Showing posts with label Magazines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magazines. Show all posts

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Boxed Sets of magazines I've edited

Over the years, I edited several magazines, and now the issues that I edited for Nomadic Delirium Press are available in three different collections...

For six years, Nomadic Delirium Press published The Martian Wave. This was a magazine that focused on short stories and poems about the exploration and colonization of space, with a special focus on stories about our solar system. Now, all six issues have been gathered into one boxed set for a very low price.

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For nearly seven years, Nomadic Delirium Press published the long running science fiction and fantasy magazine, The Fifth Di... Now all 25 issues are available in this one massive tome.

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The magazines Environmental Holocaust and Mundanities were short-lived magazines at Nomadic Delirium Press, but we are still very proud of them, and we hope to someday bring them back, but for now you can enjoy the single issue of Environmental Holocaust and the two issues of Mundanities in this one issue.
Environmental Holocaust was a magazine focusing on possible futures where global climate change continues on unchecked. Mundanities was the zine of mundane science fiction, and focused on science fiction that was completely believable based on modern science.

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