J Alan Erwine is a prize winning SF writer. He is also an SF editor, and the co-designer of the Ephemeris Role Playing Game. He is also the creator of the Rocks on the Other Side RPG, as well as the Battle for Turtle Island RPG.
You scored as Edward Silverberg. You scored as Edward Silverberg. You want the world to change, but you don't want to be the one to do anything about it. Still, no matter what happens, you always seem to end up in the middle of things and somehow change happens around you.
Which Opium of the People Character Are You? created with QuizFarm.com |
I have a limited number of copies of my illustrated short story A Problem in Translation that I'm now making available through my website.
This story is the inspiration for the novel that I'm currently working on...so pick up a copy today and enter the disturbing world of the Lemec.
I've just finished the rough draft of my new novel. This has been a work in progress for a long time. It started out as a novel, but after the first chapter, it stalled out.
I then turned that first chapter into a short story which appeared in Alternate Realities and then was later released as an illustrated chapbook by Sam's Dot. The cover of that chapbook is pictured here. You can order copies from The Genre Mall by clicking on the link above.
Eventually, I wrote the second chapter, but it died again after that. So, I went back and re-wroked the second chapter into a short story which eventually sold to Hadrosaur Tales. It's in issue 20, which is also available from The Genre Mall in the zines section.
Nothing happened for years after that. Once I left Grubway, I started working on the book that doesn't want to get written...and it still doesn't, so I pulled this one out, and it all came together. I added another 40,000 words, and we now have a rough draft.
It will take quite a bit of re-working because some things did change mid-stream, but that's ok...the first draft is always the hardest for me...
Ecotastrophe is now available from Sam's Dot Publishing. This is a trade paperback collection of short stories and poems that look at some of the most dire futures brought about by global warming. As you can tell by the cover (designed by scott virtes, with cover art by scott virtes), I'm the editor on this project.
Curious to know what's in this collection? Here's the back cover blurb:
ECOTASTROPHE is a collection of short stories and poetry that examines futures we could face if we continue to damage Earth’s ecology. The oceans are dying and only desperate measures could save them in Jan Mortimer’s The Empty Ocean. Michelle Mellon’s Undiscovered Horizons questions whether we can truly find the answers out among the stars, or can we only hope to change the future by changing the past as Rebecca S.W. Bates postulates in Walking the River. Also featuring the works of JE Gurley, Bruce Boston, E. Catherine Tobler, Kristine Ong Muslim, and Adam Banks, among others, ECOTASTROPHE is a grim but illuminating view of several possible ecological futures for humanity.
This book will be on sale for $10 through the end of September...and that's not a bad price for a trade paperback.
Ecotastrophe is an anthology that looks at the worst case scenarios of what could happen to our world if we continue the ecological destruction we are currently inflicting on the planet.
This is an anthology from Sam's Dot Publishing, which I edited. The book is set to be released on September 10th, but The Genre Mall is currently holding a pre-sale for the book...so you can order a copy early. Just go to http://www.genremall.com/anthologies.htm and order a copy today...
I also have to say that I think Scott Virtes did a great job with the cover. His artwork and his design...very nicely done...