Sunday, January 06, 2013

Sam's Dot Publishing update

At the beginning of this year I became the Managing Editor for Sam's Dot Publishing, basically taking over the day to day running of the company, which is now owned by White Cat Publications.  A lot of people have been wondering what will be different about Sam's Dot now that Tyree Campbell has moved on.  The basic answer is...not much.  All of the titles that Tyree had contracted will be published in the years to come, and I will eventually be opening back up for novel submissions, and I will be editing those, and we will be releasing those under the Sam's Dot name.
Obviously, my editorial focus will be slightly different from Tyree's, but you shouldn't notice a huge change.  The biggest change I think anyone will notice is wider distribution, and that's a good thing.
I guess you could say, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012!

Another year has come and gone, and like many other years, this one certainly had its up and downs.  The biggest downs would have to have been Rebecca being held up at the end of January, and then some bastard stealing our tax check.
Although those were some low lows, I think the highs made up for it.  Our oldest started middle school, and even though she already has some of the teen angst going on (a couple of years early), she's still doing great.  Our middle daughter has moved on to second grade, and she's more or less excelling...if we could just get her to do her homework.  And of course the youngest has grown up so much.  At the beginning of the year, she was barely walking and could say a few words.  Now she's strolling around everywhere, counting to 11, learning her ABC's, using four and five word sentences, and of course loving Star Wars and Babylon 5.  Another positive on a personal level was my accepting a promotion at work.  Although it's leaving me exhausted, we're bringing in some extra money, and that's always a good thing.
On a professional level, it was also up and down.  March saw the release of my third novel, A Problem in Translation and I also finished the initial drafts of a new RPG.  The biggest down would be that I didn't do anywhere near enough writing this year.  I do have a new story coming out in an anthology early next year, and I'm certainly hoping to do more writing in 2013.
All in all, I'm glad to be saying goodbye to 2012.  The stress from the robbery has kind of haunted everything, and once we get past the one year anniversary, I think everything will start looking up.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

Another Christmas has come and gone.  I've always loved Christmas.  I love the lights, and I love the music...well, most of the music.  And now that I have kids, I love to watch them open gifts on Christmas morning.  I, of course, don't celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ, but rather as a time to reflect on the year's events, and to spend time with friends and family.
Although I have a great family with my wife and kids, I have to admit that I miss my mom, dad, brothers, and they're all spread across the country, so we rarely see each other, and I can't even remember the last time I saw any of them on Christmas.  This year was especially bittersweet, as I know that any day now my maternal grandmother, and the last of my grandparents, will probably pass away.
Still, with all of the mixed emotions, I have to admit that it was a great Christmas, especially when Rebecca realized that the BIG gift I'd been teasing her about was Bon Jovi tickets...she's a HUGE fan.
I hope all of you had a great whatever holiday you celebrate.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Another Apocalypse has come and gone

Eventually people will learn that the end of the world can't really be predicted, except possibly with science.  In all honesty, this Apocalypse seemed even sillier than most of the ones in the past.  I'm sure some people are feeling foolish today, although they're probably trying to justify why they were wrong...that's what always seems to happen.
On another note, the events in my novel The Opium of the People were supposed to have been set up by a near miss with a comet on Dec. 21, 2012.  I'm very happy to say that I was not prophetic.  The idea of living in a world like the one I created in the novel would make me wish for the end of the world.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Come on people

We just got through all of the election nonsense, which I thought had brought out the worst in people, but the holidays seem to make people behave in some crazy ways.  I'm not talking about the belligerent customers you have to deal with while shopping.  I'm talking about the whole Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas nonsense.
Christians feel that there's an attack on Christmas because non-Christians and Atheists want to use Happy Holidays because, well, they don't believe in Christ.  And non-Christians and Atheists don't want to be told Merry Christmas because, well, they don't believe in Christ.
To me, it's all insanity.  Why do we have to spend so much time looking into the underlying meaning of what someone is trying to say, rather than accepting the intent behind the message, which is usually, hey, hope you have a great day and life.  We're so caught up in distrusting people that we don't realize that people are just trying to be nice.  Why not let them be nice?
I, myself, am a staunch Atheist.  I don't feel like maybe there's a God, no, I don't believe at all.  But if you believe in God, and you want to wish me a Merry Christmas, then by all means, go ahead, and I'll wish you one too.  If I do something nice for someone, and they say God Bless You.  I don't look at it as them trying to push their religion on me.  No, I look at it as them thanking me in their own way.  Even if I don't agree with their belief system, it doesn't mean that I can't accept the sentiment of gratitude.
Everyone needs to loosen up and stop worrying about what someone might mean by what they're saying.  Yes, there are some people that are trying to push their beliefs on you, but the majority of people saying Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays are just trying to be nice.  There's so little niceness left in the world, let's let them be nice and get over ourselves.

So, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or Happy Whatever You Want to Believe and Celebrate.  I hope whatever you believe in and celebrate at this time of year will bring you a great deal of happiness.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I'm still around

Since taking this promotion, you've probably noticed a significant reduction in my blog posting.  Well, I'm still around.  I'm just trying to adjust to the extra hours and all that.
It was already tough juggling being a father of three kids, a husband, a writer, an editor, a game designer, and a part-time employee, but adding in those extra hours of going to full time is taking some getting used to.  I've been overwhelmed before, so I'm sure I'll get used to this.  Plus, I usually do better at things when it seems like I have too much to do.
So, that means you can probably expect more posting in the weeks to come as I get back up to speed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jim Baker

My article about the founder of ProMart, (which became Sam's Dot) Jim Baker, has been posted on the White Cat website.
 There are quite a few writers in the speculative fiction community that got their start with ProMart, so it was nice to get a chance to write the article, as I don't think we should ever forget him or his vision of the future.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I must be out of my mind

Anyone who knows me knows that I always have half a dozen projects going at once, and I always have ten million family things going on.  It never seems like there's enough time to get anything done in my life, so I guess it's only logical that I would take a promotion at my "real" job.  I'm now a full time supervisor.
Obviously I've lost whatever sanity I had left...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

An Eternity in Limbo

No, it's not another political post, although it sounds like it could be.
Recently I mentioned that I'd finished a new story...well, that story is titled "An Eternity in Limbo" and it has been picked up for the A Kepler's Dozen anthology from Hadrosaur Productions.  You can read about the anthology by going to  The information about this anthology is towards the bottom of the post, but the whole thing is worth reading.  Hadrosaur Productions puts out some great stuff!
I was invited to contribute to this anthology a while back, and I'm glad they decided that my story was worthy of the anthology.
Look for release information in the months to come.

Four more years

I had originally planned to post about my election views the day after the elections, but I was felled by a horrible virus that has had me fevered and weak and not able to do much, so I haven't been able to post.  Maybe it was the universe's way of saying that no one really cares what my opinion is.  Too bad.
So, after all the posturing and lies we now had a democratic president, a democratic senate, and a republican house.  In other words, we're still in the same screwed-up position we were in before the election.
Don't get me wrong, gun to my head, forcing me to vote for one of the "two" candidates, I would have voted for Obama, but I don't necessarily think he was the best candidate.  The plain and simple truth is that as long as we continue to allow ourselves to be governed by a two party system, we will forever be on our knees before the politicians and big business.  Both of the "two" parties are in bed with big business, which leaves "We the People" at the mercy of big business.
In order to get from under the heels of corporations, we have to add a third, fourth, or even a fifth party to the process.  In my opinion, there are two parties that right now could take on the dems and the repubs if people would get behind them.  Those would be the Greens and the Libertarians.  Neither party is going to get the backing of big business, because they don't agree with big business, so you won't see lots of TV ads.  The networks are owned by corporations, so they're going to tell you that there are only two parties you can vote for, but it's not the case.
Politicians seem to have forgotten that it's OUR government, so let's take it back.  In future elections, whether it's national or local, look at those third party candidates, you might actually find that they really do have YOUR best interests at heart.  Vote for them.  They may not win in the next few years, but we can build momentum, and we can take back the government from people who think they own it.
This is your choice!

Saturday, November 03, 2012

A new story

I finished the final draft on a new story today.  It's been a long time since I've actually finished a new story, so this is a really good feeling.  To make sure I didn't start second guessing myself, I immediately sent it off to try to find a new home.'s time to start on the next new story...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Con withdrawal

It's been five days since MileHiCon ended, and spending almost a week back in the "real" world makes me realize that I'm going through Con withdrawal.  I wish it was within our means to do more cons.
Maybe I just need to start writing or editing more so I can move up to that Guest of Honor title...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Some writerly advice

As some of you may know, I'm the featured writer at Word Weavers this week, and I promised them a blog for Tuesday, so I thought I'd dedicate the entry to some of the things I've learned as a writer and an editor over the years.  Some of it is common sense, and I'm sure most writers already know this stuff, but you never know, you might learn something new.
A writer should always try to write every day.  It's not always easy, and I'm certainly guilty of not doing this anymore.  I used to write almost every day, but now that I'm married and have kids, it's not as easy.  As the little one gets older, I imagine it will get easier.
Always follow guidelines.  This one may seem pretty obvious, but you'd be surprised by how many people do not follow guidelines.  None of the magazines that I edit publish horror, and yet I get at least one horror submission every month.
Network, network, network.  In the computer age, every writer needs to network with other writers, and most certainly with readers.  Be sure to have a Facebook page, since that's where the majority of people are hanging out these days.  When that changes in a couple of years (remember MySpace), move along with the change, and keep meeting new people.
If you're a genre writer, go to Cons.  Some people are intimidated by cons, because let's face it, some of the fans can be a bit intense, but they are fans, and if you can get them reading your work, and liking it, they'll be fans forever.  Cons are also a great way to meet other writers, and to talk face to face with editors.  I'm approached by at least a dozen people at every con wanting to talk about Sam's Dot.  You can really learn a lot at a Con.
Be open to criticism.  Even people who don't like your work might be able to give you some good pointers on how to improve.  Now, I'm obviously not talking about the haters out there, but people that have genuine reasons for not liking your work can improve your writing skills.  Yes, you most certainly have to have thick skin, but no matter how good of a writer you are (or you think you are), someone is not going to like your work.
Most important advice of all...persevere.  I have seen a lot of truly talented writers that couldn't take the rejection of writing, and gave up because of it.  And I've seen a lot writers who didn't have much talent to start with, but continued to write and submit no matter what.  After years, these writers developed into true talents because they kept practicing and they learned from their mistakes.
Not sure if any of this helps, but I thought I'd put it out there for anyone that is interested.

Monday, October 22, 2012

MileHiCon recap

Another MileHiCon has come and gone, and it was another great one.  The staff at the Con is always fantastic, and they do such a great job.
Friday started out with a panel about Copyright Law.  I know a little about this, but nowhere near as much as the other panelists, so I just chimed in when it seemed appropriate, but I think we gave the audience a lot of good information, and the panel was very well attended.  A couple of hours later, I had my reading.  This year I was by myself, so it was only sparsely attended, but those that were there seemed to enjoy the reading.
Saturday morning I did a panel about the future of gaming.  A lot of the panel talked about console and computer gaming, which I don't have a lot of time for (you know, family, job, editing, writing, game creation, and all of that kind of stuff), but I was able to talk quite a bit about RPGs and such.  It was another well attended panel, and the audience was great, and I hope we entertained them, which I think we did.  We had some serious clowns on that panel.  I then did a signing, which was more of a "here, take my card" kind of thing, but that's how it usually is for small press authors.  Later in the day I did a panel on the small press, which was a lot of fun, and again was very well attended.  We had a lot of fun with that one as well.
We then went to the masquerade, which is always a good time, but I think some of the costumes are getting a little out of control.  There are a lot kids in the audience, and I think some of the costumes are getting a bit too risque for kids, but I guess some people just want attention however they can get it.
Sunday I only had gaming with the participants, but we couldn't come up with enough people to get the game going, so that was a wash.
The kids had a good time, although I'd like to see the older two take more interest in doing things.  They just want to sit on the sidelines and watch other people do.  There's a family that has two boys that are a each a year or two older than our oldest girls, and we always spend a lot of time with them.  Alexis has really taken a shine to their oldest boy, and she always was looking for him, and enjoyed beating him up with a bat'leth.
Overall, a great Con.  Can't wait for next year!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Getting ready for the Con, and other stuff

We're just a few days away from MileHiCon, and I'm starting to gear up for it by deciding just what books to take and such.  I always bring way too many, always in the hope that I'll somehow sell out during my signing...hasn't happened yet...but it might.
I've been finishing up a new supplement for the Ephemeris RPG.  This one's The Cyber Wizard's Sourcebook, and it's helped to refresh my memory a bit on the game...just in case anyone shows up to play on Sunday.
We should start packing for the Con in a couple of days, but I always like to hold off on that for as long as I can, because let's face it, this is Colorado, and you can never be sure what the weather will do in October...or any other month, for that matter.
For those of you following my adventures with the health and insurance industries...we finally have approval from the insurance company for the CT scan.  That will be taking place on the 25th.  Stay tuned for more details.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hopefully closing a chapter

Today was sentencing for the guy who held Rebecca up.  He will be going away for 20 years, and the DA says that he probably won't even be eligible for parole for 15 years.  By that time, two of our kids will be adults, and the youngest will be driving...that's a long time, and it's an amount of time that's difficult to comprehend when put into those terms.
I was very proud of Rebecca.  Even though this guy has changed her life so dramatically, she still found the courage to actually stand up in front of everyone in the courtroom, and tell him exactly what was on her mind.
This is what she had to say:
January 31st changed my life.  I was just doing my job to pay my bills and to take care of my three kids, when he walked in and pulled out a gun and robbed me.
Now I find it very hard to trust anyone, and all of my relationships with family, friends, and my husband have suffered as a result of this crime.  I can't cope with my life the way I used to, and I am trying to get back on track and deal with things the best that I can.  He took so much from me, and now I'm struggling to trust people again.  It's been almost nine months, and I'm still having anxiety attacks and I panic when I see people that look similar to him, or people who are in hats or hoodies.  It's going to take a while before I am myself again, and before I can see the world the way I used to.
I hope he sees how wrong he was, and I hope he wants to change.  He still has many years of his life in front of him, and it's my hope that he ends up being a better person.  I haven't forgiven him for hurting me, but one day I hope to.  I need to be able to move on.

After she'd expressed herself, he talked quietly to his attorney, and through the exchange, I could hear him saying that he wanted to say something.  Finally, he did actually say that he was sorry, and he was working to change his life.  Apparently he took to a life of crime because he'd gotten heavily into drugs.  It's not a valid excuse, but at least we now know why he did it.
As they were leading him away, he was crying.  Maybe he will change, but only time will tell...

Monday, October 08, 2012

Word Weavers

A long time ago in a galaxy far far, wait, scratch that.  A long time ago at a place called Myspace (you remember that place, right) there was a group called Word Weavers.  It was a group designed for writers to network and readers to find new writers.  Well, the group is back on Facebook at, and starting the week of Oct. 22nd, I will be the featured writer, so head over and like the page now.