I now have signed copies of my new novel available directly from me. Simply go to http://www.jalanerwine.com/translation.htm. The ordering links are at the bottom of the page.
I only have a limited number of copies, however, so don't hesitate...
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Very ill
The last two weeks have been very rough on me. I've developed some horrible respiratory and sinus infection, which has pretty much knocked me on my ass. I haven't been to work, and I've barely been able to do anything around the house, which makes it hard to take care of the kids. Rebecca has done a lot to help, but she hasn't been feeling 100% either, and she does work full time, so that makes it hard.
Why didn't I go to the doctor, you might ask. Simple, I don't have insurance. Therefore, in order to get treatment, I would have to shell out a lot more money than someone who does have insurance. Some people might find that fair, but I never have. Even when I had a job that gave me insurance, I always felt that everyone was entitled to insurance...this is, after all, supposed to be the greatest country in the world. In order to add me to Rebecca's insurance, we would have to shell out an extra $100 a month, and we aren't exactly living in the lap of luxury, so that money would have to be taken from things like food and clothing. Yeah, the US insurance system is seriously broken...
Why didn't I go to the doctor, you might ask. Simple, I don't have insurance. Therefore, in order to get treatment, I would have to shell out a lot more money than someone who does have insurance. Some people might find that fair, but I never have. Even when I had a job that gave me insurance, I always felt that everyone was entitled to insurance...this is, after all, supposed to be the greatest country in the world. In order to add me to Rebecca's insurance, we would have to shell out an extra $100 a month, and we aren't exactly living in the lap of luxury, so that money would have to be taken from things like food and clothing. Yeah, the US insurance system is seriously broken...
Monday, March 05, 2012
Read an e-book week
March 4th-10th is Read an E-book Week at Smashwords. Both Sam's Dot Publishing and Nomadic Delirium Press are participating in these specials. This gives you a chance to pick up a lot of my titles at 25% off. This includes all three of my new novels, including the new one, A Problem in Translation. You can also pick up one of my short story collections and any of the Ephemeris products I've created. Simply go to...
The Sam's Dot page
The Nomadic Delirium page
Once there, they'll give you a coupon code for the 25% off deal.
It's a great chance to get caught up on my works...
The Sam's Dot page
The Nomadic Delirium page
Once there, they'll give you a coupon code for the 25% off deal.
It's a great chance to get caught up on my works...
Friday, March 02, 2012
GM's Day at DriveThruRPG
March 1st - March 7th is a celebration of GM's Day at DriveThruRPG. You can get 25% off of a wide variety of titles, including all of the Ephemeris titles. Simply go to http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?filters=0_0_0_0_0_31817, and search for Ephemeris.
Thursday, March 01, 2012
A Problem in Translation is now available
The long awaited release of my new novel, A Problem in Translation, is finally here.
If you'd like to read a sample chapter, you can find one at http://www.jalanerwine.com/translation.htm.
You can order the book from any of the following:
The Sam's Dot Bookstore
The e-book from Smashwords
Barnes & Noble
If you'd like to read a sample chapter, you can find one at http://www.jalanerwine.com/translation.htm.
You can order the book from any of the following:
The Sam's Dot Bookstore
The e-book from Smashwords
Barnes & Noble
February recap
Here's what I was blogging about in February. Looks like it was all about the new book...
Release date
The worst part about writing a book
A Problem in Translation blurb
The first chapter
Release date
The worst part about writing a book
A Problem in Translation blurb
The first chapter
Saturday, February 25, 2012
The first chapter
Thursday, March 1st is the release date for my new novel, A Problem in Translation. If you'd like to read the first chapter, please feel free to go to... http://www.jalanerwine.com/translation.htm.
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
A Problem in Translation blurb
It's not finalized yet, but here's the blurb for the new book...
What is humanity to do when faced by aliens whose language is vague at best? What is humanity to do when faced by aliens that are worshipped or feared by almost every other species in the universe? What is humanity to do when faced by aliens that make decisions that seem completely illogical?
These are the questions that must be answered by Captain Shiro Takahashi and the crew of the Astrid, and failing to come up with the right answers could lead to the annihilation of humanity at the prehensile limbs of the Lemec.
Governing, but not governing, most of the nearby galaxy, the Lemec are a powerful species that no one really understands, and this is just how the Lemec want it. Captain Takahashi is trying to understand, but the Lemec try to block his actions at every turn. How can he ever hope to save humanity, and do the Lemec even care if humanity is saved?
What is humanity to do when faced by aliens whose language is vague at best? What is humanity to do when faced by aliens that are worshipped or feared by almost every other species in the universe? What is humanity to do when faced by aliens that make decisions that seem completely illogical?
These are the questions that must be answered by Captain Shiro Takahashi and the crew of the Astrid, and failing to come up with the right answers could lead to the annihilation of humanity at the prehensile limbs of the Lemec.
Governing, but not governing, most of the nearby galaxy, the Lemec are a powerful species that no one really understands, and this is just how the Lemec want it. Captain Takahashi is trying to understand, but the Lemec try to block his actions at every turn. How can he ever hope to save humanity, and do the Lemec even care if humanity is saved?
Friday, February 03, 2012
The worst part about writing a book...
...is when the publisher asks you to help out with the back cover blurb.
I've never been good at sales, and trying to promote my own work is even harder. So, instead of writing the blurb, I'm procrastinating by writing about writing it...
I've never been good at sales, and trying to promote my own work is even harder. So, instead of writing the blurb, I'm procrastinating by writing about writing it...
Thursday, February 02, 2012
Release date
We have a release date for my new novel, A Problem in Translation. It will be released on March 1st, 2012. That's not all that far off, so make sure you're saving those pennies. It will be available both as a trade paperback and an e-book.
This one isn't as dark as my first two novels, and would be more of what I would consider Space Opera, but with a twist. Hopefully you will all enjoy it once it's released.
And be sure to pay attention to my Facebook page, as I'll be doing some special giveaways in a little over a week.
This one isn't as dark as my first two novels, and would be more of what I would consider Space Opera, but with a twist. Hopefully you will all enjoy it once it's released.
And be sure to pay attention to my Facebook page, as I'll be doing some special giveaways in a little over a week.
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
January recap
Very light month of blogging. Hopefully I'll have more to say in the month to come.
Shouldn't be a surprise...
Progress Report
We have a cover
Shouldn't be a surprise...
Progress Report
We have a cover
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
We have a cover
We're getting very close to the release of my third novel A Problem in Translation, and I'm very happy to say that we now have a cover for the new book.
Here it is...
Here it is...

Sunday, January 22, 2012
Progress report
Work on the new game is really coming along. I'm very excited about this one, and I'm hoping it will be well received by the gaming world.
I recently sent a copy of the short story that was the inspiration for my new novel to the cover artist, Miss Laura Givens, so she and I can start bouncing some ideas around for the book cover. As the release date approaches, I'll be doing some giveaways through my Facebook account, so keep an eye open for those.
The "real" job has kept me quite busy, so I'm not making as much creative progress as I'd like...but we're getting there.
I recently sent a copy of the short story that was the inspiration for my new novel to the cover artist, Miss Laura Givens, so she and I can start bouncing some ideas around for the book cover. As the release date approaches, I'll be doing some giveaways through my Facebook account, so keep an eye open for those.
The "real" job has kept me quite busy, so I'm not making as much creative progress as I'd like...but we're getting there.
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Shouldn't be a surprise...
...I've started work on the new role playing game. Any time an idea really grabs hold of me, I don't have much choice but to go with it. So, I am now in the process of creating a brand new RPG, and I'm making a ton of progress on it already. I'd say I'm half way through making my notes (other than historical notes), and I might actually start on the writing in the next couple of weeks.
Once I have everything put together, I'll be looking for play testers, so keep your eyes open if you're interested in trying the game out.
Once I have everything put together, I'll be looking for play testers, so keep your eyes open if you're interested in trying the game out.
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Saturday, December 31, 2011
2011 in review
This hasn't been the most productive year I've ever had. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the baby and the new job, but I did have a few publications.
The biggest was the release of my second novel, Red Moon Rising
I also had short stories published in Beyond Centauri, Aoife's Kiss, and A Taste of Armageddon. I also created several supplements for the Ephemeris RPG.
2012 is looking like it will be a more productive year. Alexis is starting to get a little more independent, so that will hopefully free up some time. Early in the year, we'll see the release of my third novel and I'm also hoping to create a brand new RPG this year.
Hope you all have a great and safe new year! See you next year!
The biggest was the release of my second novel, Red Moon Rising
I also had short stories published in Beyond Centauri, Aoife's Kiss, and A Taste of Armageddon. I also created several supplements for the Ephemeris RPG.
2012 is looking like it will be a more productive year. Alexis is starting to get a little more independent, so that will hopefully free up some time. Early in the year, we'll see the release of my third novel and I'm also hoping to create a brand new RPG this year.
Hope you all have a great and safe new year! See you next year!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Thinking about a new RPG
I've been playing with the idea of creating a new RPG. This one would be a fantasy game set during the colonization/conquest of America. It would contain a lot of the actual facts of that era, but in the game, magic would be real...opening up a lot of potential alternate histories.
Although I'm thinking about this, I'm not convinced that I actually want to do it. The game would take A LOT of work, and it would be very challenging. I'm not really sure if I can devote the time that I would need to such an endeavor. For my writing friends out there, it may be hard to believe, but I actually think creating an RPG is a lot harder than creating a novel. With a novel, you just have a few plot lines. With an RPG, you have to be able to consider as many plot lines as possible, because every player is different.
It's a thought...we'll see if it leads to anything...
Although I'm thinking about this, I'm not convinced that I actually want to do it. The game would take A LOT of work, and it would be very challenging. I'm not really sure if I can devote the time that I would need to such an endeavor. For my writing friends out there, it may be hard to believe, but I actually think creating an RPG is a lot harder than creating a novel. With a novel, you just have a few plot lines. With an RPG, you have to be able to consider as many plot lines as possible, because every player is different.
It's a thought...we'll see if it leads to anything...
Friday, December 23, 2011
I don't understand parents
Our kids spent the day with grandma today so that we could get some last minute Christmas stuff done. As we were leaving to pick them up, we saw two little girls walking down the sidewalk towards us. They were probably four and two. Both had coats on, but neither of them were zipped up. Neither of them were wearing shoes or socks.
For the record, the temperature here today was not much more than 20, and we just had a foot of snow, so these kids were walking on icy snow packed sidewalks...without shoes and socks!
We asked them where their parents were, and they just kept saying they'd gone night night. Neither of them spoke English very well (we're thinking they might have been Russian,) so it was hard to understand much of what they said. They kept walking because the oldest said they couldn't talk to us. We got in our car and followed them for a couple of blocks. At this point, we pretty much decided that this was beyond insane, so we called 911. Eventually the police showed up and took them into custody. They were very scared of the fact that they were going to have to go with the police, but the fact that we were all trying to help them warm up, and obviously trying to do what was best for them seemed to relax them a little.
I seriously have to wonder what these kids' parents were thinking. It's possible that something had happened to their parents, but we really don't know, and if the parents really were just sleeping, who sleeps while their young kids wander out of the house? I can barely even sleep when our kids are up and moving...
I don't know what happened to the kids, and I would actually like to know. I also really want to know what the parents could have been thinking.
For the record, the temperature here today was not much more than 20, and we just had a foot of snow, so these kids were walking on icy snow packed sidewalks...without shoes and socks!
We asked them where their parents were, and they just kept saying they'd gone night night. Neither of them spoke English very well (we're thinking they might have been Russian,) so it was hard to understand much of what they said. They kept walking because the oldest said they couldn't talk to us. We got in our car and followed them for a couple of blocks. At this point, we pretty much decided that this was beyond insane, so we called 911. Eventually the police showed up and took them into custody. They were very scared of the fact that they were going to have to go with the police, but the fact that we were all trying to help them warm up, and obviously trying to do what was best for them seemed to relax them a little.
I seriously have to wonder what these kids' parents were thinking. It's possible that something had happened to their parents, but we really don't know, and if the parents really were just sleeping, who sleeps while their young kids wander out of the house? I can barely even sleep when our kids are up and moving...
I don't know what happened to the kids, and I would actually like to know. I also really want to know what the parents could have been thinking.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
12 Days of Ephemeris Christmas
We're going to be having special sales all through the 12 days of Christmas. We'll be offering a different PDF e-book each day for a buck through DriveThruRPG.
Here are the days, the titles, and the links you'll need to use on those days:
14th: the core rulebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=46749
15th: The Derelict Ship of the Ancients http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=14719
16th: Ephemeris: Critters and Pests http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=39990
17th: Mission of Trade, or Mission of Mercy http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=39893
18th: The Ephemeris Book of First Level Characters http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=11412
19th: Necessity's Call http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=18582
20th: The Scientist's Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=14554
21st: The Law Enforcer's Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=66296
22nd: The Althani Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=31824
23rd: The Arbonix Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=39405
24th: The Culthan Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=12482
25th: The Human Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=44103
Remember, each offer is only good for one day, and each book is only $1.
Here are the days, the titles, and the links you'll need to use on those days:
14th: the core rulebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=46749
15th: The Derelict Ship of the Ancients http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=14719
16th: Ephemeris: Critters and Pests http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=39990
17th: Mission of Trade, or Mission of Mercy http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=39893
18th: The Ephemeris Book of First Level Characters http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=11412
19th: Necessity's Call http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=18582
20th: The Scientist's Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=14554
21st: The Law Enforcer's Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=66296
22nd: The Althani Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=31824
23rd: The Arbonix Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=39405
24th: The Culthan Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=12482
25th: The Human Sourcebook http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?discount=44103
Remember, each offer is only good for one day, and each book is only $1.
Saturday, December 03, 2011
The Martian Wave as a bestseller
The Martian Wave Vol. 2, which I edited, made it onto the bestsellers list at Sam's Dot Publishing for November. It came in at #4. You can check out the complete list at http://sdpbookstore.com/bestsellers.htm.
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