Saturday, November 05, 2016

Patreon for the Ephemeris RPG

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
We've just created a Patreon account to support the Ephemeris RPG. As many of you know, the Ephemeris RPG has been around for several years, and we've slowly been expanding it, but this Patreon account will hopefully give us the money to free up the time we need to create more, and to create faster...and to even start work on Ephemeris 2.0.
So, if you'd like to support the ongoing creation of the game, and possibly even influence the direction the game goes, please support our Patreon at

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

I voted

So does that mean I don't have to see any more political ads or have the damn fliers fall out of my mail box anymore? Probably not.
Some people may say that I wasted my vote, and some say that my vote was a vote for the great pumpkin head, but the truth is, I voted according to my conscience.  How many people that voted for Clinton or Trump can say that?  I've heard so many people talking about how disgusted they felt with themselves after voting for one or the other, but I don't feel that way.  I voted for a party that I can actually believe in.  I no longer believe in the Democrats or the Republicans.  They're both owned by the corporations and they no longer care about We the People.  As I've been saying for over a decade now, until we break the two party system that we're a victim of, we will all continue to be prisoners.  Believe me, Clinton or Trump and their cronies are not going to do anything for you.  They're in this for themselves and the companies that line their pockets!!!
Do I expect my candidate to win? Of course not. This may go against everything we're taught as Americans, but winning isn't everything...nor is voting for the lesser of two evils a good choice.  Look where that's gotten us!  What I would like to see is for both Johnson and Stein to pull 5% in this election.  This gives the Greens and the Libertarians federal funding in the next presidential election, which makes it easier for them to try to counter the insane amount of corporate money that goes to the democrats and republicans.  In addition, it gives them automatic ballot access in all fifty states, which means less time has to be taken trying to get on the ballots, and more time can be devoted to destroying the broken system.
And if people really want to complain about those of us that choose to vote third party, maybe you should be more upset with the 50% of registered voters that don't even vote.  And maybe you should also tell your parties to stop being greedy SOBs and actually start caring about the people again.  If that ever happened, maybe I would vote for one of them, but as things are only getting worse (Clinton/Trump), I don't see that happening...

Help NDP get their books back

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
We absolutely hate doing this, but there doesn't seem to be any choice.  As many of you know the copies of the September issue of The Fifth Di... and The Martian Wave: 2016 were recently destroyed when UPS left them in front of our door just before a rain storm.  Both UPS and the printer have decided that since we didn't insure the package, there won't be a refund.  Normally, there's a little bit of money in the family account that we could divert to Nomadic Delirium Press in this kind of an emergency, but this has been a tough year for us personally, so there is no money available.  This has left us with having to go with a GoFundMe project...which we really hate doing, but we want to get the books to the contributors, so we don't have a choice.
If you're interested in helping, and we would REALLY appreciate it, please go to
Nomadic Delirium Press

Friday, October 21, 2016

That's not how publishing works

Through Nomadic Delirium Press, I recently kicked off a project called, The Divided States of America, and I've received a couple of messages from authors telling me that the way I have the project set up isn't how publishing works.
The basic premise is that the US has fallen into several nation-states, and I've created basic backgrounds for each of these nation-states for authors to use as guidelines.  This, however, isn't what they have the problem with.  We're not publishing these stories in an anthology (yet)...we're publishing each story as an e-book, and splitting the profits with the author.  This, apparently, is not how publishing works.  As a publisher, these authors are trying to say that we should publish everything as an anthology.  This is how it's always been done.
Well, this is the small press, and I'm a small press publisher, and we don't always stick to the "rules."  In fact, many of us, especially me, like to break the rules.  And it's my feeling that if I want to experiment with a shared universe that publishes individual e-stories, then I'm going to publish that way.  If an author doesn't like this model, they don't have to submit, but the publishing world is changing dramatically, and those of us in the small press want to be at the forefront of that change, and most of us will just continue to do things the way we want...

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Divided States of America

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
We're now reading for a new project called "The Divided States of America."
You can read the complete guidelines at
No one can say with any reasonable certainty when the United States of America began to fall apart.  Many point to the presidential election of 2016, but most believe the breakup started long before this.  Now, in the year 2110, the former United States is made up of 13 nation-states and The Wastelands.  Some of the nation-states have prospered under self-rule, while others have declined.  Some nation-states are very accepting of outsiders, while others trust no one…sometimes not even their fellow citizens.  There is chaos in some places, and order in others…sometimes too much order.
The first state to break away from the USA was, not unexpectedly, Texas, and from there, things continued to spiral out of control as the national government tried to hold on to control that the state governments wanted back, and eventually, the federal government was no longer able to control the states, and the break-up came about.
Some of the nation-states kept the name “America” in their new names.  Some did this as a tribute to where they had come from, while others did it to remind their citizens of what they were breaking away from.  Others adopted new names, or took on names that were given to them.
Borders in some areas are heavily patrolled, even walled in places, while other borders have no protection at all…mostly it depends on the views of the new government and its citizens, even though sometimes those two groups still don’t agree.  Let’s face it, greed and independence are bred into the human race, and even allying with others that have similar viewpoints does not necessarily mean that they will always get along.

Saturday, October 01, 2016

September recap

2016 has been one catastrophe, fiasco, and disaster after another, and September was no different.  As a result, I haven't been able to get as much done as I've needed, and this has included blogging...which has really been suffering this year.  October isn't looking very good so far, but I will try to blog more.
For now, here's what I was talking about in September...
The Martian Wave 2016 is here
Labor Day weekend sale
Glitch fixed
Today is the last day of my Labor Day sale
A review of the June 2016 issue of The Fifth Di...
The Fifth Di... subscription drive