Saturday, October 21, 2017

Disharmony of the Spheres

Mental illness is very common in our society, but it’s also very misunderstood. Many view those with mental illnesses as being weak, but there is a great deal of strength in those that must battle their own minds on a regular basis.
Disharmony of the Spheres focuses on characters with mental illnesses that are still able to be successful. They may not completely overcome their illnesses, but they are able to beat them back and succeed.
In this volume, you will find the fiction of Ian Brazee Cannon, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, MH Bonham, David Lee Summers, Nicole Givens Kurtz, Kate Runnels, Michael Morgan, L.J. Bonham, Carol Hightshoe, Francis W. Alexander, and Terrie Leigh Relf.
This book is dedicated to all of the science fiction fans and writers that must battle their own personal demons every day, and half of all of the profits from this book will go to The Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Organization, a group that battles teen suicide.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Updated website

I've updated my website to include all of my recent releases, including the audiobook versions of some of my works...
Please drop by and check it out...buying stuff is good too!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Martian Wave: 2017 is here

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:

The 2017 edition of The Martian Wave has arrived!
The Martian Wave: 2017 brings you stories and poems that look at humanity’s exploration and colonization of space, with a special emphasis on our solar system.
You’ll find fiction from Mike Adamson, Melanie Rees, Andrew Muff, Matthew Spence, Lisa Timpf, Tristan Fernie, Russell Hemmell, Alan Ira Gordon, Stephen S. Power, Eddie D. Moore, and Angus Cervantes. You’ll also find poetry from Lee Clark Zumpe, John Grey, WC Roberts, Lisa Timpf, David Kopaska-Merkel, Samson Stormcrow Hayes, and William Shaw.
Some of what you read will leave you optimistic about our futures, while other stories and poems may leave you doubting our future, but no matter what, The Martian Wave: 2017 will leave you convinced that our future lies out among the stars.

Monday, October 09, 2017

The Divided States of America Bundle #3

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
This bundle brings you the third set of four stories from The Divided States of America for just $3.
In this bundle you get: “A Cavallo” by Debby Feo, “Back to the Old Ways” by J Alan Erwine, “Delivery” by Lorelei Suzanne, and “Alaskan Everglades” by Debby Feo.

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Order The Martian Wave: 2017 early

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
We're a little over a week away from the release of the 2017 issue of The Martian Wave, but you can download the e-book today for just $2.99 and you can read it before anyone else!
The Martian Wave: 2017 brings you stories and poems that look at humanity’s exploration and colonization of space, with a special emphasis on our solar system.
You’ll find fiction from Mike Adamson, Melanie Rees, Andrew Muff, Matthew Spence, Lisa Timpf, Tristan Fernie, Russell Hemmell, Alan Ira Gordon, Stephen S. Power, Eddie D. Moore, and Angus Cervantes. You’ll also find poetry from Lee Clark Zumpe, John Grey, WC Roberts, Lisa Timpf, David Kopaska-Merkel, Samson Stormcrow Hayes, and William Shaw.
Some of what you read will leave you optimistic about our futures, while other stories and poems may leave you doubting our future, but no matter what, The Martian Wave: 2017 will leave you convinced that our future lies out among the stars.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Alaskan Everglades

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
A new addition to The Divided States of America:
Fred Selkerson continues his exploration of The Divided States of America. This time his travels take him to Alaska where he and his new Personal Assistant Android meet his Grandma Julia, and they also explore what is left of the wilds of Alaska.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

The October issue of Spaceports & Spidersilk is here!

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
The October 2017 issue of Spaceports & Spidersilk is now available for download at
Spaceports & Spidersilk features some of the best science fiction and fantasy fiction and poetry for kids of all ages. The October 2017 issue will take you to places you might never have imagined. It will appeal to your inner child, and hopefully take you back to the places you loved as a child…and if you’re still a child, it will open your imagination to all kinds of new worlds.

Friday, September 29, 2017

A review of Ecotastrophe II

Eamonn Murphy at SF Crowsnest recently reviewed Ecotastrophe II. Overall, he liked the book, and I'd highly recommend you read the review at

Monday, September 25, 2017


From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
A new story in The Divided States of America...
Reed makes deliveries between the Great Lakes Conglomerate and the Wastelands on a regular basis, but this delivery is more dangerous, and much more important than any previous delivery. Reed is willing to risk his life to make a difference in a divided world, but is the risk worth it? He certainly thinks so…

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Get the October issue of Spaceports early

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
We’re still a week away from the release of the October 2017 issue of Spaceports & Spidersilk, but you can download the zine now…and it’s just 75 cents!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Back to the Old Ways

Captain Christopher Chases Crows knows that something horribly evil is going on in the Wastelands, but can he convince his government to get involved, and is getting involved even the right thing to do? Morality and law aren’t always the same things, but in the Wastelands, there are times when neither exists.

Monday, September 04, 2017

New story done

I just put the finishing touches on a new Divided States story. This one coming in at around 3000 words. It should be available in about a week. Something tells me that this one will piss some people off...but then I've never been known to write happy sunshine type stories, nor have I ever cared if my fiction makes people uncomfortable.

Saturday, September 02, 2017

Writing is crazy

For the last month or so, I've been doing research in my few spare moments for a new Divided States of America story.  A few days ago, an idea came to me for a different Divided States, of course I wrote 1500 words on the new idea today, and I haven't even touched the original idea.
No wonder writers have so many mental issues...this is a field that really can drive you crazy!

A Cavallo

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
A Cavallo by Debby Feo...the ninth story from The Divided States of America
Fred Selkerson and his faithful companion Pat37 continue their exploration of Calivada, but this time, things go very wrong, and they’ll face dangers they never could have expected.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The September issue of The Fifth Di... is here!

The September 2017 issue of The Fifth Di… brings you the story of a man caught in an experiment gone wrong…waking up to a different reality every day, and not sure if he will ever be able to get home. You can also read the story of a human that meets the Scorpii god, but there’s something familiar about this god. Also, a woman who knows the way of magic is attacked on a train by a power that only she can see…or is there someone else. And finally, an old man has isolated himself and is ready to die, but the past won’t let him be alone anymore.
This issue features the fiction of Fredrick Obermeyer, Eamonn Murphy, Keith P. Graham, and Mike Murphy.
Order from us at
Order from Amazon at

Monday, August 28, 2017

A Problem in Translation is an audio book

My novel about first contact with difficult to understand aliens, A Problem in Translation, is now available as an audio book at
What is humanity to do when faced by aliens whose language is vague at best? What is humanity to do when faced by aliens that are worshipped or feared by almost every other species in the universe? What is humanity to do when faced by aliens that make decisions that seem completely illogical?
These are the questions that must be answered by Captain Shiro Takahashi and the crew of the Astrid, and failing to come up with the right answers could lead to the annihilation of humanity at the prehensile limbs of the Lemec.
Governing, but not governing most of the nearby galaxy, the Lemec are a powerful species that no one really understands, and this is just how the Lemec want it. Captain Takahashi is trying to understand, but the Lemec try to block his actions at every turn. How can he ever hope to save humanity, and do the Lemec even care if humanity is saved?

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Divided States of America Bundle #2

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
The Divided States of America Bundle #2
This bundle brings you the second set of four stories from The Divided States of America for just $3.
You get “What Lies in the Wastelands” by Ian Brazee-Cannon, “Calivada Dreaming” by Debby Feo, “Can’t Go Home Again” by Ian Brazee-Cannon, and “Where Do You Go From Here” by Ian Brazee-Cannon.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Pre-order the September issue of The Fifth Di...

The September issue of The Fifth Di... won't officially be released for another week, but you can download the e-book version from our store at and it's on sale!
The September 2017 issue of The Fifth Di… brings you the story of a man caught in an experiment gone wrong…waking up to a different reality every day, and not sure if he will ever be able to get home. You can also read the story of a human that meets the Scorpii god, but there’s something familiar about this god. Also, a woman who knows the way of magic is attacked on a train by a power that only she can see…or is there someone else. And finally, an old man has isolated himself and is ready to die, but the past won’t let him be alone anymore.
This issue features the fiction of Fredrick Obermeyer, Eamonn Murphy, Keith P. Graham, and Mike Murphy.