Tuesday, May 29, 2012

If you're coming to my book signing...

...and you'd like to pick up a copy of A Problem in Translation before the signing, here are a few places you can get it... The Sam's Dot Publishing Bookstore Barnes & Noble Amazon And if you'd just like to read the e-book, you can pick it up at, among other places, Smashwords.

Monday, May 28, 2012

The second chapter

For a very brief period of time, you can read the second chapter of my new novel A Problem in Translation on my website at http://www.jalanerwine.com/translationch2.htm The first chapter is also available for those of you who haven't had a chance to read it. You can find that at http://www.jalanerwine.com/translation.htm.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

May madness has almost come to an end

What has been a crazy busy month is almost over, and I will be happy about that! The older two are now out of school, which makes some things easier...like not having to worry about after school programs and such. Of course now they get bored around the house and try to raise hell...but that's what kids do. I still have the Sam's Dot updates to get through before this month ends, and the arraignment, and a doctor's appointment for Rebecca...plus the dreaded hours at the "real" job. June is shaping up to be a better month as far as time management goes. The only major events we seem to be looking at are my book signing, Rebecca's birthday, Father's Day, and check-ups for the older girls...of course, something else is bound to jump up and take away from our time. One day I will be able to quit my "real" job, and then time management won't be so important. Is it really too much to dream that one day I will be making at least a part-time living from writing, editing, and game design? I don't think so.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A May update on the game

Progress has slowed quite a bit on the new game in the last few weeks. Mostly for two reasons, one: I'm to a point now where I'm having to do a lot of research on 19th century weapons and such, and that's taking a lot of time... two: the little one's sleep habits have changed a bit, and she's not napping as much as she was, which leaves me less time to work. I'm still trying to figure out a way to put in more hours at home, and fewer hours at the "real" job, but I haven't quite figured that one out yet. Still, I'm liking the way the game is setting up, and I'm looking forward to releasing it upon the world...eventually...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Martian Wave has been delayed

The 2012 issue of The Martian Wave was supposed to be released on May 1st, but with the changes at Sam's Dot and the push to get things done right, we've decided to delay this one until June 1st. I think this will be a great issue, and it should be well worth the wait!

Saturday, May 05, 2012

May Madness

What a crazy month this has been, and will continue to be. The two oldest kids get out of school on the 23rd, so we have all of the end of school festivities: concerts, talent shows, field days, etc. Plus there's a doctor's appt. for the little one (she'll be 18 months in a few days, hard to believe), a couple of court dates because of the robbery, and then all of the usual madness that seems to surround life. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to the end of the month...maybe I can get some rest in June...........

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Surprise, surprise

Whatever time of day it is when I first get on the computer, the first page I always go to is the Sam's Dot Publishing page...even before I check my e-mail. Imagine my surprise when I opened up the Sam's Dot message board and found out that Sam's Dot had been acquired by White Cat Publications, LLC. I have to admit that my first thought was one of sheer panic, but after reading an e-mail from Tyree, I realized what was going on and decided to embrace the change...since there really won't be much change. Overall, I think this will be a great merger, and as I've looked more deeply into White Cat, I've realized what a great organization it seems to be, and I'm looking forward to the future.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Another interesting note about Amazon

I've had a few people complain to me because my publisher has not discounted my book through Amazon. The truth is, Amazon controls the pricing, and they haven't discounted my new book because my publisher only offers a 50% discount to bookstores, instead of the 55% that Amazon wants. So what this means, I will also leave up to you...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

An interesting note about Amazon

If you go to the listing for my new book at Amazon, you'll see that it says that the book ships in two to three weeks, which actually isn't the case. What's actually going on here is that my publisher offers bookstores a 50% discount off the cover price, but Amazon wants a 55% discount...therefore, they will not actually stock a physical copy of my book. Now, when you place an order with them, they will immediately order it through Ingrams (the main distributor), and the book will ship within a couple of days. Why does Amazon do this? I'll let you come up with your own answer for that...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Earth Day sale

On Earth Day, Sunday April 22nd, you can order the e-book version of my environmental SF novel, Red Moon Rising for 25% off. Simply go to https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/40341 and when you're checking out use the coupon code JR98J. Celebrate Earth Day with some environmental SF.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Problem in Translation e-books

Just a reminder that my new novel, A Problem in Translation is available from a number of locations as an e-book.

You can pick it up at Smashwords by going to https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/137568

Or you can pick it up for the Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/A-Problem-in-Translation-ebook/dp/B007O13I5M

Keep in mind that you don't need an e-reader in order to read e-books. Smashwords has formats that can be read directly on your computer, and Amazon has a Kindle reader that you can download on to your computer for free...so what are you waiting for? Go read my book!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Breaking ground on the new game

It's been a long time in development, but tonight I started on the actual writing of the new RPG I'm working on. I've managed to crank out almost 1,000 words, so that's a pretty good night for me.

Creating an RPG is quite a bit different than writing a novel, and the word counts will certainly vary from day to day, but it's nice to actually be putting some words on a page. It will probably take a very long time to write the rulebook, but I will keep all of you apprised.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

An early April update

My health is slowly improving. I'd say I'm at about 70% right now. I'm still having the pressure in my chest, and the back pain that they didn't have an explanation for.

I've been editing furiously as I try to get caught up on everything I've fallen behind on. The 2012 issue of The Martian Wave has been delivered, and we're looking at a May release. I've started gathering up e-mail addresses and putting together files that will eventually be Wondrous Web Worlds Vol. 10. This will be the best of Sam's Dot's on-line zines for the years 2009-2011. We don't have a release date yet, but I know some of the readers of this blog are contributors, so you can expect an e-mail from me some time in the next couple of weeks.

Since I've actually had free time, and I haven't been feeling up to working, I've actually had time to read a book...imagine that. I read Warren Hammond's Kop, and even though noir isn't always my thing, I think this was a great book, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone. Now I just have to find the time to read the rest of the series...

And for the record, Warren will be signing with me (or vice-versa) at the Broadway Book Mall on June 10th.

Assuming that the baby stays asleep for a little while longer, I'm going to start working on the new game again. I haven't touched it in a while, so I'm going to have to get back up to speed on where I am in the design process.

That's about it for now. I hope to actually start doing some fiction writing soon, but time always seems to get in the way of that one...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Book signing

I've arranged a reading and signing for A Problem in Translation at the Broadway Book Mall on Sunday June 10th at 3:00 PM. I'll be reading with Warren Hammond and Betsy Dornbusch.

My mom has been planning a trip out here (she hasn't met Alexis yet), and this would be perfect, since she's never had the opportunity to see me do anything like this. And the date makes it even more perfect, since June 10th is her birthday and June 11th is Rebecca's...so we will really be celebrating this one!

Monday, March 19, 2012

So, your local bookstore doesn't have my new book?

If your local bookstore isn't carrying my new novel A Problem in Translation, you can have them order it by using the ISBN: 978-0981636535. And any bookstores reading this blog should also feel free to use that ISBN to order copies as well...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Signed copies

I now have signed copies of my new novel available directly from me. Simply go to http://www.jalanerwine.com/translation.htm. The ordering links are at the bottom of the page.

I only have a limited number of copies, however, so don't hesitate...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Very ill

The last two weeks have been very rough on me. I've developed some horrible respiratory and sinus infection, which has pretty much knocked me on my ass. I haven't been to work, and I've barely been able to do anything around the house, which makes it hard to take care of the kids. Rebecca has done a lot to help, but she hasn't been feeling 100% either, and she does work full time, so that makes it hard.

Why didn't I go to the doctor, you might ask. Simple, I don't have insurance. Therefore, in order to get treatment, I would have to shell out a lot more money than someone who does have insurance. Some people might find that fair, but I never have. Even when I had a job that gave me insurance, I always felt that everyone was entitled to insurance...this is, after all, supposed to be the greatest country in the world. In order to add me to Rebecca's insurance, we would have to shell out an extra $100 a month, and we aren't exactly living in the lap of luxury, so that money would have to be taken from things like food and clothing. Yeah, the US insurance system is seriously broken...

Monday, March 05, 2012

Read an e-book week

March 4th-10th is Read an E-book Week at Smashwords. Both Sam's Dot Publishing and Nomadic Delirium Press are participating in these specials. This gives you a chance to pick up a lot of my titles at 25% off. This includes all three of my new novels, including the new one, A Problem in Translation. You can also pick up one of my short story collections and any of the Ephemeris products I've created. Simply go to...

The Sam's Dot page


The Nomadic Delirium page

Once there, they'll give you a coupon code for the 25% off deal.

It's a great chance to get caught up on my works...

Friday, March 02, 2012

GM's Day at DriveThruRPG

March 1st - March 7th is a celebration of GM's Day at DriveThruRPG. You can get 25% off of a wide variety of titles, including all of the Ephemeris titles. Simply go to http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?filters=0_0_0_0_0_31817, and search for Ephemeris.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

A Problem in Translation is now available

The long awaited release of my new novel, A Problem in Translation, is finally here.

If you'd like to read a sample chapter, you can find one at http://www.jalanerwine.com/translation.htm.

You can order the book from any of the following:
The Sam's Dot Bookstore

The e-book from Smashwords

Barnes & Noble


February recap

Here's what I was blogging about in February. Looks like it was all about the new book...

Release date

The worst part about writing a book

A Problem in Translation blurb

The first chapter

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The first chapter

Thursday, March 1st is the release date for my new novel, A Problem in Translation. If you'd like to read the first chapter, please feel free to go to... http://www.jalanerwine.com/translation.htm.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

A Problem in Translation blurb

It's not finalized yet, but here's the blurb for the new book...

What is humanity to do when faced by aliens whose language is vague at best? What is humanity to do when faced by aliens that are worshipped or feared by almost every other species in the universe? What is humanity to do when faced by aliens that make decisions that seem completely illogical?

These are the questions that must be answered by Captain Shiro Takahashi and the crew of the Astrid, and failing to come up with the right answers could lead to the annihilation of humanity at the prehensile limbs of the Lemec.

Governing, but not governing, most of the nearby galaxy, the Lemec are a powerful species that no one really understands, and this is just how the Lemec want it. Captain Takahashi is trying to understand, but the Lemec try to block his actions at every turn. How can he ever hope to save humanity, and do the Lemec even care if humanity is saved?

Friday, February 03, 2012

The worst part about writing a book...

...is when the publisher asks you to help out with the back cover blurb.

I've never been good at sales, and trying to promote my own work is even harder. So, instead of writing the blurb, I'm procrastinating by writing about writing it...

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Release date

We have a release date for my new novel, A Problem in Translation. It will be released on March 1st, 2012. That's not all that far off, so make sure you're saving those pennies. It will be available both as a trade paperback and an e-book.

This one isn't as dark as my first two novels, and would be more of what I would consider Space Opera, but with a twist. Hopefully you will all enjoy it once it's released.

And be sure to pay attention to my Facebook page, as I'll be doing some special giveaways in a little over a week.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

January recap

Very light month of blogging. Hopefully I'll have more to say in the month to come.

Shouldn't be a surprise...

Progress Report

We have a cover

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

We have a cover

We're getting very close to the release of my third novel A Problem in Translation, and I'm very happy to say that we now have a cover for the new book.

Here it is...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Progress report

Work on the new game is really coming along. I'm very excited about this one, and I'm hoping it will be well received by the gaming world.

I recently sent a copy of the short story that was the inspiration for my new novel to the cover artist, Miss Laura Givens, so she and I can start bouncing some ideas around for the book cover. As the release date approaches, I'll be doing some giveaways through my Facebook account, so keep an eye open for those.

The "real" job has kept me quite busy, so I'm not making as much creative progress as I'd like...but we're getting there.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Shouldn't be a surprise...

...I've started work on the new role playing game. Any time an idea really grabs hold of me, I don't have much choice but to go with it. So, I am now in the process of creating a brand new RPG, and I'm making a ton of progress on it already. I'd say I'm half way through making my notes (other than historical notes), and I might actually start on the writing in the next couple of weeks.

Once I have everything put together, I'll be looking for play testers, so keep your eyes open if you're interested in trying the game out.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 in review

This hasn't been the most productive year I've ever had. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the baby and the new job, but I did have a few publications.

The biggest was the release of my second novel, Red Moon Rising

I also had short stories published in Beyond Centauri, Aoife's Kiss, and A Taste of Armageddon. I also created several supplements for the Ephemeris RPG.

2012 is looking like it will be a more productive year. Alexis is starting to get a little more independent, so that will hopefully free up some time. Early in the year, we'll see the release of my third novel and I'm also hoping to create a brand new RPG this year.

Hope you all have a great and safe new year! See you next year!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Thinking about a new RPG

I've been playing with the idea of creating a new RPG. This one would be a fantasy game set during the colonization/conquest of America. It would contain a lot of the actual facts of that era, but in the game, magic would be real...opening up a lot of potential alternate histories.

Although I'm thinking about this, I'm not convinced that I actually want to do it. The game would take A LOT of work, and it would be very challenging. I'm not really sure if I can devote the time that I would need to such an endeavor. For my writing friends out there, it may be hard to believe, but I actually think creating an RPG is a lot harder than creating a novel. With a novel, you just have a few plot lines. With an RPG, you have to be able to consider as many plot lines as possible, because every player is different.

It's a thought...we'll see if it leads to anything...

Friday, December 23, 2011

I don't understand parents

Our kids spent the day with grandma today so that we could get some last minute Christmas stuff done. As we were leaving to pick them up, we saw two little girls walking down the sidewalk towards us. They were probably four and two. Both had coats on, but neither of them were zipped up. Neither of them were wearing shoes or socks.

For the record, the temperature here today was not much more than 20, and we just had a foot of snow, so these kids were walking on icy snow packed sidewalks...without shoes and socks!

We asked them where their parents were, and they just kept saying they'd gone night night. Neither of them spoke English very well (we're thinking they might have been Russian,) so it was hard to understand much of what they said. They kept walking because the oldest said they couldn't talk to us. We got in our car and followed them for a couple of blocks. At this point, we pretty much decided that this was beyond insane, so we called 911. Eventually the police showed up and took them into custody. They were very scared of the fact that they were going to have to go with the police, but the fact that we were all trying to help them warm up, and obviously trying to do what was best for them seemed to relax them a little.

I seriously have to wonder what these kids' parents were thinking. It's possible that something had happened to their parents, but we really don't know, and if the parents really were just sleeping, who sleeps while their young kids wander out of the house? I can barely even sleep when our kids are up and moving...

I don't know what happened to the kids, and I would actually like to know. I also really want to know what the parents could have been thinking.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

12 Days of Ephemeris Christmas

We're going to be having special sales all through the 12 days of Christmas. We'll be offering a different PDF e-book each day for a buck through DriveThruRPG.

Here are the days, the titles, and the links you'll need to use on those days:
14th: the core rulebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=46749

15th: The Derelict Ship of the Ancients http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=14719

16th: Ephemeris: Critters and Pests http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=39990

17th: Mission of Trade, or Mission of Mercy http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=39893

18th: The Ephemeris Book of First Level Characters http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=11412

19th: Necessity's Call http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=18582

20th: The Scientist's Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=14554

21st: The Law Enforcer's Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=66296

22nd: The Althani Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=31824

23rd: The Arbonix Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=39405

24th: The Culthan Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=12482

25th: The Human Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=44103

Remember, each offer is only good for one day, and each book is only $1.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

The Martian Wave as a bestseller

The Martian Wave Vol. 2, which I edited, made it onto the bestsellers list at Sam's Dot Publishing for November. It came in at #4. You can check out the complete list at http://sdpbookstore.com/bestsellers.htm.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Ephemeris holiday specials

We've set up some special holiday bundles at DriveThruRPG for those of you that play, or want to play the Ephemeris Science Fiction Role Playing Game. Both of the bundles feature the following titles: Critters & Pests, Expanded Ephemeris Equipment List, Necessity's Call, Derelict Ship of the Ancients, Book of Tables, and the Species Compendium. The only difference in the two bundles is that one features the core rulebook and the other does not. They list for $18 and $15 respectively.

Without the core rulebook: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=86042

With the core rulebook: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=86038

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cyber Monday sales

A couple of Cyber Monday sales have kicked off that feature some of my work. You can find the Ephemeris Cyber Monday Bundle at http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=96365. This include the Ephemeris core rulebook, Critters and Pest, the Expanded Ephemeris Equipment List, Mission of Trade, or Mission of Mercy, The Derelict Ship of the Ancients, the Book of 1st Level Characters, the Book of Tables, and the Species Compendium. All of this is available for just $17.50...a huge savings, but only through Cyber Monday.

Another Cyber Monday sale you might be interested in is the Cyber Monday Nomadic Delirium Press Fiction Bundle, which can be found at http://www.drivethrufiction.com/product_info.php?products_id=65958. This bundle features four Nomadic Delirium Press e-books, including three of mine, all for the low price of $4.00. This one is also only good through the end of Cyber Monday, so order right away.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Some stuff to write

I just finished reading through a big stack of fragments I've written over the last decade or so. There is definitely some stuff to work with in that stack. Of course, I have no idea where I was going with some of the best of them, but I'll figure out something to do with them.

At least it looks like I'll have some stuff to work on now that I'm starting to find time to write again.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Nothing to sell

With the sale of my most recent novel, I've come to the shocking revelation that I have no fiction to submit. Granted there are some stories from before I actually had a career, but those are locked away in a box in a dark corner of a closet, never to see the light of day again.

I guess I need to get my writing muscles back in shape and start cranking out some new material. I have a few short story ideas I might work on, and I also have a novel that's only about a third done, so that should give me enough to do for a while...

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Happy birthday Alexis!

Today is my youngest daughter's first birthday. It's hard to believe that it's already been a year. It's also hard to believe all of the changes we've seen in her. She's gone from being completely helpless to becoming a functional human being. It's absolutely amazing.

Since the older two are "technically" my step-daughters, I missed out on all the wonderful things that babies do. I love coming home from work and seeing her smile at me, waiting for me to pick her up, or seeing the big grin on her face when she first wakes up in the morning. I'm proud of every achievement she's ever had, even the smallest of them, because they're all huge to her.

I'm just very happy and proud to say that I'm now the father of a one year old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALEXIS!!!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

A video review of the Ephemeris Role Playing Game

A more or less positive video review of the Ephemeris Role Playing Game...

I'm very happy that he took almost thirteen and a half minutes to talk about the game, and I agree with quite a bit of what he saw as issues with the game...most of which were more with the design of the core rulebook, as opposed to the actual design of the game.

I hope he reads this blog, because I'd like to say thanks!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My third novel has sold

Many years ago I wrote a story entitled "A Problem in Translation." This story was picked up by Alternate Realities, and was then later turned into an illustrated chapbook by Sam's Dot Publishing. I later wrote another story in the universe that was published by Hadrosaur Tales. The stories fit so well together that I decided to expand on them and turn them into a complete novel.

I'm now very happy to say that the novel has been picked up Sam's Dot Publishing and will be released in the Spring. As more details come in, I'll be sure to let all of you know...

Monday, October 24, 2011

MileHiCon 43

Another year's con has come and gone, and this one seemed to go faster than any in the past. I got an opportunity to talk to all of the usual suspects...and you know who you are...that I usually hang out with, and met lots of new people. Everyone was, of course, in love with the baby. She mostly stared at people at the beginning, but she eventually opened up and started smiling and waving at people.

Friday started out with a panel on the state of publishing, and we basically determined that it's in a state of flux, although I was surprised to learn that David Dvorkin in pushing for the grammerpocalypse (you had to be there.) In looking at my badge, I was surprised to learn that I was going to be a part of autograph alley, so I went to that after opening ceremonies. As I wasn't sitting with the main guests, I spent most of my time catching up with David Lee Summers, Gary Jonas, Carol Hightshoe, and Dana Bell.

Saturday was more or less an off day for me with no programming. I spent a lot of time doing the family stuff with the kids, and then took a break to sign at the Wolfsinger Publications table. They published one of my stories in their new Tale of Armageddon anthology. That night we went to the Smashy Claw concert. We've always been big fans of Odd Austin, so we were curious to see what this new project was. Unfortunately, the mix was off, and it was difficult to hear the vocals, so we still aren't sure what it's about. The baby really loved the music, however. She was dancing around in her stroller, and generally going crazy. Everyone sitting around us was laughing at her. After the concert was the masquerade, which had several good costumes, and several that seemed to be re-hashes of years gone by.

Sunday was my crazy day. Did a panel early in the day about fiction and RPGs. We had a good discussion, and we seemed to keep the audience entertained, which is always a good thing. The panel was moderated by my friend Ian Brazee-Cannon. This was the first time we'd ever done a panel together, so I had to have some fun at his expense. Next time you see him, just ask him if he's done any LARPs lately. I then did a reading and a signing, neither of which was well attended, and then concluded the day by moderating a panel on Mining in Space. I was the least qualified on the panel, which is probably why I was moderating it, but I think we put out a lot of good information, and hopefully the audience learned something.

MileHiCon is always so well done, and the entire staff deserves several rounds of applause, but especially Rose Beetem who does the programming. She always does a great job, and this year was no exception.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Updated Mile HiCon schedule

Here's my updated schedule for the Con, along with more information than was in the previous post...

Friday 4:00 pm
The New Landscape of Publishing
Grand Mesa B-C
Dan Dvorkin, Stephen Graham Jones, Eileen Schuh, James Van Pelt

Saturday 3:00 pm
I'll be signing at the WolfSinger Publications table.

Sunday 11:00 am
RPG Games: Fiction vs. Playing
Wind River B
Ian Brazee-Cannon, MT Fierce, Joseph Paul Haines, Christopher Salas

Sunday 1:00 pm
Author Reading
Mesa Verde C
Reading with Paul Cooley

Sunday 2:00 pm
Autograph Table
with Paul Cooley

Sunday 4:00 pm
Mining in Space
Wind River B
Dan Dvorkin, Rebecca Lickiss, Alastair Mayer, Wil McCarthy
I'll be moderating this panel, and there are actual rocket scientists on the panel...so it should be very interesting...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nomadic Delirium Press is looking for novels

Nomadic Delirium Press is now open for novel submissions. We're looking for a couple of science fiction novels that we can release in 2012. For more information, visit http://www.nomadicdeliriumpress.com/novels.htm.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Taste of Armageddon

A new anthology, entitled A Taste of Armageddon has been released by WolfSinger Publications. The lead story in the anthology is by little old me. If you'd like to pick up your copy, you can find it at Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/dp/1936099306.

Smashwords also has the e-book, and you can find that at http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/83785.

The write-up for the book looks like this:
Advances in modern war techniques have led many to "cleaner" and "cleaner" weapons.
Countries have created missiles that can pinpoint a room within a building - greatly reducing the risks to
non-combatants in a war zone.

In the Star Trek episode "A Taste of Armegeddon" Captain Kirk challenged that war had to be messy so that
people had a reason to avoid it. In this collection 11 authors will look at ways that warfare will advance in the future
- from a war that has determined safe zones that cannot be attacked to a virtual war where a law still exists that can
require one-tenth of the population to be killed to a closed meeting room where world leaders order the destruction
of their own people to show just how far they will go in attacking the enemy.

Whether you agree with war or not, these stories will cause you to pause and think about the ways in which war is

And the contributors:
J. Alan Erwine
Grig Larson
David Lee Summers
Henry L. Lazarus
David Turnbull
RA Fitzgerald
Joyce Frohn
Dana Bell
John Lance
Frank Taveres
Ryan Kinker

Thursday, October 06, 2011

A Red Moon Rising sequel?

My publisher was telling me that he sold a copy of Red Moon Rising to a convention goer recently. Apparently the guy bought the book on Friday, read it over the weekend (how anyone finds time to read at a convention, I'll never know), and returned on Sunday asking if there was a sequel available for the book.

This surprised me. I wrote the book as a stand alone novel. The main story in the novel is the main character trying to come to terms with the death of his brother, and I think I wrapped that up pretty well. At the end of the book, it is clear that the main characters still have goals and things they want to accomplish, but their main goal has been achieved, and I never really thought that the other possibilities would be interesting to readers. Perhaps I was wrong.

At this time, I'm not planning on writing a sequel, but it is nice to know that someone enjoyed the book enough to want to read more.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

My MileHiCon 43 schedule

MileHiCon is almost here, running October 21st-23rd. Here is my schedule, and although it's still subject to change, this should be where you can find me...

The New Landscape of Publishing

I have no programming on Saturday, but Sunday should make up for that...

RPG Games: Fiction vs. Playing
Mining in Space

I'll post room information in a later blog, and I'll also let everyone know if there are any changes. I certainly hope that many of you can make it to most or all of these panels.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

I really miss writing

2010 wasn't the most productive year for me, and 2011 is looking like it will be even less so. Although I have done some work on a new novel and I've written a lot of supplemental material for the Ephemeris RPG, there hasn't been much else.

The arrival of Alexis has obviously taken up a lot of my time, and I certainly wouldn't want to give up any of that time, and the job is also taking up a lot of my time, especially since Rebecca and I work opposite schedules, which doesn't leave much free time for writing. The job would be something I'd be willing to give up, although there's that whole money thing...we just can't seem to do without it, even though we've tried.

Hopefully as 2011 winds down, and 2012 starts, I'll find the time to write again...it's always good to hope, right?

Saturday, October 01, 2011

September recap

Eventually I'll start blogging as much as I used to, but time's just not allowing it right now. Here's what I was talking about in September...

The Goebbels Churn The Company vs. Red Moon Rising

Ephemeris e-books Now Available at Smashwords

Ed Bryant needs our help

The first issue of The Martian Wave

Friday, September 23, 2011

The first issue of The Martian Wave

I recently learned that the first issue of The Martian Wave has sold out completely. I hope you were able to get a copy. From what I've seen so far, the second issue is selling even better, so if you want a copy, you'd better order soon...


Monday, September 12, 2011

Ed Bryant needs our help

Anyone reading this who is involved in the literary genres almost certainly knows Ed Bryant, and any of you who have actually met him probably have stories to tell about what a great guy he is. Well, Ed has had some health problems, and he's in need of help from all of us in the writing and genre communities. Please visit http://friendsofed.org to learn more, and while you're there, you can donate at the bottom of the page.

Ed's a regular at MileHiCon, and I had the good fortune of having dinner with him on one occasion. Even given his "renown," he is a very humble gentleman and he gave me a few small nuggets of advice that I've at least tried to put into play in my own career.

So, if you can help, please do...

Friday, September 09, 2011

Ephemeris e-books now available at Smashwords

After a lot of furious formatting, I'm happy to announce that the Ephemeris core rulebook and most of the Ephemeris RPG supplements are now available at Smashwords. In the weeks to come, they will also be available at a number of other e-book retailers.


Friday, September 02, 2011

The Goebbels Churn: The Company Men vs. Red Moon Rising

This is the rather long title of the latest of Tyree's Tuppence in the new issue of The Fifth Di.... For those of you not familiar, Tyree's Tuppence is a quarterly editorial that Tyree Campbell writes for The Fifth Di....

In the September issue, Tyree looks at the portrayal of big bad business in film and in literature. For his literary sample, he uses my latest novel, Red Moon Rising. He has some interesting points to make, and what author doesn't like it when someone references their work to make a point?

Read the Tuppence

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ephemeris e-books

The core rulebook for the Ephemeris RPG has now been released in a variety of e-book formats through Smashwords. You can buy it in whatever format you need at http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/83508.

In the weeks to come, it should be available from a wide variety of e-book sellers. We will also be releasing all of the game supplements for other retailers as well.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Our trip to Farmington, NM

A week and a half ago, Rebecca's Uncle Joe passed away, so we loaded into the mini-van on Wednesday night and headed to Farmington, NM. The trip down was pretty uneventful, other than my mother-in-law almost falling down an embankment in the dark.
We'd heard that the Motel 6 in town was cheap, but decent, so we booked two rooms there. The cheap part was true, but the place was a complete craphole. When we got there, there was no hot water, and after more than nine hours in the van, we all really wanted hot water. With that not being an option, we headed to lunch. On our way home, we were hit by a huge downpour. When we got back to the motel, my in-laws' room had flooded, and all of their funeral clothes had been drenched. The motel was more than happy to move them, so they moved them into a room with no air...and we still didn't have hot water.
The manager was gracious enough to offer us discount coupons for our next stay at Motel 6. I informed him that we would not be staying at Motel 6 any time in the future...so they refunded both of the rooms for the entire stay...I still feel like we got ripped off.
The funeral was a big affair, and I think most of the town was there. Joe had lived there most of his life, and he'd been a Navy veteran and a former Fire Captain, and he was very popular in the community.
Since he'd been in the fire department, the funeral procession was escorted by two fire trucks, and as we passed the main fire station, all of those left on duty were standing outside saluting the procession...a very touching gesture. I noticed a big difference about funerals in small towns as opposed to funerals in larger cities. For one thing, as the procession was passing through town, cars on the other side of the road were pulling over, and men were taking off their hats. In the "city," funeral processions seem to be seen as an impediment to traffic, and most people are quite rude in dealing with them. Also, the cemetery was right next to a park. As we passed the park, everyone stopped what they were doing and silently watched the procession...and it was a long procession.
Our return home was as uncomfortable as the trip down...you can only fit so many people into a mini-van. The highlight of the trip home was when were on I-25 just north of Walsenberg. Rebecca looked up a hillside, and started shouting "There's a bear." And sure enough, a small black bear was making his way down the hill. It was the first time I've ever actually seen a bear in the wild. I just hope he stayed off the highway.
We're now very exhausted, and we have to start back to work, with Rebecca going in very early today, and me going in very early tomorrow. I also have a lot of catching up to do as well.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Martian Wave as an e-book

Sam's Dot Publishing has released Vol. 2 of The Martian Wave, which I edited, as an e-book.


What's in this issue?

This issue of The Martian Wave includes six evocative tales and five thought-provoking poems that will launch you into escape velocity! Bear witness to first contact with the starship crew of Molly Brown and an alien observer as they communicate via music in “Grand Ol’ Opry” by Laura R. Givens. Join Captain Anjela Stewart and her first mate Chris Lockwood of the Venture Forth, in Robert J. Mendenhalls’s “Full Moon”, as they, and other refugee ships, are turned away from Beta and Moon Base, seeking sanctuary in the wake of earth-destroying asteroid XF11. There are other unique and breath-stealing tales. . .from Robert N. Stephenson’s “A Miner Delay” where AI 7-12 Silva argues with his human-centered boss that he deserves to be sent to earth for an emotional and physical upgrade; Douglas A. Smith’s “Hydrogen” takes you on board the Sir Francis Drake while the crew wrestles with a sudden incapacitating illness. . .Is it connected to their propulsion systems? Dan Thompson’s “Terminator”, propels you into imminent disaster with Engineering Architect Ben Gage and Colonel Katerina Petrovna Mayakovski as they attempt to reform an asteroid to house refugees from the Belt Confederacy and the United Nations of Earth war--amid the imminent threat of an Assassin attack!; and N.E. Chenier’s “Latency”, where research vessel Naut-47 is investigating HRK-a for developers of human colonies. The science crew discovers that not only is the planet suitable for habitation, but there’s something in the environment that expands their latent potential exponentially—but at what cost?
Poets Lee Clark Zumpe, Kristine Ong Muslim, W.C. Roberts, and Shelly Bryant extend their creative tethers across space from “gilded captivity” in an alien zoo to a space trader who sells his organs to survive!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Bandit's Sourcebook

It's taken a lot longer than we ever wanted it to, but The Bandit's Sourcebook for the Ephemeris RPG is now available...


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What have I been up to?

Regular readers of this blog have probably noticed that I haven't been posting much lately, so what have I been doing with my time?

I've been desperately trying to get The Bandits' Sourcebook for the Ephemeris RPG ready, and I'm happy to report that it should be available from DriveThruRPG some time in the next week.

I've been trying to get caught up on submissions for The Fifth Di... and The Martian Wave, which I was way too far behind on, and I'm happy to report that I'm not caught up.

I've also been busy formatting books and e-books for Sam's Dot...that battle never ends.

And on a personal note, I've been busy watching our youngest grow up so fast, and of course our older girls started back to school...so busy times indeed!

And of course I've been working at the "real" job...

Now, if I could just find some time to write...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

No WorldCon for me

I'm really bummed that I won't be going to Renovation this year. With it being so close, I was really hoping that we'd be able to make the trip, but our finances just won't allow it. So, for those of you that are going...have a great time for me!

Hopefully we'll be able to make Chicago next year, but it will all depend on finances again...and with the monkey business going on in D.C., I'm not optimistic...

Friday, July 29, 2011

An e-book price reduction

Sam's Dot Publishing is tweaking prices on e-books as they figure out what the e-book market is really like. As a result, they've dropped the price on Red Moon Rising to $2.79.

Order a copy today...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Martian Wave is here

I neglected to mention that my contributors' copies of the second issue of The Martian Wave arrived recently, and the issue looks great. I've been editing for many many years, but I'm especially proud of this issue. There is some truly great stuff in it.

Be sure to order yourself a copy at http://sdpbookstore.com/tmw.htm.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Christmas in July

DriveThruRPG is having their annual Xmas in July sale, and you can get any Ephemeris products for 25% off...so order before the end of the month.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Ephemeris anniversary

Tomorrow (Sunday July 24th) will be the second anniversary of the release of the Ephemeris Role Playing Game. To celebrate this, we will be giving away free pdfs off and on throughout the day at the Ephemeris page on Facebook. You can find it at http://www.facebook.com/groups/11118817285?ap=1.

You must be a "friend" of the page in order to win. We will be giving away core rulebooks and supplements throughout the day, so join us...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

First blog of July

It's hard to believe that it's already the middle of July and I haven't posted a single blog yet. I've been really busy, mostly putting in a lot of hours at the "real" job, and of course little Alexis keeps me on the run...I can't imagine what it will be like when she gets mobile.

I haven't really been able to get much of the work done that I really want to do, but I'm sure that will come in time.

Stay tuned, I promise to post more in the days to come...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Martin H. Greenberg

Yesterday, SF anthologies Martin H. Greenberg passed away after a long battle with cancer. For those in the field, Greenberg was a giant, and to me personally, he was someone I admired, respected, and was influenced by.

I've edited several anthologies over the years, and in the back of my mind I always hoped to some day edit an anthology that was as good as the ones he edited...maybe some day.

The SF field has been greatly diminished, and he will be missed.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Book signing tomorrow

I just wanted to remind everyone in the Denver metro area that I will be reading from, and signing copies of Red Moon Rising tomorrow at the Broadway Book Mall at 3 pm. The Mall is located at 200 S. Broadway in Denver.

I've had quite a few people tell me that they're planning on attending, so you might want to get there early.

Contributors copy of Aoife's Kiss

My contributor's copy of the new issue of Aoife's Kiss arrived earlier this week. It's a big thick issue since it's an anniversary issue, and it looks like there's some great stuff in it.

I can't wait to actually find time to read it...yes, I hear all of the laughing.

To order your copy, go to http://sdpbookstore.com/aoifeskiss.htm

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Are you coming to the book signing?

Just a reminder that I will be signing copies of Red Moon Rising at the Broadway Book Mall in Denver at 3 p.m. on Sunday June 26th. They will have copies of the book there, but if you're interested in reading the book before the signing (so you can come up with some truly brilliant questions for me), then there are a lot of places you can buy it. For example:

The Sam's Dot Bookstore


They should also have copies of most of the other books I've written or edited. Hope to see a lot of you there...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

What's wrong with Ephemeris

I recently got an e-mail from someone (who shall remain nameless) telling me what's wrong with Ephemeris. For those of you that are new to this blog, Ephemeris is a science fiction RPG that I'm the co-designer of.

According to this fellow, the problem with the game is that it doesn't have rigidly defined rules. Instead, a lot of the game play is supposed to be created by the players and the game master. Apparently, I don't know much about gaming because that's what an RPG is to me. When we created the game, we wanted something that was going to have a wide open playing style, much like the original and the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons games. We didn't want to tell you exactly how to play the game, but apparently that was what this guy wanted. Sorry.

We wanted a system that would allow you to create your own campaigns, and given that the setting is the galaxy, well, there should be a lot you can do with that.

I think that's one of the problems I've had with a lot of the newer games, they're too rigidly defined, but maybe that's just me...

Friday, June 03, 2011

The Martian Wave 2011

The 2011 issue of The Martian Wave is now out. This is a magazine that I edited on-line for many years, and the 2011 issue is the second print issue. There are some great stories in this issue, and I'd recommend a copy for anyone that has an interest in the exploration and colonization of space.

The Sam's Dot Bookstore Martian Wave page

Here's the official write-up for this issue:

Where are we going? What will happen once we arrive? Will humanity endure, and if so, will we like what we become? The short answer is: we don't know. But we can guess. In The Martian Wave you'll find stories that make some very good guesses. You'll find heroes and heroines, characters to love and to loathe, and above all you'll find people very much like yourselves trying to find out what's out there, examine it, cope with it . . . and live.
The 21st Century holds many surprises for humanity. The Martian Wave will give you a few hints.

Issue 2
This issue of The Martian Wave includes six evocative tales and five thought-provoking poems that will launch you into escape velocity! Bear witness to first contact with the starship crew of Molly Brown and an alien observer as they communicate via music in “Grand Ol’ Opry” by Laura R. Givens. Join Captain Anjela Stewart and her first mate Chris Lockwood of the Venture Forth, in Robert J. Mendenhalls’s “Full Moon”, as they, and other refugee ships, are turned away from Beta and Moon Base, seeking sanctuary in the wake of earth-destroying asteroid XF11. There are other unique and breath-stealing tales. . .from Robert N. Stephenson’s “A Miner Delay” where AI 7-12 Silva argues with his human-centered boss that he deserves to be sent to earth for an emotional and physical upgrade; Douglas A. Smith’s “Hydrogen” takes you on board the Sir Francis Drake while the crew wrestles with a sudden incapacitating illness. . .Is it connected to their propulsion systems? Dan Thompson’s “Terminator”, propels you into imminent disaster with Engineering Architect Ben Gage and Colonel Katerina Petrovna Mayakovski as they attempt to reform an asteroid to house refugees from the Belt Confederacy and the United Nations of Earth war--amid the imminent threat of an Assassin attack!; and N.E. Chenier’s “Latency”, where research vessel Naut-47 is investigating HRK-a for developers of human colonies. The science crew discovers that not only is the planet suitable for habitation, but there’s something in the environment that expands their latent potential exponentially—but at what cost?
Poets Lee Clark Zumpe, Kristine Ong Muslim, W.C. Roberts, and Shelly Bryant extend their creative tethers across space from “gilded captivity” in an alien zoo to a space trader who sells his organs to survive!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

June 2011 Aoife's Kiss

The June 2011 issue of Aoife's Kiss has just been released. This issue features my short story, "R-Complex." The story looks at who's crazier, government or radical religion...tough call, eh? Also in this issue is a short story from Robert Sawyer...yes, that Robert Sawyer. It's nice to share pages with such a great writer.

Here's the official write-up:

This is it: our 10th Anniversary issue. It's a Double Issue! The cover features Sandy DeLuca's "Lonely Night." Inside you'll find a short story by multiple Hugo Winner Robert J. Sawyer, who makes his debut with us. You'll also find a heap of other names, some familiar and some new, in this spectacular double issue, including Shelly Li, Greer Woodward, Marge Simon, J Alan Erwine, Tyree Campbell, Tim McDaniel, D. Moonfire, Edward Cox, Terrie Leigh Relf, Kimberly Richardson, Keith Graham, Dawn Marshallsay, Bruce Boston, Yunsheng Jiang, Shelly Bryant, Marcie Lynn Tentchoff, K. S. Hardy, and many, many more. There's also another writing article by KW Taylor, and a review of the movie "Thor" by Jacob Edwards.
Greer Woodward: In Search Of Flight
Robert J. Sawyer: Star Light, Star Bright
Tyree Campbell: Starlet
Shelly Li: The Architect Of Apathy
J Alan Erwine: R-Complex
Tim McDaniel: A Little Green
D. Moonfire: Best Of Enemies
Kimberly Richardson: Violin
DoA Worrell: The Fermi Paradox
Ramon Rozas III: Night Of The Sevens
Edward Cox: Ideal Village
Dawn Marshallsay: Sleep-Less Highs
Susan E. Curnow: A Gift Horse
Gale Merrick: The Jeweled Necklace Of Ishtar
Keith P. Graham: Carnival Of Blood
Edward W. Robinson: In The Veins Of Arawn
Sam Kepfield: Azaleas
Barbara A. Barnett: The Deepening
Denny Marshall: The Last Ride
Brock Marie Moore: nature, godhood, and the grave
Marsheila Rockwell: The Apprentice Stitchwitch
Bruce Boston: The Music Of Shapeshifters
Yunsheng Jiang: The Last Scene Of Act I
William R. Ford Jr.: The Last Day Of The Grieving Summer
Natasha King: Children Of All Spheres
Terrie Leigh Relf: The Ambassador From Ariadne IV
Brock Marie Moore: Tumble
Marcie Lynn Tentchoff: There Will Be Tea
Daniel Ausema: Spell
Marge B. Simon & Michael Fosberg: Cat Woman
William R. Ford Jr.: For Empire
Linda Ann Strang: Scheherezade Of The Fully Automatic
J. P. Cashla: The Hound
N. R. Allen: The Lamia
JC Crumpton: Another Year Has Passed And Still I Cannot Fly
Ilona Hegedus: After The Fright
Shelly Bryant: In The Goldilocks Zone
flash fiction
K. S. Hardy: Old Man Winter
KW Taylor: Science Fiction’s Usefulness As A Tool Of Argument
Jacob Edwards: Milestone Or Millstone – Sam Hignett & Eric Frank Russell
Jacob Edwards Review: Thor

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Book signing

I will be doing a reading and signing of my new novel, Red Moon Rising, at 3 pm on Sunday June 26th at the Broadway Book Mall in Denver. I'd love to see a big crowd, so please add it to your plans for that weekend.

The Broadway Book Mall can be found at 200 S. Broadway in Denver.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First words

Our little Alexis has now said her first words. She's been babbling for quite some time, but we realized that some of her babbling was actually directed, and not random. When she's saying na na na, she's actually saying no. She also say ama when she's looking at Rebecca, so obviously that's mama. And the first word she ever said? That's right...da da. She used to repeat the sound over and over, but then we realized that she would get really loud and call for me when she was upset and wanting me to carry her around to calm her down. She'll also look at me and say it, so it became obvious that she was actually addressing me.

Those are her first three words, and I'm sure there will be plenty more to follow. We even think she's trying to sound out her sisters' names, but she hasn't quite figured out how to do it yet.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

E-book price reduction

Sam's Dot Publishing has reduced the price of the e-book version of Red Moon Rising. You can now order it for just $3.99, and you don't even need an e-reader.

Simply go to http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/40341 and choose the format that works best for you.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

An Ephemeris special

Over the next couple of months, Nomadic Delirium Press will be releasing the final three character sourcebooks. These will be for the Bandit, Cyber Wizard, and Nanist. In honor of this, we have a special on the PDF version of the game. You can order it for just $5 by going to http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=66426. This sale ends on May 22nd, so order soon.

As we're finishing up these titles, we're very curious to see what gamers might be interested in having us create for the game in the future. Please feel free to drop by The Ephemeris Facebook Group or The Ephemeris Message Board, and let us know.

Monday, May 02, 2011

2011 issue of The Martian Wave

The 2011 issue of The Martian Wave was supposed to be released in May, but due to printing delays, the release has been pushed back to June, but I've been guaranteed that it will be no later.

So, if you contributed to this issue, we'll all get to see it in a little over a month.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Beyond Centauri has arrived

My contributor's copy of the new issue of Beyond Centauri arrived in the mail. My story, "The Martian Orphans and the Moons of Jupiter" appears in this issue. This is my second YA publication, and it could be the start of a series of stories about the orphans...

To order a copy, simply go to http://sdpbookstore.com/beyondcentauri.htm.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

An Earth Day special

My new novel, Red Moon Rising is being classified as environmental science fiction, and since Friday, April 22nd is Earth Day, Sam's Dot is putting the e-book version of the novel on sale for just $2.95...that's $2 off the usual list price.

To order, simply go to http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/40341 and when you check out, use the coupon code VM34F.

But don't delay, this offer is only good on Earth Day.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The SDP Bookstore

Now that The Genre Mall has closed, you can find my two Sam's Dot titles at the SDP Bookstore.

My new novel, Red Moon Rising can be found at http://sdpbookstore.com/novels.htm#redmoonrising.

My illustrated short story chapbook, A Problem in Translation can be found at http://sdpbookstore.com/fiction.htm#translation.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Red Moon Rising as an e-book

Here are a few places where you can purchase the e-book version of my new novel...

Barnes & Noble...just click on the Nookbook link

Diesel e-books

Kobobooks should have it soon

Friday, April 01, 2011

Beyond Centauri 32

The new issue of Beyond Centauri, Sam's Dot's YA zine, has just been released and my story "The Martian Orphans and the Moons of Jupiter" is in it. This is my second attempt at writing YA fiction. A lot of people seemed to like the first effort, so hopefully they'll like this one as well.

There are a lot of stories about the Martian Orphans still kicking around in my skull, so there's a chance that these characters will be making a comeback in the future.


March recap

It's been a crazy busy month, so I haven't been blogging much. Hopefully there will be more in the months to come.

I'm closing The Genre Mall

Big e-book sale

Meatless Marty's Existential Cafe

Your local bookstore

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Your local bookstore

So, if the store you usually buy your books at isn't currently carrying my new book, Red Moon Rising, you can have them order it. Normally they just want the author and title, but if they need the ISBN, it's 978-0982897584.

And if you are a local bookstore, you can order as many copies as you'd like...

The publisher does offer normal discounts through Ingrams.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Meatless Marty's Existential Cafe

This is one of my favorite settings from my new book...

The one redeeming quality of the area was Meatless Marty’s Existential Café, home of the best vegetarian food in all of Florida, especially their almost world famous tofu burger; Erik’s favorite meal. He’d first come to Meatless Marty’s when it had its grand opening, more than two and a half years ago. He’d come with Jeromie, and that memory always made him pause at the door before he could go in. He did it again this time.
The interior of Meatless Marty’s was almost always changing. Marty, who was almost always there, said he was constantly changing the restaurant as a direct challenge to the rest of society, which never changed. The tie-dyes that had decorated nearly every available inch of the restaurant two weeks earlier had been replaced with various paintings and photographs of wild animals doing what wild animals do, with an emphasis on wolves, whales, dolphins, and bears. Erik thought it was one of the best decors Meatless Marty had chosen so far. It was definitely better than the photos of the animals being butchered that had been up for a week four months ago. That décor had almost closed the place down. It would seem that even animal rights vegetarians hated to be reminded of why they’d made the choice they’d made, at least they seemed to hate being reminded while they were trying to eat.

Read the first chapter

Order from The Genre Mall

Order from Amazon

Order from Barnes & Noble

Order the e-book version

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Big e-book sale

Smashwords is having a mammoth one week event where you can get big discounts on quite a few e-books. This includes all of the Sam's Dot Publishing titles, including my new novel Red Moon Rising. Simply go to http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/samsdot and enter the code RAE25 at checkout.

This also includes most of the Nomadic Delirium Press titles, including my short story collection, Seedlings on the Solar Winds and my first novel, The Opium of the People. For these titles, go to http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/nomadicdelirium. Use the same code, RAE25, at checkout to get the discount.

Keep in mind that all of these titles can be read on your PC, so you don't have to have an e-reader to order any of them.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

I'm closing The Genre Mall

With the new baby, a new job, and new responsibilities at Sam's Dot Publishing, I'm finding less and less time to write. Since I've always considered myself a writer, first and foremost, this is not a good thing.

After a lot of thought, I've decided that I'm going to close The Genre Mall. I've had a good time doing it, and we've sold a lot of magazines and books over the many years I've done it, but it just takes up too much of my time.

The official last day to make purchases at The Genre Mall will be March 31, 2011.

The Genre Mall

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Want a signed copy?

I have a limited number of copies of Red Moon Rising available that I can sign and send off to anyone that's interested. When I say limited, I mean limited.

If you're interested in ordering a copy, please go to http://www.jalanerwine.com/signedcopies.htm, and order today. Please let me know if you just want it signed, or if you want it personalized.

Thanks for reading, and hope you're all enjoying the new book.