Sunday, June 23, 2024

Half off Ephemeris sale

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

For a limited time, you can download all of the Ephemeris RPG titles for half off at

The year is 2185. The human race has gone to the stars, and found that they’re not alone. Local space is teeming with civilizations, some hostile, some friendly, and some indifferent. This is the universe of Ephemeris.

Ephemeris is a game of galactic trade and galactic conquest; of inter-species conflict and cooperation. Ephemeris is a science fiction role playing game. Here you will be able to take on the role of your favorite alien species and your favorite class. You will be able to trade, fight, negotiate, conquer, whatever you’d like to do with your fellow players. You can play the role of an Althani Trader, or maybe an Arbonix Cyber Wizard, or maybe even a Human Nanist. You can create a party made up entirely of one species and set out to upset the trade routes of a rival species. Or maybe you want to create a party with a variety of species that preys upon the trading routes of the various civilizations. Or maybe you want to explore the ancient ruins on long dead planets, ruins that clearly show that there were other species roaming the spaceways in the past…but where are they now? You can fight in great wars, negotiate grand peace treaties, and explore sections of the galaxy that no sentient has ever explored. Or maybe your party has joined with one of the interplanetary corporations; corporations whose motives are never entirely clear. These are just some of the possibilities open to you.
The universe of Ephemeris is yours to do with as you please. What you now hold in your hands are the basic guidelines for the games. Here you’ll find the races, classes, abilities, skills, weapons, and ships that allow you to create your own Ephemeris universe.

Now, step inside for the greatest science fiction adventure you’ve ever been on…

Free stories

For the next few weeks, I'm going to be making some of my stories available for free. All I ask is that if you download the story, and you enjoy it, please leave a review. Next to actually purchasing an author's work, reviews are the best way to help the writers you enjoy.

This week you can download "Choices" for free at

Ereven is on the run. Having abandoned the dictatorial governor of Ganymede, he now finds himself pushed and pulled in directions he doesn't want to go as he tries to flee the brutal hands of the governor. Where will he go? The inner solar system seems to be the only choice, but does he have any chance of getting there? He's never had choices, and now that he does, every one of them seems to lead to death, imprisonment, or both…

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Disharmony of the Spheres is on sale

For a limited time, you can download Disharmony of the Spheres for just $1.99 at

Mental illness is very common in our society, but it's also very misunderstood. Many view those with mental illnesses as being weak, but there is a great deal of strength in those that must battle their own minds on a regular basis.
Disharmony of the Spheres focuses on characters with mental illnesses that are still able to be successful. They may not completely overcome their illnesses, but they are able to beat them back and succeed.
In this volume, you will find the fiction of Ian Brazee Cannon, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, MH Bonham, David Lee Summers, Nicole Givens Kurtz, Kate Runnels, Michael Morgan, L.J. Bonham, Carol Hightshoe, Francis W. Alexander, and Terrie Leigh Relf.
This book is dedicated to all of the science fiction fans and writers that must battle their own personal demons every day, and half of all of the profits from this book will go to The Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Organization, a group that battles teen suicide.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Two weeks til Goatherds & Gods

We're just two weeks away from the release of Goatherds & Gods, and you can pre-order your copy today at: or at

Joseph was born the son of a goatherd chieftain, destined to do nothing more than lead a small band of goatherds, Joseph quickly becomes disillusioned with his tribe and his life, and when his young wife and child die, Joseph leaves his people behind, having no idea what Yahovah has planned for him.
Joseph meets his new wife, Yasmen, and with the help of an ancient man who only calls himself the Elder Rishni, Joseph becomes the leader of a new group of people, a group that grows in numbers and strength, and eventually grows powerful enough to possibly challenge the mighty Indo-Aryan armies and their mighty leader, the Kzer…possibly…

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

What do you do when you've finished writing a novel?

Now that I've spent more than a year re-writing James Baker's novel Goatherds & Gods, what do I do next? No, I'm not going to Disneyland. I've started a new novel. This one will be a science fiction novel, kind of like what you'd expect from me, but it's quite different than my other SF novels. You'll all probably get to learn a lot more about it in a year or so...yeah, novel writing takes a long time!

While you're waiting for my next novel, go ahead and pre-order Goatherds & Gods, and you can start reading it on July 1st.

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Goatherds & Gods is available for pre-order


More than a quarter of a century ago, an editor by the name of Jim Baker published my very first story. He then turned me into an editor, and we worked together for years before he passed away. When he did leave us, I became the owner of his works, both complete and incomplete. One of his novels, Goatherds & Gods was a great story in my opinion, although it lacked proper execution. As a result, I never rereleased this book.

As my skills have, hopefully, improved over the years, I finally felt that I had the ability to turn the book into what it should be, and so a little over a year ago, I began rewriting the book. Most of Jim's original writing is still there, I just hopefully improved on it.

So, without further ado, I give you...


 The e-book version of Goatherds & Gods by James B. Baker and J Alan Erwine is available for pre-order, and will be released on July 1st. The print version will be available at the same time.

Joseph was born the son of a goatherd chieftain, destined to do nothing more than lead a small band of goatherds, Joseph quickly becomes disillusioned with his tribe and his life, and when his young wife and child die, Joseph leaves his people behind, having no idea what Yahovah has planned for him.

Joseph meets his new wife, Yasmen, and with the help of an ancient man who only calls himself the Elder Rishni, Joseph becomes the leader of a new group of people, a group that grows in numbers and strength, and eventually grows powerful enough to possibly challenge the mighty Indo-Aryan armies and their mighty leader, the Kzer…possibly…

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Sunday, June 09, 2024

Boxed Sets of magazines I've edited

Over the years, I edited several magazines, and now the issues that I edited for Nomadic Delirium Press are available in three different collections...

For six years, Nomadic Delirium Press published The Martian Wave. This was a magazine that focused on short stories and poems about the exploration and colonization of space, with a special focus on stories about our solar system. Now, all six issues have been gathered into one boxed set for a very low price.

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For nearly seven years, Nomadic Delirium Press published the long running science fiction and fantasy magazine, The Fifth Di... Now all 25 issues are available in this one massive tome.

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The magazines Environmental Holocaust and Mundanities were short-lived magazines at Nomadic Delirium Press, but we are still very proud of them, and we hope to someday bring them back, but for now you can enjoy the single issue of Environmental Holocaust and the two issues of Mundanities in this one issue.
Environmental Holocaust was a magazine focusing on possible futures where global climate change continues on unchecked. Mundanities was the zine of mundane science fiction, and focused on science fiction that was completely believable based on modern science.

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Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Big news coming

Stay tuned to this blog next week for an important announcement!

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Bestseller for May 2024

Book and story sales seem to swing back and forth, but RPG sales always seem to be consistent. May saw Rocks on the Other Side once again take over the top selling title for me.

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The year was 2032. It will always be remembered as the year that the leaders of the world truly lost their minds. That was the year that they unleashed the massive nuclear arsenals they had been stockpiling. That was the year they tried to wipe out all life on Earth because of petty differences, differences that could have easily been overlooked if they would have just had open minds, but let’s face it, how often did the leaders of the world ever actually have open minds?

Now, two years later, civilization is gone, most of life on Earth is gone, but there are still pockets of humanity that try to eke out an existence. Some of the Earth’s flora and fauna have also survived the nuclear holocaust. Unfortunately, now everyone is trying to survive, and that means that everyone else must be viewed as a potential enemy. Even worse, nuclear mutations have created horrible lifeforms. Some used to be human, some were animals, and some were plants, but now they’re horribly deformed, and incredibly dangerous. Not to mention the fact that there are pockets of radiation all over the world that threaten life that comes anywhere close to it.

And, of course, there’s no longer a need to worry about global climate change since the world is stuck in a perpetual nuclear winter, killing more and more of the life on Earth.

Radiation everywhere, almost constant cold and snow, mutated people, animals, and plants…this is the world that waits for you in Rocks on the Other Side. Do you dare venture into this world and try to survive?

Sunday, May 26, 2024

A great idea for a Star Wars novel

I have, what I think is a great idea for a Star Wars novel. They only problem with that is that you can't just write a Star Wars novel. If I wanted to pursue this idea seriously, I would have to draw up an entire outline for the book, write the first few chapters, and then wave some kind of magic wand to land an agent who could present the idea and hopefully sell it for me.

I'm not sure if it would really be worth it, but unfortunately, the idea just won't leave me alone...

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Don't forget your sixth Taste of the Madness

The sixth volume of A Taste of the Madness is now available at, and remember, this is a free download for KindleUnlimited members.

A collection of six previously published short stories, that are available only for a limited time. Travel to distant planets and travel to different mad visions that prize-winning sf author J Alan Erwine has come up with, but beware, you can never be sure where his weird mind might take you.
Again, this collection is only available for a very limited time.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Another excerpt from Echoes from the Deep

I thought you might enjoy another excerpt from my latest science fiction novel, Echoes from the Deep. Get your copy today at:

Dark water frothed and churned around Phineas. The darkness broken only by the occasional brilliant flash of lightning from above. He swam in one great circle, a circle with a one kilometer diameter. He’d been swimming for more than two hours. Swimming since sunset. Swimming since the storm started. During this time, he continually cast his echolocation towards the reef, but only an echo of the reef came back. He never caught a glimpse of the nothingness that had been there three days earlier…or hadn’t been there. He still wasn’t sure how to think about it.

In all of his experiences both on Earth and here, Phineas had never encountered something like this…or not encountered it. Whatever, he thought to himself. It was frustrating. How do you think about something that wasn’t there, but obviously was there at the same time? He sent another wave of echoes towards the reef, and still the reef came back to him. What was he supposed to do?

Maybe it was time to give up and return to the pod, he thought. Just as he was about to swim away, he suddenly received back a massive echo, a terrifying echo. There was a behemoth swimming away from the reef; swimming directly towards him.

Phineas sent off a desperate plea for help before turning and heading for open sea; the place where it was virtually impossible to escape the behemoths, but he couldn’t think rationally anymore.

Phineas didn’t need to turn and use his echolocation to know that the massive double jawed beast was chasing him. He could feel it. That feeling was enough to convince him to swim faster.

Two kilometers later, there was a sudden surge of electrical charge passing through his body. Without thinking, he dove. A bolt of lightning struck the water where he’d been. It passed into the water just behind Phineas, his skin crackling with electricity.

A call reached him from the shore. The pod was coming to help him, but they were too far away to really do anything. Phineas spun in the water and headed back in the direction of the behemoth. He knew the orca-sized creature wouldn’t be able to detect him until he got close because of the static charge in the water near him.

He began porpoising as he approached the gray-green terror from the depths. His echolocation told him he was about to reach the creature. Acting purely on instinct, he jumped into the air and cleared the gaping jaws of the behemoth by less than a foot. He continued to flee, but he had no idea where he was going.

The creature turned behind him, and continued the chase. Phineas headed for the reef, diving in amongst the crevices as he got there. He felt his belly skin against the sharp sea creatures, but he continued to swim. The blood would only make it that much easier for the terrifying creature to follow him.

He spun as lightning flashed in the skies above him. The behemoth crashed through the reef, sending the reef creatures, sand, and debris scattering through the water. Turning slightly, Phineas could see the four strange tentacles beside its moths flailing madly, in obvious blood lust. The “death flailing” was what the dolphins called it, and it was something that none of them wanted to see, especially up close. That would usually be the last thing that they’d ever see.

Sending out a shriek, Phineas began to zig-zag, swimming frantically, knowing death was about to take him. Suddenly, he was surrounded by darkness. It wasn’t the absence of light he’d experienced just before the behemoth had come after him. No, this was an absence of everything. No light, no sound, no echo. He knew that he was in whatever it was he’d detected days earlier. He swam and thrashed about violently. He had no idea of direction. Even gravity seemed oddly distorted. He had no idea where the behemoth was, and he was hoping, at the same time, that the behemoth had no idea where he was.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Save on my latest titles

Looking to save on my latest titles? Now's your chance. A screenplay, a novel, a short story collection, each is now available for just $2.

Originally available as a novel, now you can read A Problem in Translation in the format that many have said it should have been written in...a screenplay.

Humanity's first contact with an alien species, the Lemec, is complicated by the fact that the aliens don't use an entirely verbal language...not only that, but the other aliens in their "domain" seem to worship the Lemec as some type of gods, and as they seem to anticipate every move that Captain Shiro Takahashi and his crew make, humanity begins to think that maybe the other aliens know something that they don't.

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The first human and dolphin colony team has arrived on Epsilon Eridani 2, a planet that was once inhabited by a highly advanced species that has gone extinct.

On this exciting new world, the humans have brought all of their typical problems with them, while the dolphins adjust quite easily to their new home.

All of this changes when bizarre events begin to happen to the colonists. Is the stress of a new colony causing unknown neuroses and psychoses to suddenly surface? Is there something in the atmosphere that the colonists didn't know about? Or is there something else behind the bizarre occurrences?

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Welcome to the newest collection from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine. This collection gives you Erwine's 13 newest stories since the publication of the enormous tome, Manic Musings of a Maniacal Mind. In this collection you'll find five of his Solar Federation stories, two stories from Nomadic Delirium Press' Divided States of America series, and six independent stories, including the never before published title story.
Journey to distant planets, explore possible grim futures, and have your mind twisted around in a way that only Erwine can do.

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Monday, May 13, 2024


Are you looking for a great book? Are you looking for a plausible end of the world story? Are you looking for some great eco-fiction? Are you looking for a really good anti-fascist novel?

Well, if you're looking for a title that is all of these, I would strongly recommend Insignificant by Mike Morgan. Download it today at

The year is 2127 and the Earth is dying, and nobody seems to notice or care. The United States, run by its single party system known as the Patriot Party refuses to allow any information about the environment out to its citizens, and the rest of the world follows along.
Those headaches everyone is getting, no, that’s not CO2 poisoning…take another pill you’ll feel better…
One man who is paying attention is Thiago Castillo. He had spent years trying to clean the oceans, but even that mission has failed. Now he’s turned his massive yacht into an air-tight ship that a few hundred people hope to live out the end of the world on, but the CIA has different plans, and they’ve sent one of their best case officers to find out what Castillo is up to, but what happens when that officer is exposed to the truth…the REAL truth, and not the Patriot truth?

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Do You Really Want to be a Writer? is on sale

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

For a limited time, you can pick up Do You Really Want to be a Writer? for just $1.50. Head over to and download the book from your favorite store.

Do you really want to be a writer? It's a serious question that anyone thinking about entering the field of writing should ask.
In this collection of essays, prize-winning science fiction author and editor J Alan Erwine uses his usual wit and sarcasm to educate and entertain potential writers as they start their journeys.
You won't find essays about plot or character development here, but instead, you'll find 17 essays that talk about the business of writing. Erwine uses his more than a quarter of a century of experience to talk about the submission process, and more importantly, what to do with your writing and career after you've started selling.
Do You Really Want To Be a Writer? is a great source of information for the new writer as well as the experienced writer.

Thursday, May 09, 2024

The Divided States of America is on sale

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:

For a limited time, you can download The Divided States of America Vol. 1 for just $2. Download it from your vendor of choice today at

No one can say with any reasonable certainty when the United States of America began to fall apart. Many point to the presidential election of 2016, but most believe the breakup started long before this. Now, in the year 2110, the former United States is made up of 13 nation-states and The Wastelands. Some of the nation-states have prospered under self-rule, while others have declined. Some nation-states are very accepting of outsiders, while others trust no one…sometimes not even their fellow citizens. There is chaos in some places, and order in others…sometimes too much order.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Last chance to download stories for just 40 cents

You're almost out of time to download my individual stories for just 40 cents at

There's a huge variety to chose from, and I know you'll find something you like, and I'd even be willing to bet that you'll find several somethings that you'd, what are you waiting for? Start downloading before the sale is over!

Monday, May 06, 2024

Out of Hibernation

My first ever novelette is now available, Out of Hibernation is available from all of the usual sources.

Mars has moved to a new orbit, and no one can explain why. With the new orbit, the red planet begins to experience weather, and then bizarre geological events begin to happen.
Scientists argue back and forth about what’s going on, but the only thing they can say for certain is that Mars seems to be coming out of hibernation. Is it temporary? Is it permanent? Nobody knows, and what else might happen as the planet awakens?

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Sunday, May 05, 2024

Core rulebook sale

If you’re looking for a new RPG to play, now is your chance to download the core rulebook for any of the games we’ve created for 60% off from DriveThruRPG. You can download Rocks on the Other side, The Battle for Turtle Island, Ephemeris, or The Ephemeris Omnibus 2013. Check out the sale at

Bestseller for April 2024

I'm guessing that people must be thinking about the upcoming elections, as The Divided States of America Vol. 1 was my bestseller for April 2024.

No one can say with any reasonable certainty when the United States of America began to fall apart. Many point to the presidential election of 2016, but most believe the breakup started long before this. Now, in the year 2110, the former United States is made up of 13 nation-states and The Wastelands. Some of the nation-states have prospered under self-rule, while others have declined. Some nation-states are very accepting of outsiders, while others trust no one…sometimes not even their fellow citizens. There is chaos in some places, and order in others…sometimes too much order.

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