Friday, January 03, 2014

A glimpse of the Ephemeris Encyclopedia Galactica

I've been working on the first volume of the Ephemeris Encyclopedia Galactica for a bit now, and I'm happy to say that in the next few days, players and game masters will be able to get their hands on it.
What can they expect from it?
Here's a glimpse of a couple of the entries.  Keep in mind, these were taken from the first draft of the supplement, and they have changed slightly, but hopefully they'll be enough of a tease...

Gliese 317: 29 ly, M3.5
The Gliese 317 system is a system of potential conflict. Although there have been small skirmishes, nothing too serious has happened yet. For more than a century, the Melanathee have had a colony on a moon orbiting a gas giant that sits just under one A.U. from the red dwarf. Three decades ago, Humans moved into the system, colonizing two other moons of the same gas giant. Even though Humans and Melanathee do not breathe the same types of atmosphere, there have been debates over who should control the space around the gas giant. The Melanathee argue that they have been here longer, but the humans argue that they actually occupy two moons in the system. The other species have chosen to stay out of this one for now.
TolENtaMe is a small gaseous moon inhabited by the Melanathee. There are currently more than one million of them living on the moon. The settlement started out as a scientific colony, but has since expanded into a full colony, and because of the presence of humans in the system, there is a fairly large military base on the moon. The atmosphere is breathable for the Melanathee, although some of the less healthy will have trouble with it.
Ardith is the largest moon, and is currently occupied by a quarter of a million humans. The Earth military originally set up the colony, and even though they keep a large presence on the moon in order to protect the inhabitants, most of the planet is run by ExploraCorp, an Earth-based corporation with the mission of exploring and colonizing as much of near space as possible, and of course making a lot of money in the process. Although the actual air of the moon is dangerous for humans to breathe, the atmosphere is at a pressure and temperature that humans can walk on the surface with only breathers.
Rowena is a small moon with roughly 1,000 humans living on it. The moon has been set up as a research base to explore the weak star at the center of the system. The surface has no atmosphere, and the entire colony has been built underground.

69 G Carinae: 53 ly G2V
From the outside, this star system looks perfect for colonization, but there is something very wrong in the 69 G Carinae system. The Melanathee, the Arbonix, and the Humans have all tried to establish colonies in this system. All of those colonies have been destroyed, and no one has been able to figure out why. There are rumors of angry cyber wizards, some unknown civilization, quantum instabilities, hyperspace intrusions, and thousands of other less likely reasons. Not only have the colonies been destroyed, but most ships passing through this system are destroyed. Some of the ones that have made it through the system have reported strange lights, problems with their engines, and all kinds of system malfunctions.
At the moment, there are no sentients living in the system…at least that we know of.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The year in review

2013 is about to end, and like every year, this has been a year of ups and downs.  The biggest downs we saw were the passing of my grandmother towards the beginning of the year, and then the passing of my brother-in-law Chris, who lost his battle with pancreatic cancer, just before Christmas.
Another big down we faced, and will continue to face in the year to come is the fact that our three year old Alexis will need surgery some time early in the year.  It's not a major surgery, but any time they're going to cut into your child, especially a small child, is quite scary.
The year was also filled with quite a few ups.  The biggest being our decision for me to leave my "real" job, and go back to working at home.  Even though it has put a huge financial strain on us, it has been good in every other way.  I no longer bring home the stress of being the "store bitch," which is basically what I'd become.  I also have more time to write, edit, and create games, and I also have more time for the kids.  We're already starting to see a change in their behaviors now that there's a little consistency as to who they're going to be seeing each day at home.  My staying at home also takes a lot of stress off of Rebecca.  She can now focus on just working, while I take care of the cooking and cleaning at home.  Some people might say that being a stay-at-home dad is not manly, but if you ask me, there's nothing more manly than doing what's best for your wife and kids.
Some other big ups are that I'm starting to write a lot more and I'm having a lot of time to develop supplements for the Ephemeris RPG.  I've also started working hard on getting Nomadic Delirium Press up off of the ground, and we're starting to see an increase in sales and submissions to the various publications.
As always, it's been a mixed year, but I'm looking forward to 2014.  I have a good feeling for the year to come...I just hope I'm right.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The first volme of the Ephemeris Encyclopedia Galactica

I've just put the finishing touches on the first draft of the first volume of the Encyclopedia.  There's still a lot of work to be done, however.  The goal of this draft was to just get the very basics down for each star system.  Now I'll have to go through and expand on what's already there, and put in some rule notes so that game masters can better tie the information into their games.
No matter what, anyone that is interested in the Melanathee from the Ephemeris RPG should really enjoy this, as it will give them a much better idea of what to do with their sector of space.

The Nomadic Delirium blog

Nomadic Delirium Press now has a blog.  There you'll be able to learn about publications that are planned, publications that have been released, and whatever else they feel like posting.
You can find it at

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Working on the Ephemeris Encyclopedia Galactica

I'm having a blast working on the Ephemeris Encyclopedia Galactica.  When I first conceived of the idea, I wasn't sure if it was going to be as much fun as I hoped it would...but it is.  When I first came up with the idea for the Ephemeris RPG, I wanted to make it as hard SF as I could.  Granted, I had to use hyperspace to make it playable, but for the most part, I wanted things to be based on real science, or at least conceivable science.
When I started working on this project, I wanted to continue that.  So all of the star systems that will be listed in the Encyclopedia are real star systems.  And when possible, I've tried to use real planets that we know are there.  Even when I've introduced something that is out of the ordinary, I've tried basing it in science.
To me, this makes the game that much more fun.  I may be alone in that feeling, but I've always liked science fiction over science fantasy.  When I designed the game, I didn't want it to be Dungeons & Dragons in space...and I hope I've succeeded in that.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

I love these productive days

Days like today are what make me happy that I left my "real" job.  I just about finished up an editing project for a publisher that I'm working with for the first time.  In addition, I reworked the short story I finished a few days ago.  I think it still needs a little more work, but I hope to have it done very soon.  As if that wasn't enough, I added many pages of research to the first volume of the Ephemeris Encyclopedia Galactica, and I'm now ready to sit down and actually start writing the thing.
Yes, it was a very productive day.  I'm hoping to have many more like this in the days to come,

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Nomadic Delirium Press 12 Days of Christmas

Nomadic Delirium Press is running specials on their titles during the 12 days of Christmas.  Each day, a different tile will be on sale.  Some of these will be books I've written, magazines I've edited, or RPGs I've designed.  Others will be from other authors and editors.
For updates, you just need to go to their Facebook page.
Check back every day for that day's sale.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A new story

I just finished the rough draft of a new story.  This is the first unsolicited short story that I've written in quite a while, so it's a very good feeling.  My skills are still a bit rusty, so it will take several re-writes, but I'm fairly happy with the way this one turned out, even if it went a completely different direction than I'd expected.  A lot of times, however, some of my best stories actually are the ones that seem to have a mind of their own.
I hope to have it ready to go, and actually start submitting it before Christmas.
Now for the next story...

Sunday, December 08, 2013

The words are starting to flow

Three weeks after escaping the "real" work world, the words are really starting to flow for me.  I'm not quite back to the point where I could sit down and crank out 5,000 words in one session, but they are flowing the best that they have in many years.
Right now, I'm focusing on cranking out some short stories to kind of get my chops tuned back up, but then I hope to get back into the novels, while still keeping the short stories going.
No matter what, it's a good feeling, and I think once the holiday season is over, things will start to flow even more.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

November recap

It seems like I've started posting more now that I'm no longer trapped in a dismal "real" job.  Look for even more posts in the month to come...
I have some big news
The big news
Happy third birthday!
I'm free!
Keeping myself busy
Submitting reprints
Holiday deals featuring my stuff

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Holiday deals featuring my stuff

There are two e-book deals from Nomadic Delirium that feature some of my work.  First of all, there's the fiction bundle, which has one of my novels, two short story collections, and three titles that I edited.  In total, you get 10 titles for $10.  Simply go to
Secondly, you can get e-book versions of both of the RPGS that I created for just $6.50.  That's Ephemeris and The Battle for Turtle Island.  Just go to
Both of these deals last through Cyber Monday.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Submitting reprints

As I'm slowly getting back into the swing of working at home, I've started researching markets that accept reprints.  I've found a few that are actually open to submissions, so I sent off some stories yesterday.  It felt good.  I haven't submitted an un-solicted story in quite some time, so it was nice to get back to it.
Hopefully once Thanksgiving is over, I'll be throwing myself into writing some short stories I've been thinking about, and also get to work on one of the novels I've started.
Overall, working at home is MUCH better than working in the "real" world.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Keeping myself busy

Now that I'm free of the "real" world work, and working at home, I'm keeping myself quite busy.  I've started on a series of supplements for the Ephemeris game that will focus on the sectors of space used by each of the species.  I'm tentatively calling it the Ephemeris Encyclopedia Galactica.  I've also been doing a lot of editing, and formatting of zines and books.  I'm working on some new ideas that I might use for books or magazines for Nomadic Delirium Press, and I'm even doing some writing.
I'm also loving having time with the kids and Rebecca.  The little one has been so thrilled to have me home with her every day.
Now, I need to get back to work.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I'm free!

Today was my last day at the "real" job, and it couldn't have come soon enough.  I was really tired of people not doing their share of the work, and then catching crap from so called "superiors" when I busted my ass day in and day out.
Hopefully this will work out for us, but I suppose I'd better get to writing...

Friday, November 08, 2013

Happy third birthday

Today is Alexis' third birthday.  It's hard to believe that she's turning three.  In some ways it seems like she's been with us for so long, but in other ways, it seems like she was just born yesterday.
It's amazing what a little person she's become.  She's already trying to read (although with no success), and she often seems desperate to learn everything.  There are so many things about her that remind me of myself, and there are also so many things that remind me of my wonderful wife.
We're so happy to have her in our life, and we're looking forward to seeing how much she grows over the year to come.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The big news

Given the wild speculation going on on Facebook, perhaps this news isn't as big as I'd originally thought.  No, we are not expecting.  The no-longer-not-so-big-news is that I gave my two weeks notice at my "real" job.  I was pretty much tired of having to do extra work because others were either lazy or incompetent, and I was also tired of catching hell for things not being done, when I was busting my butt.  So, we talked it over, and I decided to leave.
I will be working as a stay at home dad now, while I'm also working on writing, editing, and publishing.  Money is going to be much tighter for us, but we're going to do everything we can to save every penny and try to make this work.
Other than the loss of money, everything else about this arrangement will work out better for us.  So, hopefully I will be writing some stories and books that will bring in a lot of money, and hopefully Nomadic Delirium Press will be publishing stories and books that will do the same...

Saturday, November 02, 2013

I have some big news...

...but I'm not going to share it until next week...