Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Save 25% on Manic Musings of a Maniacal Mind

Now is your chance to look into the darker recesses of my mind with my massive short story collection Manic Musings of a Maniacal Mind, and you can save 25% while you're looking around in there by going to https://jalanerwine.gumroad.com/l/ctwee/jmz1x0c

For more than two decades, editors have been publishing the works of J Alan Erwine, exposing you, the reader, to the dark recesses of the author’s mind. Now, all of those stories have been combined together into one massive tome.
Get a glimpse into Erwine’s grim view of the future, and explore the universe from his slightly off-kilter point of view.
Visit the planets, the stars, the scary places in the human mind, but make sure you’re wearing a seatbelt, because you never know where Erwine might take you next…

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