Monday, September 02, 2013

Glad that week's over

August started out well, but it faltered quite a bit at the end.  Last Monday, Rebecca got a call from her district manager telling her that they were transferring her to a new store effective Sep. 1st.  She had to leave all of the good friends she'd made at her old store, and wasn't thrilled about it...but she's a trooper, and she's going to make the best of it, and be the best damn supervisor her new store has ever seen.
About an hour later, she found out that her parent's dog, Missy, had to be put down.  Missy was such a great dog.  The first time she met me, she climbed onto my lap and tried to stay there all day.  She was a 70-80 lb black lab, so lapdog is quite the misnomer.  She was always very protective of our girls, and was one of the best dogs I've ever known.  She is definitely missed.
We have reason to believe that there is more crap headed our way, but hopefully it won't happen.  I can't really talk about it...

Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Fifth Di... September 2013

The September issue of The Fifth Di... is now available from Nomadic Delirium Press.  This is a zine I've been editing for more years than I can remember.  To order your copy, go to

Saturday, August 17, 2013

WTH Amazon?

Any of my regular readers know that I've had problems with the way Amazon does business, and in fact, a lot of authors have had problems with the way Amazon does business, but this new one really has me stumped.  Like most authors do, I was searching my titles on Amazon to look for reviews and such, when I found some of my titles listed with the word "Greenlight" in them.  None of these listings showed a cover, and when I clicked on them, they were listed as out of stock.  For some reason, these Greenlight out of stock titles are listed before the actual titles, so unless you scroll down, or even click to go to page two, you'll think that the books are no longer available.
I have no clue what they're doing, but I suppose it's just more of the games they like to play with authors...

Monday, August 05, 2013

A Robot, a Cyborg, and a Martian Walk into a Space Bar...

I will be editing a new collection for Nomadic Delirium Press.  As you might be able to tell, it's a comedic science fiction collection.  I love funny SF that's actually good, so this should be a fun collection.
Interested in submitting, go to
I'm editing another collection as well, but that one's an invitation only collection, and I think it will also be very interesting once we get it put together.  I think it will bring something truly unique to the science fiction world...or at least I'm hoping it will...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

A review of The Martian Wave: 2013

We've gotten our first review of the new issue of The Martian Wave, and it was a positive one.  Have a look

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Martian Wave e-book

The e-book version of the 2013 issue of The Martian Wave is now available through Smashwords.  You can get it at

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Christmas in July

DriveThruRPG and DriveThruFiction are both running Christmas in July sales, allowing you to get all of the Nomadic Delirium Press titles for 25% off. You can order the RPG titles, which include all of the Ephemeris titles, as well as The Battle for Turtle Island by going to, and you can get any of NDP's fiction titles by going to

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Pre-order the 2013 issue of The Martian Wave

Amazon has the new issue of The Martian Wave available for pre-order, and at a discount.  You can find it at  Who knows how long they'll keep it at this price...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Breaking ground on a new novel

After a lot of plotting and planning, I've finally started actually writing my new novel today.  I even managed to get 1000 words written.  Yes, this was during the little one's nap.  That might be my only writing time for a while.
I've mentioned in a few places that people will be surprised by this one, and yes, I think they will be.  I'm actually writing a...wait for it...a YA science fiction novel.  Given how dark, and sometimes twisted my work usually is, this is a very big departure for me.
Considering that I'm now working full time, and taking care of the little one a lot, this novel will probably take a while to write, but hopefully it will be a fun adventure.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The 2013 TMW cover

Here's a look at the cover for the 2013 issue of The Martian Wave...

Sunday, July 07, 2013

A July update

We're a week into the new month, and this is my first post of the month.  The "real" job has been keeping me really busy, and leaving me quite exhausted, so I haven't had as much time as I want for the important things in life.
In important news, I've finished the formatting of the 2013 issue of The Martian Wave, and it should be off to the printer in the next couple of days.  I've also been doing some mental outlining for the next novel, which will be quite a departure for me.  I think people will be surprised when they find out what I'm working on.
Other than that, there hasn't been much going on... just trying to get work done, and spend some summer hours with the kids before they go back to school...which will be here very soon.
Hopefully I'll have more to report in the coming weeks...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kepler e-book

As most of you know, I have a short story in a new anthology called, A Kepler's Dozen.  The book is now available as an e-book, and you can find it at:

or at:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

I'm back

I actually went back to the "real" job on Tuesday, but since Rebecca was off through yesterday, I decided to take some time away from the Internet and spend those last few days with her, since we really don't get to see much of each other.
The vacation was great, we went to the zoo, the Wildlife Experience, Idaho Springs, the Renaissance Festival, and the reservoir.  I think we wore my mom out, but I think she had a good time, and I know the kids had a blast...and so did we.
Now, back to editing The Martian Wave, writing, and the other nine million things I need to get done.

Monday, June 10, 2013


I'm on a bit of a vacation at the moment, so expect limited blogging for the next week...not that I've been blogging that much lately anyway...

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

One final act of begging

They say that begging is good for the soul, well, here I am begging for help with the Kickstarter for The Martian Wave.  There are only a couple of days left, and we aren't hitting our goal yet.  We need whatever help we can get.  If you can't help financially, then please post the link.  This publication needs to be done with flourish.  It's always been such a great magazine, I'd hate to see it reduced in grandeur.
That Link...
Some people also say that begging is pathetic...well...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Please help

There are less than two weeks left in the kickstarter for The Martian Wave, and we haven't even reached the half way point yet.  We would hate to have to delay the release of the next issue, so if you're able to donate anything to the kickstarter, we would really appreciate it.