ve made a very special bundle available through DriveThruFiction. You can download every zine that we’ve ever published for just $12. That’s every copy of The Martian Wave, The Fifth Di…, Spaceports & Spidersilk, Mundanities, and Ecotastrophe that Nomadic Delirium Published. All totaled, that’s 60 individual magazines for 20 cents a piece. Surely you have $12 laying around that will give you enough material to read on these very hot days.

Order today at


August's Bestseller


It looks like people wanted to game last month. My bestseller for August was The Ephemeris Encyclopedia Galactica. A very nice addition to any Ephemeris game that you might be playing.

Order from Amazon:

Order from DriveThruRPG:

Order from Smashwords:

Fiction Month at NDP


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:
September is fiction month here at Nomadic Delirium Press, and for you, our beloved readers, this means that you can save 30% all month on novels, short story collections, and anthologies...and believe us, we have a lot of these for you to browse.

Start shopping today at Smashwords: or at DriveThruFiction:

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Grumbles from the Grave


Last month, I posted about Yours, Isaac Asimov, a collection of letters from one of my biggest influences. I loved to read correspondence from people I admired, even though I am definitely not a letter writer myself, although it makes me kind of wish I was...

Today, I'm posting about another letter collection. This one from another huge influence, Robert A. Heinlein. I loved reading Heinlein as a kid, and even if I thought some of his later stuff got a little strange, when I found out there was a collection of his letters, I had to get it. And that was how I found Grumbles from the Grave. Although the organization of the book can be a bit jarring, you get a look at what he thought being a writer meant, as well as many of his personal views (not all of which I agree with, but then we shouldn't all agree anyway.) He also gives a look at his relationship with his agent...those you'll just have to read for yourself to see exactly how he felt.

If you're a Heinlein fan, and you enjoy reading letter collections, this one is a must have. Order today from Amazon at

Saturday, August 26, 2023

A project I haven't mentioned

As always, I have numerous projects going on...short stories, a novel, RPG supplements, yeah, just my typical workload, but one project that I haven't mentioned is that I'm currently working on rewriting James Baker's novel Goatherds and Gods.

For those of you unfamiliar with the name James Baker, let me give you the backstory. Jim, as I knew him, was one of the pioneers of the science fiction and fantasy small presses. He helped to launch the careers of many small press writers, myself included, and a few of his early authors have also gone on to bigger things in the large press. Jim ran a small press publishing company, ProMart Publishing, out of his apartment in California. His early publications were, about what you'd expect from an older gentleman working at Taco Bell, they were photocopied and comb bound magazines. And, yes, sometimes you'd even find a page that the copier hadn't fed properly. Although the magazines weren't the glossy zines you saw from the major publishers at the time, or even that you see from the small press publishers now, there was a high quality of work in those magazines.

Some of the names of those magazines...Star*Anthology, Just Because, The Fifth Di..., and The Martian Wave. Yes, anyone that has followed my career probably knows that I continued to edit those last two magazines up until a few years ago. And even now, those magazines are still alive at Hiraeth Publishing. I can't think of any other zines from that time that are still around today. And why are they still alive? Because of Jim.

He kept a stable of authors, poets, and artists around to him that in many ways he took care of and nurtured, and even though Jim could be cantankerous (his word for himself), he took care of those that worked for him. Through emails and phone calls, Jim would help authors nurture their stories. I always thought of it as a small press version of what John Campbell created during the Gold Era of science fiction. Jim referred to us as his ProMartins.

When Jim passed away in 2002, I became the steward of his work. His novel The Poet, was released by Nomadic Delirium Press, and I put together a collection of his short stories, poems and essays that I titled Just Because, in honor of one of those old magazines. His second novel, Goatherds and Gods was never re-released however. I always loved this book, but I didn't want to release it in the format that it was in. As Jim liked to say, he loved to write, but he hated to rewrite, and the book clearly showed that. It also showed that I had a lot to learn about editing...

So, the book has sat waiting, and now, I've finally decided that it's time to rework the book. Jim was good about having talking heads in his stories...lots of dialogue with no attribution, and he also had a tendency to drop large amounts of information...telling, rather than showing. The story is amazing, and I really want to share it with people, so, this is my task now. I'm rewriting the book, and hopefully making it relevant to readers 20 years later. It will still be very much Jim's voice, but hopefully it will be easier to follow and understand. I owe it to the man to make it the best book that I possibly can.

If you'd like to get a taste of Jim's work, please check out Just Because. It gives a great taste of who he was, and it also features some notes from those of us that knew him. I will warn you that much of the work is raw, as some of it was just drafts that I had on file.

And if you read the last story, "Doppleganger," which could have been a third novel for him, you might get an idea of what I might be rewriting in the future...

Order Just Because from Amazon:


Thursday, August 24, 2023

Last week of our RPG sale


From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

This is the last week of our RPG sale at DriveThruRPG and Smashwords. So, this is your last chance to save 50% off of all of our RPG titles. This includes core rulebooks, adventures, and it's now time for you to stock up on everything you need for those gaming nights!

Shop DriveThruRPG:

Shop Smashwords:


Saturday, August 19, 2023

Marionettes on the Moon is the Deal of the Day


For the next 24 hours, you can pick up the re-release of my collection Marionettes on the Moon for just $2.

Do Humans control their destiny, or are they merely victims of the circumstances that surround them?

A collection of short stories from prize winning SF author J Alan Erwine examines whether we have freedom of choice, or are merely puppets on strings subject to the whims of the universe.

This newly reworked version of Marionettes on the Moon features the original 13 short stories, plus two recent releases.

Order from DriveThruFiction:

Friday, August 18, 2023

Marionettes on the Moon revisited


Do Humans control their destiny, or are they merely victims of the circumstances that surround them?

A collection of short stories from prize winning SF author J Alan Erwine examines whether we have freedom of choice, or are merely puppets on strings subject to the whims of the universe.

This newly reworked version of Marionettes on the Moon features the original 13 short stories, plus two recent releases.

Order from Amazon:

Order from Smashwords:

Order from DriveThruFiction:

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Danger on the Spectrum


So, people think all I do now is write stories for the Solar Federation collection and Divided States of America series? Oh, so not true. Now you can check out my latest stand-alone story "Danger on the Spectrum."

Richard doesn’t see the world like most people, and for the most part, he’d like to avoid people as much as he can, but once he reaches Foster’s Planet, he finds that even with a small population, he has to interact with people more than he’d like…and he also finds that the thing that makes him so different from everyone else might be the only thing that can save everyone on the planet…

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Order from Smashwords:

Order from DriveThruFiction: