Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Blog listings

I've added a listing of the blogs that I read on a daily basis. You can find it on the right side of this page, right under the links to my books (which you really should buy!)

I tend to read a lot more blogs than I used to, but these are the ones that I try to hit every day. You should check them out, as they are some very interesting people...


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for linking to my blog!

You reminded me that I need to get a blog roll going. I'll be sure to add yours. I've been subscribing to your RSS feed.

Keith said...

Thanks for including my blog in the list.

I often treat the blog as a personal journal and it surprises me when someone comments on something. I don't want to get self conscious about it. I don't want to self-edit, either (Erica handles that part).

I hope I can come up stuff that is less mundane than my average post.