Friday, February 17, 2017

Refined Patreon page

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
Realizing that we tend to sell to two different groups of individuals...readers and gamers, we refined our rewards for becoming a patron on our Patreon page. This now allows you to pick between a fiction or RPG type of reward. It also makes it easier to pledge at a lower level to start getting rewards. We've also set two goals that we would love to achieve.
Please visit and support us today. We have great things planned for the future, and with your help, we can make those things happen!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Feedback on the NDP Patreon

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
Our Patreon page has been up and running for a while, and we'd like to ask people for feedback. Specifically, do you think the rewards are fair? Also, do you think that maybe we should divide up the rewards between fiction and RPGs? Any other feedback would also be appreciated.
Please check it out at:

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Long silence

I've still been having computer problems, and on top of that, I've picked up some nasty virus that has been making me beyond miserable for more than a week now. That is the biggest reason for the long silence of the blog. I am slowly recovering, and hopefully the computer will be too, so you can expect more promotional posts as well as my usual crankiness to return soon.
I have quite a bit to say about politics...but that will have to wait...

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

January recap

I did very little blogging this fact I did very little of anything when it comes to work because I've been having major computer problems. Hopefully they'll resolve soon...
Childishness and Science Fiction
The Best of Both Worlds at Amazon
Where to from here?

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Where to from here?

So, you don't like the fact that Donald Trump is now the president...what should you do next? Let me start out by saying what I think you shouldn't. Trashing his family (especially his kids), they can't help that they're related to him. Liberals didn't like it when conservatives did it to the Obama girls, so don't do it to his kids. Next, stop trashing the people who voted for him and still support him. You're not going to change their minds, so all you're doing is making yourself look stupid. Let them learn in time, what will really happen. It's important to remember that we can be a great country based on our differences, and that in the recent past, we embraced those differences, and we should continue to do so. Third, don't wish for Trump to fail. It's fine to believe that he will, but to actually hope that he will fail is basically saying that you hope America will fail.
Now, what can you do? Keep up the protests, but keep them peaceful. Destroying things is never the answer. All you're doing then is making people lose respect for the protests. When I say keep them up, I mean march as often as possible, boycott events, state your opinion in a civil way, and hell, you might as well follow him on Twitter and rake him over the coals for every tweet that he posts. Will it do any good, probably not, but it will feel good. The other forms of protest can do some good. Our nation was founded in revolution, and now it's time for another one...but this time it needs to be a peaceful revolution. Stop trashing people and property. If someone disagrees with you on Facebook and calls you names for your opinion, you don't have to sink to their level.
As for me, I'm going to write more. I see many dystopias in my future, but that's ok. I love writing and reading them...I just don't want to live in one...

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Best of Both Worlds at Amazon

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
For some reason, a lot of people still prefer to buy their books through Amazon, so for those of you that want to use them, you can find The Best of Both Worlds Vol. 1 at

Monday, January 09, 2017

Childishness and science fiction

Over the last few years we've seen a lot of childishness in the science fiction field. Most of it started when the "Puppies" started demanding equal representation, and such. I'm not really going to comment on that because I think there's been a lot of questionable behavior from both sides in this debate, and I think this subject has been done to death. Let's face it, the Hugos aren't what they used to be, and they probably never will be again.
What troubles me is some posts I've seen from some of the more "conservative" authors who feel that they've been blackballed by various editors in the SF community. The fact that these authors are saying this isn't what's bothering me. Instead, I'm bothered by the fact that I actually believe this to be true. Granted, I don't have any proof, but from things I've seen, I do think this is a very real possibility. This bothers me because as an editor, we're supposed to be publishing stories and not authors. As an author, I've had plenty of rejections that state that the editor is passing on the story...not on me as an author. So, based on that, why should we pass on an author because of their political views? The simple answer is, we shouldn't. If the author has written a good story, then we should publish the story.
Obviously the one exception to this is if we're publishing a themed anthology. I'm currently reading for an anthology in which global climate change is real. I'm obviously not going to accept a story that goes against that idea, no matter how well-written it might be.
In the past, I've published stories from authors with very different political and religious ideas from mine. The reason I did this is because I enjoyed the stories. I'm an Atheist, but I've published stories with very Christian ideals because the stories knocked my socks off.  I've published some very conservative authors in the past, including one who eventually became part of a "puppy slate," and I would publish stories from them again if I enjoyed the stories.
There are times when I cringe reading some of the things posted on Facebook by authors I've published, but again, it's their stories that matter, not their beliefs, and that's what the writing world is supposed to be about.
I hate the idea of blackballing someone for their beliefs. In my opinion (and please make sure you understand this is an opinion before you all get upset), the only reasons for blackballing an author are because they're plagiarists, they continually refuse to follow your guidelines, or because they've assaulted you as a person in social media.
End of rant.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Rot in hell 2016

As years go, 2016 pretty much sucked. Yes, there were good things that happened, but not many.
2015 ended with my family struggling financially.  2016 just increased those struggles.  Instead of just living, our main focus most of this year has been how are we going to keep a roof over our heads. There seems to be some light in the tunnel early in 2017...but with our luck, it's just a semi headed our way.
Health issues have also been a problem.  My chronic pain is only getting worse, and it's now getting to a point where even normal daily activities are becoming difficult for me. In addition, Rebecca was diagnosed with a chronic disease that will plague her for the rest of her life. All of this has led to more medical, fun, fun.
Overall, the family is doing well, and this is one of the few bright spots of the year.
I didn't do much writing this year, but that picked up some towards the end of the year, so maybe there's hope in the new year.  There also wasn't much design work on the Ephemeris RPG done this year.  A few supplements were released, and I did start work on a new supplement for the Battle for Turtle Island RPG, but still, not enough work was done on any of these.
I have done a lot of editing this year.  Nomadic Delirium Press released several books this year and also several magazines, and while the quality of the work I've included in them has continued to increase, sales have not followed.  The publications are growing slowly, but they aren't selling anywhere near the number of copies as they should.  There is some great work in these books, and they deserve to be read by more people.
Hopefully 2017 will be a better year, but I'm not making any bets. We thought 2016 was going to be OUR year...

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Just a few days left

From the Nomadic Delirium Press Blog:
There are just a few days left to save 50% off of our fiction titles at DriveThruFiction. Go to and order now before you run out of time!!!

Friday, December 23, 2016

The Best of Both Worlds Vol. 1

Nomadic Delirium and Alban Lake, both publishers of science fiction and fantasy, and all points in between, have collaborated to bring you the very best of what they published in 2015. The selections within come from The Martian Wave and The Fifth Di…, and from Outposts of Beyond and FrostFire Worlds. Their settings might be an inner planet or a world-that-might-be. Their themes are universal, involving choices we all have to make at one point or another in our lives. This is science fiction and fantasy literature at its finest.
This is the first anthology of its kind; it won’t be the last.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Half off sale

My individual short stories, as well as my most recent short story collections are available in PDF format for half off at DriveThruFiction for the rest of the year.  You can find all of them at:
While you're there, you can also pick up titles from Nomadic Delirium Press.  All of their fiction titles are also included in the 50% off sale. What a great chance to stock up on reading materials for the cold winter nights...

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Revamped website

I've made quite a few changes to my website.  I've taken out a lot of the useless stuff, and I've taken out a lot of the text...mostly focusing on the stuff I've written and edited. A lot of the text on the website was just copied from this blog, so why bother with it?
There are also fewer pages on the website. Most people only hit one or two pages on a site, so I've gone very bare bones and just kept what I thought was most important. Please feel free to check it out at

Friday, December 02, 2016

The Battle for Turtle Island continues

It's been a few years since I first created The Battle for Turtle Island RPG, but I'm happy to say that I'm now working on the first expansion for the game.  This will be Pueblo Wars, so I'm guessing you'll be able to figure out where it's set.
There's no telling how long it will take me to actually create the rulebook, but I'm hoping to have available in the Spring of 2017.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The new issue of The Fifth Di... is here

The December 2016 issue of The Fifth Di... is now available.
The December 2016 issue of The Fifth Di… brings you fiction by Chris Dean, Samuel Van Pelt, Brian “flesheater” Stoneking, and Douglas Kolacki.
In this issue, you’ll find a doctor who manages to improve humanity by changing it, but is change always a good thing? A man whose sole purpose in life is to help people understand that they’re being replaced by robots. A killing machine that’s determined to spread destruction thoughout the galaxy. And a man who finds he might actually get a second chance…
Order from us today at:
Read a sample:
For other ordering options:

Monday, November 28, 2016

Ephemeris 50% off sale

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
Save 50% on many of our Ephemeris Science Fiction RPG titles at DriveThruRPG. Time to stock up on what you don't have, or time to pick up a new game.
Sale runs through Sunday the 4th...

Friday, November 25, 2016

Black Friday sale

Starting on Black Friday and running through Cyber Monday, you can pick up titles from my store for 50% off.  Just go to, load up your cart with as many e-titles as you'd like...which should be all of them...and then use the code "blackfriday" at checkout.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Today is the day to give thanks, and although 2016 has been one of the worst years I've ever known, there are still things to be thankful for.  First and foremost, I'm thankful for my amazing wife and my three wonderful daughters. They are the reason for everything that I do in my life, and they give me the strength to carry on when things become overwhelming. I'm also thankful for my extended family and my friends...which are basically the same thing to me.  Even though I don't see any of you as much as I'd like, I'm still glad that you're there, and hope to some day find the time to spend with all of you. I'm also thankful for my fans (all two of you).  No, I don't really know how many readers I have out there...but I know there are some, and I'm thankful that you find my warped imagination entertaining.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday...don't eat too much...and be careful if you're going to be shopping on Black Friday. The world is getting scarier every day, and I don't want to lose any of you.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Pick up the December issue of The Fifth Di... early

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
It may still be a week until the release of the December issue of The Fifth Di…, but you can pick up the e-book version today! Not only can you start reading it today, but you can buy it for just $1.00 through our website at

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Would you like free magazines?

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
If you're interested in reading some of our magazines for free, please visit our Patreon page at You don't have to be a Patron to get the free zines, but we certainly wouldn't mind if you support us. By helping out, you can get copies of our future books, and you can even get advertising in The Martian Wave and The Fifth Di...

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Changes to the NDP Patreon

We've made some major changes to our Patreon. Instead of just focusing on the Ephemeris RPG, we're focusing on every aspect of Nomadic Delirium Press. Supporting us will give you a chance to pick up all of our future titles, possibly advertise in our magazines, and even influence what anthologies we choose for the future. That's right, we plan on posting polls that will allow our Patrons to influence what titles we read for...and why not? If you're supporting us, you should have some say in what you want to read.
So, please go to and make the wise choice to be our Patrons.

Friday, November 11, 2016

What is Nomadic Delirium Press reading for?

We are currently reading for several projects, please feel free to submit anything that fits the guidelines...
The Divided States of America:
Ecotastrophe II:
The Martian Wave:
The Fifth Di...:
Spaceports & Spidersilk:
And if you've published with us before, we're accepting submissions for individual stories:

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

America, America, America

Oh, America, what have you done? I'm not talking specifically about the election of Donald Trump. No, that's the disease that infects America going into its terminal stage. I'm talking about what has led us to this moment.  For most of my adulthood I have been advocating the destruction of the two party system in America because every election more and more people have been voting for the lesser of two evils, and we were finally left with Clinton vs. Trump...two of the most hated people in America were suddenly running for president. If we would have destroyed the two party system in the days of Perot or Nader, we wouldn't have been in this position. The democrats would have nominated someone that democrats could actually believe in and the republicans would have nominated someone that republicans could actually believe in, and the third, fourth, and fifth parties (whoever they might have been) could have put up people that they actually believe in.
Instead, we were left with democrats hating themselves for voting for Clinton and republicans hating themselves for voting for Trump, and the truth is, most of the people that voted for either of these candidates actually were not voting for them, but rather voting against their opponents. How can that possibly be a good way to choose a president? With more candidates in all elections, there are more opportunities for real CHOICE.
What's done is done. We have what we have, and I can honestly say that the future terrifies me...somewhat for myself, but more for my kids and friends. Trump has advocated hate against anyone that isn't white and Christian. I may be white, but I'm also an Atheist, and when it comes to religion, the only group that is hated more than Atheists in America is when the radical Christian Right (and I'm not talking about all Christians) deals with the Muslim "problem," where do you think their eyes will turn next?
Even worse, I have two bi-racial daughters. What kind of a world are these two girls going to have to live in simply because one of their parents was black? They didn't ask for that. It's not a choice, and yet they will face even more racism than they already do, and believe me, they do face it, especially living with two white parents.
My biggest fear is for my friends. I have many friends that are black, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American. When the radical white folk that Trump is stirring up go looking for victims, where do you think they're going to look?
Although I do have a lot of friends who are Christians, I also have a lot of friends who are Atheists, or Jewish, or Muslim.  The world got a lot darker for these people.
I also have many friends who are gay, many of whom recently got married, and now they could face having their marriages annulled by the about Big Brother. And let's remember that the scariness goes beyond Trump. It was Pence that was advocating jail time for gays that wanted to apply for a marriage license. Gay people in this country already face an enormous amount of prejudice, and it's only going to get worse. One of my very best friends is a trans-female. What kind of crap is she going to have to put up with because of what's coming? And again, it's not just Trump. Shortly after his inauguration he will be able to appoint a supreme court justice and with a republican congress, that person will almost certainly be approved, and I'm absolutely terrified that he's going to appoint his best buddy Rudy Giuliani. Can you imagine what the world will be like if he's allowed to rule on laws for the next decade or two? There's a man who's been drinking in the crazy Kool-Aid for far too long.
Something else we're probably facing is the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act. I know there are a lot of problems with it, but some good things have come out of it...such as the fact that insurance companies have to accept patients even with pre-existing conditions. I've never shopped the market for insurance. We get ours through Rebecca's work, and even though as a family of five with a low income, we actually could qualify for Medicaid, we've always chosen to have private insurance because the coverage is better and it allows us to keep our doctors (whom we love). We've made this choice even though it was a financial burden on us, because we felt the care was more important than the money. Note to some Republicans...not all poor people take "handouts."
If the insurance companies are allowed to go back to what they used to do, they could start denying pre-existing conditions. My chronic pain is a pre-existing condition, meaning that they could deny me my medications, and probably even deny me the surgery that I almost certainly need to correct the problem that is getting worse every day. Where will that leave me? No medication and no treatment available...I can't imagine how I'm possibly supposed to survive that. Even with medications, there are days when I wonder if it's worth it to continue on. If I can't get help, what choices will I have left?
America has survived a lot. It will most likely survive Trump, but will all Americans?

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Patreon for the Ephemeris RPG

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
We've just created a Patreon account to support the Ephemeris RPG. As many of you know, the Ephemeris RPG has been around for several years, and we've slowly been expanding it, but this Patreon account will hopefully give us the money to free up the time we need to create more, and to create faster...and to even start work on Ephemeris 2.0.
So, if you'd like to support the ongoing creation of the game, and possibly even influence the direction the game goes, please support our Patreon at

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

I voted

So does that mean I don't have to see any more political ads or have the damn fliers fall out of my mail box anymore? Probably not.
Some people may say that I wasted my vote, and some say that my vote was a vote for the great pumpkin head, but the truth is, I voted according to my conscience.  How many people that voted for Clinton or Trump can say that?  I've heard so many people talking about how disgusted they felt with themselves after voting for one or the other, but I don't feel that way.  I voted for a party that I can actually believe in.  I no longer believe in the Democrats or the Republicans.  They're both owned by the corporations and they no longer care about We the People.  As I've been saying for over a decade now, until we break the two party system that we're a victim of, we will all continue to be prisoners.  Believe me, Clinton or Trump and their cronies are not going to do anything for you.  They're in this for themselves and the companies that line their pockets!!!
Do I expect my candidate to win? Of course not. This may go against everything we're taught as Americans, but winning isn't everything...nor is voting for the lesser of two evils a good choice.  Look where that's gotten us!  What I would like to see is for both Johnson and Stein to pull 5% in this election.  This gives the Greens and the Libertarians federal funding in the next presidential election, which makes it easier for them to try to counter the insane amount of corporate money that goes to the democrats and republicans.  In addition, it gives them automatic ballot access in all fifty states, which means less time has to be taken trying to get on the ballots, and more time can be devoted to destroying the broken system.
And if people really want to complain about those of us that choose to vote third party, maybe you should be more upset with the 50% of registered voters that don't even vote.  And maybe you should also tell your parties to stop being greedy SOBs and actually start caring about the people again.  If that ever happened, maybe I would vote for one of them, but as things are only getting worse (Clinton/Trump), I don't see that happening...

Help NDP get their books back

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
We absolutely hate doing this, but there doesn't seem to be any choice.  As many of you know the copies of the September issue of The Fifth Di... and The Martian Wave: 2016 were recently destroyed when UPS left them in front of our door just before a rain storm.  Both UPS and the printer have decided that since we didn't insure the package, there won't be a refund.  Normally, there's a little bit of money in the family account that we could divert to Nomadic Delirium Press in this kind of an emergency, but this has been a tough year for us personally, so there is no money available.  This has left us with having to go with a GoFundMe project...which we really hate doing, but we want to get the books to the contributors, so we don't have a choice.
If you're interested in helping, and we would REALLY appreciate it, please go to
Nomadic Delirium Press

Friday, October 21, 2016

That's not how publishing works

Through Nomadic Delirium Press, I recently kicked off a project called, The Divided States of America, and I've received a couple of messages from authors telling me that the way I have the project set up isn't how publishing works.
The basic premise is that the US has fallen into several nation-states, and I've created basic backgrounds for each of these nation-states for authors to use as guidelines.  This, however, isn't what they have the problem with.  We're not publishing these stories in an anthology (yet)...we're publishing each story as an e-book, and splitting the profits with the author.  This, apparently, is not how publishing works.  As a publisher, these authors are trying to say that we should publish everything as an anthology.  This is how it's always been done.
Well, this is the small press, and I'm a small press publisher, and we don't always stick to the "rules."  In fact, many of us, especially me, like to break the rules.  And it's my feeling that if I want to experiment with a shared universe that publishes individual e-stories, then I'm going to publish that way.  If an author doesn't like this model, they don't have to submit, but the publishing world is changing dramatically, and those of us in the small press want to be at the forefront of that change, and most of us will just continue to do things the way we want...

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Divided States of America

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
We're now reading for a new project called "The Divided States of America."
You can read the complete guidelines at
No one can say with any reasonable certainty when the United States of America began to fall apart.  Many point to the presidential election of 2016, but most believe the breakup started long before this.  Now, in the year 2110, the former United States is made up of 13 nation-states and The Wastelands.  Some of the nation-states have prospered under self-rule, while others have declined.  Some nation-states are very accepting of outsiders, while others trust no one…sometimes not even their fellow citizens.  There is chaos in some places, and order in others…sometimes too much order.
The first state to break away from the USA was, not unexpectedly, Texas, and from there, things continued to spiral out of control as the national government tried to hold on to control that the state governments wanted back, and eventually, the federal government was no longer able to control the states, and the break-up came about.
Some of the nation-states kept the name “America” in their new names.  Some did this as a tribute to where they had come from, while others did it to remind their citizens of what they were breaking away from.  Others adopted new names, or took on names that were given to them.
Borders in some areas are heavily patrolled, even walled in places, while other borders have no protection at all…mostly it depends on the views of the new government and its citizens, even though sometimes those two groups still don’t agree.  Let’s face it, greed and independence are bred into the human race, and even allying with others that have similar viewpoints does not necessarily mean that they will always get along.

Saturday, October 01, 2016

September recap

2016 has been one catastrophe, fiasco, and disaster after another, and September was no different.  As a result, I haven't been able to get as much done as I've needed, and this has included blogging...which has really been suffering this year.  October isn't looking very good so far, but I will try to blog more.
For now, here's what I was talking about in September...
The Martian Wave 2016 is here
Labor Day weekend sale
Glitch fixed
Today is the last day of my Labor Day sale
A review of the June 2016 issue of The Fifth Di...
The Fifth Di... subscription drive

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Fifth Di... subscription drive

Borrowed from the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
Since we added the print format of the magazine, we've seen our submissions triple, which means that we're having to turn down some good stories...stories that deserve to be printed, and not just printed, but printed in our magazine.  Also, in order to add the print format, we had to stop printing poetry.  We're not happy about either of these.  We'd like to publish more stories, and we'd also like to start publishing poetry again, but to do this, we need money, so we're starting a subscription drive.  Help us out by subscribing to the print or e-book version of the zine.
Here are our goals, and the rewards you the readers (and the writers) will receive:
20 subs: We will begin publishing poetry again in 2017
35 subs: We will begin publishing poetry again and we will add an extra story to each issue, starting in 2017
50 subs: All of the above, plus we will double our pay rates in 2017
100 subs: We will do all of the above, plus we will begin publishing every other month
To subscribe to the e-book version:
If you're in the US and you want to subscribe to the print version:
If you're outside of the US and you want to subscribe to the print version:
This subscription drive lasts until Halloween, so order soon!

Monday, September 12, 2016

A review of the June 2016 issue of The Fifth Di...

Taken from the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
A review of the June 2016 issue of The Fifth Di... has been posted at
There's a misspelling of the editor's name, but we've heard that that will be fixed.  Reviews for the small press can be hard to get, and this one is appreciated...especially since the author liked the zine!!!

Monday, September 05, 2016

Today is the last day of my Labor Day Sale

Today is your last chance to take advantage of my Labor Day sale.  You can get 50% off of any of my e-books (the ones I've written and the ones I've edited) through my website.  It doesn't matter how many titles you order, they're all 50% off.  Simply go to and use the coupon code "labor" at checkout...but hurry, your time's almost up.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Glitch fixed

Apparently there's been a glitch on my website that has been preventing people (especially people on cellphones) from buying products from my store.  I've fixed the glitch now, so you can order any of my e-books by going to  And remember, if you're ordering before Monday night, use the coupon code "labor" at checkout and get 50% off your entire order.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Labor Day weekend sale

Labor Day weekend, get 50% off any of the e-book titles available through my website. It doesn't matter whether you order one, a dozen, or all of matter how many you get, they're all 50% off.
Hurry! The sale ends Monday night!

The Martian Wave 2016 is here

Taken from the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
The 2016 issue of The Martian Wave is now here as both an e-book and a print magazine.  Order your copy today by going to
The Martian Wave: 2016 brings you stories and poems that look at humanity’s exploration and colonization of space, with a special emphasis on our solar system.
You’ll find fiction from E. M. Eastick, Samuel Van Pelt, Lars H. Hoffmann, Francis W. Alexander, Robert N. Stephenson, Guy Stewart, GC Rosenquist, and Benjamin Cooper. You’ll also find poetry from David C. Kopaska-Merkel, Christina Sng, Shelly Bryant, Lisa Timpf, and M. C. Childs.
Some of what you read will leave you optimistic about our futures, while other stories and poems may leave you doubting our future, but no matter what, The Martian Wave: 2016 will leave you convinced that our future lies beyond the Earth.

August Recap

The Martian Wave: 2016 pre-sale has begun
I'm still around
Get the September issue of The Fifth Di... early
Would you like to read the new issue of The Martian Wave early?
Damn insurance companies
New zines available on my site
The September 2016 issue of The Fifth Di... is here

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The September 2016 issue of The Fifth Di... is here

Taken from the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
The September 2016 issue of The Fifth Di.. is now available at  It is also available anywhere else that print and e-books are sold.
What's in this issue?
The September 2016 issue of The Fifth Di… features fiction from Robert N. Stephenson, G. O. Clark, Rik Hunik, and Rick Novy.
A woman trapped on a conquered planet spends her days harvesting human blood for her alien conquerors, plotting her escape and eventual revenge. An astronaut goes back in time, and hopes to leave his mark on the future. An acid induced parlor trick leads to the creation of living origami goats that eat paper and become a menace…but not as big of a menace as the predator that’s created to take care of the goats. And finally, a man becomes a butler for an eccentric rich man, but he has no idea just how eccentric the man really is, and then he must figure out how to stop him.
You can also read samples from this issue at

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

New zines available on my site

You can order the e-book versions of the new issues of The Martian Wave and The Fifth Di... directly from my website at
The Martian Wave: 2016 brings you stories and poems that look at humanity’s exploration and colonization of space, with a special emphasis on our solar system.
You’ll find fiction from E. M. Eastick, Samuel Van Pelt, Lars H. Hoffmann, Francis W. Alexander, Robert N. Stephenson, Guy Stewart, GC Rosenquist, and Benjamin Cooper. You’ll also find poetry from David C. Kopaska-Merkel, Christina Sng, Shelly Bryant, Lisa Timpf, and M. C. Childs.
Some of what you read will leave you optimistic about our futures, while other stories and poems may leave you doubting our future, but no matter what, The Martian Wave: 2016 will leave you convinced that our future lies beyond the Earth.
The September 2016 issue of The Fifth Di… features fiction from Robert N. Stephenson, G. O. Clark, Rik Hunik, and Rick Novy.
A woman trapped on a conquered planet spends her days harvesting human blood for her alien conquerors, plotting her escape and eventual revenge. An astronaut goes back in time, and hopes to leave his mark on the future. An acid induced parlor trick leads to the creation of living origami goats that eat paper and become a menace…but not as big of a menace as the predator that’s created to take care of the goats. And finally, a man becomes a butler for an eccentric rich man, but he has no idea just how eccentric the man really is, and then he must figure out how to stop him. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Damn insurance companies

Those of you that have been reading this blog for a while know that I have a hate/hate relationship with health insurance companies. Well, now they've gone and pissed me off again. Rebecca spent days doing research to try and find a surgeon that might be able to help me with my chronic pain. She finally found one. We got the referral from our doctor. I talked to the surgeon's office, and he decided to send me in for a new CT scan, mostly to see if there had been any change since my last one (which could indicate something very serious.) All was well and good, since they'd already acknowledged that they take our insurance, but when his office called to try to get the CT scan approved, the insurance company informed them that there are two different types of insurance that this company has...the most common one, which the surgeon is in-network for, and the less common one, for which he is out-of-network. I'm sure you can guess which insurance we have...
So, the only way I can get into see this guy is to prove that there's no one in-network who would be capable of doing the surgery...which of course is interesting, since we hadn't even talked about an actual surgery yet. We just wanted to see what kinds of options I might have. So, now it's back to the drawing board as we try to find a surgeon who performs this operation (whatever that operation might be), who accepts our particular insurance, and who works with adults, since the majority of cardio-thoracic surgeons that deal with these kinds of issues work with kids. This will be interesting.
Now, thanks to another screw over by the insurance companies, I have to be in continuing pain, which is getting worse, especially as I'm having to work harder and harder each day at the "real" job. For example, I didn't get much sleep last night because I was so nauseous that I thought I was going to throw up, and it's not because I'm sick, it's just because I'm in so much pain.
So, I would again say that government needs to do something useful (like that ever happens) and reign in the insurance companies, and the pharmaceutical companies, instead of letting these companies set policy for the government.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Would you like to read the new issue of The Martian Wave early?

If you'd like to read the new issue of The Martian Wave early, now's your chance. Although the official release date is September 1st, we're making the e-book version available today through our website.  And instead of paying the normal $3.99 for your issue, you can get it for just $2.99...but this sale is only good until the release date, so you need to order soon. Go to and order your copy now.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Get the September issue of The Fifth Di... early

Borrowed from the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
We're still a week away from the release of the September issue of The Fifth Di..., but you can pick up your e-book version of it right now from our website at
Not only can you be one of the first to read it, but you can also pick it up for just $1.49, but this sale ends at the end of the month, so order now.
What's in this issue?
The September 2016 issue of The Fifth Di… features fiction from Robert N. Stephenson, G. O. Clark, Rik Hunik, and Rick Novy.
A woman trapped on a conquered planet spends her days harvesting human blood for her alien conquerors, plotting her escape and eventual revenge. An astronaut goes back in time, and hopes to leave his mark on the future. An acid induced parlor trick leads to the creation of living origami goats that eat paper and become a menace…but not as big of a menace as the predator that’s created to take care of the goats. And finally, a man becomes a butler for an eccentric rich man, but he has no idea just how eccentric the man really is, and then he must figure out how to stop him.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

I'm still around

This blog has been very quiet this month. Mostly it's because we've been crazy busy here, and also because many of the posts I've been thinking of have been political rants...and I just don't feel like getting into that right now.
Why have we been so busy? Back to school has been the main reason, and this year Alexis started Kindergarten, meaning that we had three different back to school nights, three different start dates, three different kids to buy clothes and supplies other words, a lot has been going on.  It's impossible to believe that Alexis is actually in Kindergarten now, but I guess that's what grow up, whether we want them to or not.
In addition to back to school, Rebecca has been trying to put in some extra hours to try and help us survive financially, and I've been putting in a couple of extra hours, but my hours have been very busy as we head into Halloween, which is the busy season at my "real" job.  And I won't even get into the quality of some of my co-workers...
I've also been getting two zines put together and reading for two anthologies...more on those later.
As far as our health issues, I've been suffering quite a bit more.  Even four hour shifts at the "real" job leave me in excruciating pain. I'm working on setting up an appointment with a surgeon, but they want me to get another CT scan, and I can't say I'm thrilled with the idea of another massive radiation dose, but maybe there's something he can do for me, as the meds don't seem to be doing it for me like they were.  If I take it easy, the pain is manageable, but exertion makes it difficult to do much.
Rebecca is still dealing with her issues, but we do have an appointment with a specialist in early September, but it still will probably take a while to get her meds right, so who knows how long it will take for her to get some relief...hopefully not too long.
Well, that pretty much sums up my recent absence.  You can expect the typical promotional blog posts, as well as the occasional rant as I finally get caught up on everything I need to get done.
Now, I just need to breathe...

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

The Martian Wave: 2016 pre-sale has begun

The pre-sale for the 2016 issue of The Martian Wave has begun.  You can pre-order your print copy from us for just $9 until the release date of September 1st.  The print version of the zine will also be appearing in other on-line markets in the weeks to come.
You can pre-order the e-book version of the zine from just about every on-line source now.  To order your copy, go to and link to the site you want to order from.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Christmas in July at NDP

Taken from the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
For the rest of July, you can get 25% off your entire order from the Nomadic Delirium Press store.  This is a discount off of any of our e-books or print books.  This includes novels, anthologies, collections, magazines, RPG supplements, and everything else we carry.
Simply go to and use the coupon code "25off" at checkout.

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Martian Wave 2016 cover

Here is the cover for the 2016 issue of The Martian Wave.  Cover "art" is Curiosity on Mars, with cover design by the multi-talented Laura Givens.
Pre-order info will be coming from Nomadic Delirium Press in early August, and the zine will actually be released on September 1st.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Christmas in July at DriveThru

From the Nomadic Delirium Press website:
DriveThruRPG and DriveThruFiction are both having a Christmas in July sale.  You can get 25% off of any of our Ephemeris titles at
And you can get 25% off any of our fiction titles at  This includes our novels, magazines, anthologies, and collections.
This is a great opportunity to save money on all of our great titles!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Pain and illness

An update on the pain front.  I've been back on the meds I'm supposed to be on for just over two months now, but they don't seem to be as effective as they were before I was forced to change to another drug.  I'm still not in as much pain as I am without the meds, but I'm definitely experiencing pain...especially after a day at the "real" job.  I have to push myself so hard there that there are times that I come home and can't sleep because of the pain.  Tylenol has never really done anything for any kind of pain that I have, and I can't take any other pain relievers because they interact badly with my medication.
On the illness front, most of you don't know, but Rebecca has been dealing with a lot of sickness in the time that we've known each other...and before anyone says anything (Spencer), it's not because of being married to me.  Over the years, she's had various things diagnosed, but never anything that actually explains everything that's wrong with her.  Last week, we finally got a diagnosis that makes sense.  She's dealing with a chronic illness that she doesn't want named...and no, it's not cancer, although it does increase her risk of developing cancer.  The illness is something that she will have to deal with for the rest of her life, but at least now that we know what it is, we can hopefully get her on medication that will improve her quality of life.
Suffice it to say, that between the two of us, we will probably have many doctors visits in our future...

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Tales sale!

Now through the end of July you can pick up the e-book versions of any of my "Tales" collections for half price through my website...

Friday, July 01, 2016

Smashwords sale

Smashwords is having an e-book sale during July, and you can pick up all of my "Tales" collections for half off.  I've also made a few more of my individual stories free.  So here's your chance to pick up more of my stories for cheap...

June recap

Tales of Mars
Tales of the Earth and Moon
Tales of the Solar System
Tales of Interstellar Space
Tales of DystopiaTales of Twisted Realities
Free RPG Day
My Tales of Amazon
The July issue of Spaceports & Spidersilk is here

Thursday, June 30, 2016

The July issue of Spaceports & Spidersilk is here

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
The July issue of Spaceports & Spidersilk has now been released and is available for download for just $1 at

Sunday, June 26, 2016

My Tales on Amazon

For some reason, many people still prefer to buy their fiction through Amazon, so here are the links on Amazon for all of my recent "Tales" collections...
Tales of Mars:
Tales of the Earth and Moon
Tales of the Solar System
Tales of Interstellar Space
Tales of Dystopia
Tales of Twisted Realities

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Free RPG Day

Saturday, June 18th is Free RPG Day, and Nomadic Delirium Press is offering the digital version of the Ephemeris RPG for free all day.  Go to and order your digital copy today!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Tales of Twisted Realities

My final "Tales" collection is now available...
J Alan Erwine's Tales of Twisted Realities
Science fiction author J Alan Erwine has always had a twisted view of reality, and now he’s chosen to share that twisted view with his readers.
This collections features stories about an astronaut who has suffered brain damage and can no longer distinguish between the realities in his mind and the realities of the world…a man obsessed with the concept of entropy and what it might be doing to our universe…the last man on Earth trying to cope with his dilemma, but is he really the very last man on Earth…a pothead netrunner who can’t decide what’s more important to him, his pot, or his work…a soldier who is slowly going crazy and is sent to a computer therapist, but which one of them is actually crazy…and parents who hear their child begging to die, and are then shocked when the devil shows up to grant the child his wish.
These six stories will have you questioning what reality is, and what we can possibly do with it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tales of Dystopia

My newest "Tales" collection is now available, and I'm sure this one won't surprise anyone...
J Alan Erwine’s Tales of Dystopia brings you six bleak futures that hopefully will never be possible. Are the stories dire predictions, or warnings of futures possible? It’s the author’s sincere hope that none of these stories will be taken as a blueprint for the future, but with the way the world seems to be going…he can’t be too sure…

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Tales of Interstellar Space

My new "Tales" collection is now available.
J Alan Erwine's Tales of Interstellar Space
Welcome to fifteen stories from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine. Be prepared to explore a variety of locals throughout interstellar space. You’ll find wars, exploration, aliens, humans struggling to survive…and sometimes failing, and sometimes succeeding…but more than anything, you’ll find yourself questioning what’s possible…

Friday, June 10, 2016

Tales of the Solar System

My next "Tales" collection is now available:
J Alan Erwine's Tales of the Solar System
Seven stories from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine that look at possible futures for our species throughout the solar system.
Some stories are optimistic, most see us carrying our Earth-bound limitations into the future and out to the planets.
These may be cautionary tales, but no matter what, they’ll leave you feeling that humanity does indeed have a future of exploring our solar system…if we can learn to survive on Earth.

Sunday, June 05, 2016

Tales of the Earth and the moon

My next "Tales" collection is now available.
This one is J Alan Erwine's Tales of the Earth and Moon
Seven stories from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine that explore the future of both the Earth and the Moon.
Stranded astronauts, intelligent dolphins being used by the government, a soldier struggling with orders he knows he shouldn’t have followed, lovers waiting for the end of the world, politics even dirtier than what we’re seeing in the modern world (maybe), a man resurrected because he wanted to see the future, but now feeling very much alone, and manipulation on the moon.
These are the stories that are waiting for you in this collection.

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Tales of Mars

A new, three story collection, called J Alan Erwine's Tales of Mars has been released.  This is the first in a series of "collections of tales" that will be coming out from me.  They're basically a grouping of my stories, and they give my readers a chance to read my stories that are related to one another.
So, what is J Alan Erwine's Tales of Mars?
Three stories from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine that are set on the planet Mars.
A soldier set on crushing a rebellion begins to question his own loyalties once he’s captured by the “enemy.”
One woman fights to save microbial life in Valles Marineris.
And a young woman forced into a bad life because of her race suddenly finds herself to have abilities she never could have expected…abilities that might just be able to save her people.
Pick up an e-book copy today at  The book will also be available in print very soon from all of the usual sources...

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The June issue of The Fifth Di... is here

The June issue of The Fifth Di... is here!
Order today at
Or you can read a sample of the zine at
What’s in this issue?
The June issue brings you fiction from Tim McDaniel, Chris Dean, Rik Hunik, Robert N. Stephenson, and Fredrick Obermeyer.
This issue brings you a satirical look at the future of American elections, but just how satirical is it, given modern elections? You also get a man who has never wanted a robot, but now finds himself owning one, with unexpected consequences, a magician searching for a lost item, the return of a warfleet to Earth, but not the Earth they’re expecting, and a man who is contacted by his future son, but he has no way of knowing what this contact will lead to…

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Free previews

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
We've created three free e-books that will allow you to preview some of the works we've published so far.  The three titles cover our novels, our collections, and our anthologies.  Each of the free e-books teases you with a few pages from each of our titles.
If you'd like to have a look, head over to

Monday, May 23, 2016

Order the June issue of The Fifth Di... early

It’s still more than a week until the release of the new issue of The Fifth Di…, but you can order your copy now.  Order the e-book, and it’s only $1.49 (normally ($1.99), and you can read it immediately.  If you order the print version, your copy will be shipped once the book is released.
Order today at
Or you can read a sample of the zine at
What’s in this issue?
The June issue brings you fiction from Tim McDaniel, Chris Dean, Rik Hunik, Robert N. Stephenson, and Fredrick Obermeyer.
This issue brings you a satirical look at the future of American elections, but just how satirical is it, given modern elections? You also get a man who has never wanted a robot, but now finds himself owning one, with unexpected consequences, a magician searching for a lost item, the return of a warfleet to Earth, but not the Earth they’re expecting, and a man who is contacted by his future son, but he has no way of knowing what this contact will lead to…

Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Best of Both Worlds

Alban Lake Publishing and Nomadic Delirium Press are pleased to announce a joint project entitled The Best of Both Worlds.  Picking up where Wondrous Web Worlds left off many years ago, this collection will feature the best fantasy and science fiction short stories from the magazines published by both publishers.
These stories have been selected by Tyree Campbell and J Alan Erwine, and they’ll feature a wide variety of science fiction and fantasy.
Look for The Best of Both Worlds Vol. 1 this fall.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Looking for something to read this weekend?

Almost all of my published stories are available as individual e-books, and you can also pick up many of the books that I've written and well as some of the magazines I've edited.
So if you need something to read this weekend, head over to and order some e-books today.  You can be reading within seconds!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Back on the meds

Now that we have "real" insurance once again, I went to the doctor earlier this week and he put me back on the meds that actually do something to help with my chronic pain, so hopefully some time in the next week, my pain levels will be back down to a manageable level most of the time.
While dealing with the doctor and the pharmacy, I started thinking about all of the complaints about "Obamacare."  When it went into effect, our insurance rates did go up, but only because we added me to the insurance.  If it had stayed Rebecca and the girls, we would have been paying slightly less.  Now that we're on a new, and slightly better insurance, our rates are even lower.  Not enough to make a huge difference in our financial lives, but when so many people are complaining about their rates skyrocketing, I wanted to make  the point that this isn't necessarily true...people find it easier to complain that say good things.
And as far as the pharmacy costs, on our old insurance, my prescription ran $20-25 a month.  With the new insurance, it's covered 100% by the new that's zero out of pocket cost for us.  Maybe some people aren't happy with "Obamacare," but I can at least say that it is helping us...not to mention that under the old insurance rules, I might not have been able to get any coverage, since this is considered a previously existing condition.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Nomadic Delirium Press' May sale

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
For the rest of the month of May, you can get 20% off your entire order through our store.  Simply go to and use the coupon code "may" at checkout.
Maybe you've wanted to pick up one of Tyree Campbell's new books...or maybe you've been highly intrigued by Laura Givens' Crisis Averted...or maybe you'd like to check out one of our anthologies, or a magazine.  The discount applies to both our print and e-book titles, so however you like to read your books, here's your chance.  The discount is good on every title we carry, and it doesn't matter if you order one book, or one hundred, you get 20% off your total.
So, what are you waiting for, follow that link!

This includes several of my titles!