Friday, June 20, 2008

Because everyone else is...

I've seen a lot of authors doing these little word clouds of their works, so I decided to do the prologue for The Opium of the People

I like the fact that God came out kind of centered...sort of telling for the book...

You can click on the graphic for a better look.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Rebecca and I have found an apartment in Aurora...a southern Denver "suburb," and we'll be moving on July 18th and 19th. It's a nice place, set back away from the street with lots of trees and it will be a nice change for me. The rent is only slightly more than what I'm paying at my current place...and the new place is a two bedroom, as opposed to a it should save me some money, although that money will go towards raising the kids.

Because it's so far away, I'll be leaving my job, which fills me with mixed emotions. I absolutely hate what I do for a living, but the owner of the franchise is one in a million, and I know I'll never have a better boss, so there's some good and some bad.

I also haven't lined up a new job, so that's kind of scary. Cross your fingers for me...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Even More Stories at Anthology Builder

I now have 10 stories listed at Anthology Builder...a build your own anthology site. You can pick some of my stories, and stories from numerous other authors as well. It's really a great way to sample new writers, while picking up stories from authors you already know you like.

My stories are:
Living in the Styx
One family is driven to the brink of madness by odd events in their lives, but are the events real, or are they only in their minds?

The Galton Principle
In a fascist state ruled by eugenics, one young man realizes he's not as perfect as he thinks...nor is his society.

Who Listens to the Voices of the Past?
When humanity discovers a new sentient, but "less-developed" species on a new planet, will they make the same mistakes that were made when Europeans came to the Americas?

Seedlings on the Solar Winds
One man is driven to madness by what everyone else says are imaginary voices in his head...but are they just imaginary?

Lowering One's Self Before Fate
No one ever really knew what happened during the massacre at Kira Len until the day the story mysteriously "appeared."

The Opium of the People
The story that inspired the novel
When the radical Christian Right seizes control of the American government, one man is forced to make decisions he never thought himself capable of.

The Lives of Billions
When a terraformer on Mars discovers that there’s really life on the Red Planet, what will she do to save that life?

Secret of the Coltao
Two young men on an icebound planet seek to learn the truth about the aliens that inhabit the world with them.

Harvest of Debts
As the American population ages, and American debt rises, the rich elderly find a new way to extend their lives…organ harvesting.

The Twin Sorceresses
Two young sorceresses find they must go to great extremes to protect their mother.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Two pieces of news

Almost 20 years ago, I made the decision that I wanted to be a science fiction writer. The first story I ever seriously submitted to magazines was a story called Tranquility. It was bad...very bad...horrible...but there was an element of the story that has always stuck with me, and I eventually re-wrote it. Today, Tales of the Talisman picked it up for their Spring 2009 issue.

I thought that was big until I went to the Denvention website...that would be WorldCon for those of you playing at home...and found that they've listed the participants for this year's convention, and I'm on the list. That's right folks, this small press writer/editor will be doing panels at WorldCon!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Phoenix has landed

I just watched the coverage on NASA TV of the Phoenix landing in the northern polar region of Mars. It was mostly just telemetry data, but it was still pretty cool. The probe will be doing a lot of things while on Mars, but of course, the most exciting is that it will be searching for water and evidence of past or current life in that water...and of course, the polar regions are where a lot of Mars' water is locked up.

For more on the mission, here's a video from NASA

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Engagement pics

I thought my regular readers might want to see pics from the big engagement. The close-up of the ring didn't come out...unfortunately.

Friday, May 16, 2008

I'm Engaged

That's right folks, the guy who swore off women a little more than a year ago is now engaged. I popped the question to Rebecca tonight, and she was crazy enough to say yes.

We're planning a May of 2009 wedding...and I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Odd news story

The headline reads: "'Darth Vader' spared jail in Jedi church attacks." Yes, it's a real story. To read the whole thing, go to...;_ylt=AmY..tVLx4UoPL6O4TJ2.RehOrgF

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A meme

I posted this on my LiveJournal, but I thought I'd post it here as well...for anyone who might be interested...

Recently, mmerriam posted a meme that I thought was pretty cool. I've been meaning to do his, but I've been a bit brain dead hopefully I will soon.

All you have to do is cut and paste the questions below into the comments and fill in the blanks with whatever you want, and then I'll try to answer the best that I can in a new post...

1. What do you think of _____________ ?

2. When did you last ____________?

3. __________ or ___________ and why?

4. What did you ______________?

5. What's your favorite ______________?

6. How would you ______________?

7. Who would you most like to ________ ?

Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Magenta Equations at Allegory

My story, The Magenta Equations, has been posted at Allegory. This is what I would consider somewhat of a hard SF story, although the hard science I used was psychology, which makes for an interesting twist.

Also, the idea of hyperspace and madness is something that plays a big role in the RPG I'm helping to create...Ephemeris. It's always interesting how these things tie together.

Enjoy the story.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


It's all over the Nets that more strange lights were spotted over Phoenix again. By strict definition, these are UFOs...Unidentified Flying Objects...however, that does not mean that they are aliens visiting us from another star system.

I have several problems with UFO's. First of all, our radio signals have only propagated about 50-60 light years into our galaxy, which on the galactic scale is not very far. Statistically speaking, the odds are fairly low that there are any intelligent civilizations that close. There could be, but it's not likely. So, why would aliens be here?

In America, southern Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico have the highest percentage of UFO sightings. It's probably not a coincidence that this is also where a lot of top secret research is done by the American military. Many years ago there were pictures of strange objects that were spotted throughout this area...many people claimed these were conclusive evidence of aliens visiting Earth. Then we had the first Gulf War, and we all got to see the stealth bomber, and guess what, it looks EXACTLY like the pictures that showed conclusive proof of aliens visiting us.

Why would aliens come to Earth and not make contact, but make it obvious that they're here with all of their lights flashing and moving in our skies...

...oh yeah, the lights. Why in the hell would an interstellar spacecraft need lights???? Especially the big gaudy lights that we see on these UFOs. Space is huge. Even if there are thousands of civilizations out there, the idea that they would need lights so they don't bump into each other is absurd. Plus, at relativistic speeds, flashing lights aren't going to help a whole hell of a lot when you suddenly see a ship approaching.

Although I do think it's likely that there is some kind of alien life out there, until I see proof that they've actually visited, and I mean real scientific proof, I won't believe it. Sorry, but I'm a rationalist, I have to have evidence...just like I don't believe in ghosts, gods, or the Loch Ness Monster...I don't believe in little green men...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

Personally, I think every day should be Earth Day. I think we're destroying this planet, and we should all be ashamed of ourselves. Whether you believe global climate change is real or not, I think most of you would agree that we have done a lot to damage this planet...and ourselves. Certainly some forms of pollution are having an adverse effect on humanity.

However, one thing that bugs me more than corporate polluters is hypocritical Hollywood types that show up one day a year trying to tell me how I should care more about the they do...

WHAT??? In this video, Lewis Black calls them on it...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Forgive Men Their Trespasses

My story Forgive Men their Trespasses has just been picked up by Afterburn SF. The story is set in the same universe as my novel The Opium of the People, but it's a stand-alone story set in Denver.

This will be my first appearance in Afterburn...and it's always nice to get a publication in a new zine.

Order The Opium of the People

Friday, April 18, 2008

For Joe

Like me, Joe was a cycling fanatic. We'd watch the Versus coverage of the races, and then e-mail each other and discuss the race. Even through all of the doping scandals, we were both hardcore fans.

So, these videos are a tribute to Joe's passion for cycling...

It won't be the same watching this season's races without you buddy. You'll be missed.........

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mortality sucks

Early Tuesday morning, my friend Joe lost his battle with cancer. I got the news while I was at work tonight, and I'm still stunned. Joe had been my supervisor at my real job several years ago, but we quickly became friends. He was one of the few people I'd ever met who was actually a cycling fan...most people just stare at me with dumb expressions on their face whenever I talk about the sport. He was a super nice guy, and a bit of a smart ass, which fits my wise cracking personality really well.

He was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago, and he vowed to fight it like Lance Armstrong had fought his, but unfortunately, this time the cancer was too strong.

He was actually three years younger than me, so that's a slap in the face for me, and he was also very health-conscious, which just shows you that cancer can get anyone.

The worst part of all of this is that he had two young boys. I believe they were eight and four, and now they have to grow up without their father.

A sad day, a sad day indeed...........

Saturday, April 12, 2008

If you were going to a Con...

...what kind of panels would you like to see?

Every year, MileHiCon asks its participants to suggest ideas for panels. This is one of the reasons why I love this Con, the participants get a lot of input into what's going on.

So, like I did last year, I thought I'd open it up to fans of speculative fiction and ask them what kind of panels they'd like to see.

So, how about it?

Still here

I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that I was still around. We're having a massive sale at the "real" job, and it has meant a lot of hard hours for that's pretty much been the story of my life lately.

I've gotten some work done on Ephemeris the RPG, but not as much as I'd like, and I've gotten some editing done, but not as much as I'd like.

I did agree to help edit an anthology from Sam's Dot called Infradead. We'd started this project about a year and a half ago, but we didn't get much of a response...mostly because Tyree wanted novellas. We're going to re-open in May to submissions, but we're going to drop the lower word limit significantly, which should bring in some submissions. Obviously I'm quite crazy considering I already have so many projects going on. My girlfriend commented that as long as I was enjoying myself, there's nothing wrong with adding more to my plate...I then informed her that it wasn't so much a plate as a buffet.

I spent yesterday at the dentist watching them pull one of her wisdom teeth. All I can say is that I certainly can imagine more torture scenes for future books. Dentistry hasn't evolved much since the dark ages...

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


The new issue of Tales of the Talisman features my short story "Hunted." This is a story that I've re-worked again and again for many many years, and now it's finally found a home.

It's not exactly one of my deepest stories, since I'd classify it as space opera...but that stuff can be fun to write too.

The Magenta Equations

My short story, The Magenta Equations, has been picked up by Allegory E-Zine. This will be my second appearance in this zine. They also published my story Entropy a while back.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Open forum

I should be posting more, but I don't have a lot to say right I'll open this blog up as an open forum. Feel free to ask me questions...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

An interview with me

Robert E. Porter, who is a frequent visitor to this blog, recently interviewed me for his LiveJournal. We talk politics, environmentalism, editing, and writing. I always like doing these interviews, especially when the questions are not your typical run of the mill variety.

You can read the interview by going to

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I've been Kindled

Two of my titles are now available for the electronic reader...the Kindle...

My new short story collection, Seedlings on the Solar Winds can be found at

And my novel, The Opium of the People can be found at

I've heard a lot of people comment that the Kindle is the best e-reader they've ever seen. I myself can't afford one at this time...but maybe in the future...although I've always really liked the feel of a book in my hand.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Arthur C. Clarke

I've just learned that Science Fiction Giant Arthur C. Clarke has passed away.

If you want to read a brief article, click here.

Clarke was a good novelist, but he was a brilliant short story writer. And let's not forget that he and Stanley Kubrick created 2001: A Space Oddyssey...still, in my opinion, the greatest science fiction movie ever.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's over

The vacation has come to an end. Tomorrow at 9 a.m. I have to be back at the day job. I know I've said this before, but I really think it's time that I start looking for something else. The sense of dread that I'm feeling right now is more overwhelming than anything I've ever felt before. I don't want to go back!

The owner of the company is a great guy, and I wish there was something else I could be doing for him, but where I'm at right now makes me hate life. I know I'm capable of so much more than what I'm doing, I just have to decide to go out and find something else.

Now I have to try to go to bed so I can wake up and go waste my day tomorrow doing something I shouldn't be doing...

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Problem with A Problem in Translation

I just put the finishing touches on what I'm hoping will be the final revisions for what was supposed to be my new novel A Problem in Translation. Unfortunately, the story is just too short. It comes in around 60,000 words, which makes it more of a novella as opposed to a novel. As most writers know, a novella is very hard to market. So, I've created a real uphill battle for myself.

The story is so tightly spun with events leading into one another rapidly that I really can't find a way to expand on it without completely destroying the flow...

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Game

We now have a name for the's Ephemeris. If you're actually interested in the game, here's the first draft for the introduction page of the first rule book...

The year is 2185. The human race has gone to the stars, and found that they’re not alone. Local space is teeming with civilizations, some hostile, some friendly, and some indifferent. This is the universe of Ephemeris.

Ephemeris is a game of galactic trade and galactic conquest; of inter-species conflict and cooperation. Ephemeris is a science fiction role playing game. Here you will be able to take on the role of your favorite alien species and your favorite class. You will be able to trade, fight, negotiate, conquer, whatever you’d like to do with your fellow players. You can play the role of an Althani Trader, or maybe an Arbonix Cyber Wizard, or maybe even a Human Nanist. You can create a party made up entirely of one species and set out to upset the trade routes of a rival species. Or maybe you want to create a party with a variety of races that prey upon the trading routes of the various civilizations. Or maybe you want to explore the ancient ruins on long dead planets, ruins that clearly show that there were other species roaming the spaceways in the past...but where are they now? You can fight in great wars, negotiate grand peace treaties, explore sections of the galaxy that no sentient has ever explored. Or maybe your party has joined with one of the interplanetary corporations; corporations whose motives are never entirely clear. These are just some of the possibilities open to you.

The universe of Ephemeris is yours to do with as you please. What you now hold in your hands are the basic guidelines for the games. Here you’ll find the races, classes, abilities, skills, weapons, and ships that allow you to create your own Ephemeris universe.

Now, step inside for the greatest science fiction adventure you’ve ever been on…

If you're interested in following the development of the game, we've set up a MySpace page at

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I am officially on vacation from the dreaded day job! One solid week just for me!

I'm going to spend Wednesday morning and early afternoon catching up on some small odds and ends. Then that night my girlfriend's oldest daughter has her birthday party. So it will be Chuck E Cheese with a bunch of first graders.

I'm going to spend Thursday doing nothing. I hardly ever do that, so I think I've earned it. I'll probably just watch lots of Babylon 5. I loved that show!!!

For the last five days, I'm going to really try to get some work done. I want to finish the revisions on A Problem in Translation and then start the revisions on (working title) Red Moon Rising. I'm also going to put in some serious hours working on the RPG.

Yes, it's a working vacation, but it's doing the work that I actually want to do...what could be better than that?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A sad day for geeks

Apparently Dungeons & Dragons creator Gary Gygax has died at the age of 69. He was apparently in bad health after suffering multiple strokes and heart attacks.

D&D is basically responsible for all of the RPGs that came later, and has given me many hours of enjoyment over the years.

If I can find more information, I'll post it...

Monday, March 03, 2008


Tyree Campbell of Sam's Dot Publishing has posted a commentary on the current election situation here in America. You can read his in his Tuppence at The Fifth Di...

Tyree, much like me, is arguing that the Democrats and Republicans no longer represent the people of America, and that it's time for us to take back our government. Like me, Tyree is arguing that we should be voting for third party candidates...and before anyone says it's just throwing away our vote, if enough people do it, we can send a wake up call to the powers that are, letting them know that the people want change (and not Obama change). Already at local levels third party candidates are becoming a force, and we now need to take this to the national level.

I agree with much of Tyree's, except that I disagree with voting Reform or Libertarian. I say vote Green all the way!

The Green Party

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

An Amazon review

Marva Dasef posted an Amazon review of Seedlings on the Solar Winds. She really seemed to enjoy the book.

Cyberpunk? Really? I'll have to give that some thought...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The missile test

So, the US shot one of its own satellites with a Navy missile to protect us all from the dangerous fuel. Now, does anyone really believe this was the reason, or are you like me and think it was some macho stunt by the current adminstration basically saying that "Ours is bigger than yours!"

I really can't wait for January so we can get these idiots out of office...granted, I'm not really impressed with the next possible presidents, but at least they're not Bush and his cronies...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It was supposed to be cloudy here in the Denver area tonight, but it's cleared up enough that I was able to watch the eclipse. This was probably the sixth or seventh total lunar eclipse that I've seen, but I still think they're cool every time. This one was the darkest and most purple that I've ever seen, which made it different than what I was expecting.

As I'm watching the eclipses, I always like to think of what it might be like on another planet to watch an eclipse. What would it be like on Jupiter (somewhere in the upper layer of clouds) if you could watch any of the Jovians eclipse the sun. I remember seeing a recent piece of space porn that I think was a solar eclipse caused by Titan. I'll have to see if I can find it, then I'll post it here...

Anyone else catch the eclipse tonight?

Friday, February 15, 2008

You can now order stories from me

I've now made it possible for you to order individual stories from my website. Simply go to and you can order stories in groups of three or five. It's $2 for three stories or $3 for five stories. The stories will be delivered to your e-mail box as PDF files.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Promoting your favorite author

David Louis Edelman has a great blog today about the do's and dont's of helping to promote your favorite author.

I'd strongly suggest everyone read it...and then of course follow the do's for my books....

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Locus Awards

Tyree and J continue to tilt at windmills. This time we're thinking it would be worth the effort to try and get some nominations for the Locus Awards. These are annual awards that are put together by Locus Magazine. You can think of them as the number three awards behind the Hugos and Nebulas.

The good news is that you don't have to be a member of anything. You just have to fill out their ballot, making sure to use a real name and a real e-mail address. This is a very reputable magazine, so they aren't going to spam you if you give them your e-mail address.

All you have to do is go to and fill out the ballot. For the titles we're about to recommend, you have to fill in the blank spaces, and be sure to fill them in just as the drop down menus are done.

Here are our recommendations...

The Dog at the Foot of the Bed by Tyree Campbell
The Guardner's Tale by Bruce Boston
The Poet by James Baker

The Deadwalk, by Stephanie Bedwell-Grime

Living Stone by Edward Cox
Tales of Weupp: Little People Must Surrender, by Ralan Conley

Oh, Mallary by Rick Novy The Martian Wave
The Quinx Solution by Tyree Campbell The Martian Wave
416175 by Laura Sanger Kelly Aoife's Kiss
Siren of Rain by Edward Cox Between Kisses
Singer by Melissa Mead Hungur Magazine

Aoife's Kiss
Beyond Centauri
Sounds of the Night

Sam's Dot Publishing
Nomadic Delirium Press
Bedazzled Ink
LBF Books

Wondrous Web Worlds Vol. 7 edited by J Alan Erwine
Potter's Field 2 edited by Cathy Buburuz

Seedlings on the Solar Winds by J Alan Erwine
A Nice Girl Like You by Tyree Campbell
Like Birds in the Rain by Marge Simon

Tyree Campbell
J Alan Erwine
Terrie Leigh Relf
Cathy Buburuz
David Lee Summers

Laura Givens
Cathy Buburuz
Mitchell Davidson Bentley
Lawrence Hollien
Marge Simon

Friday, February 08, 2008

Happy birthday Jules Verne

Along with H.G. Wells, Jules Verne is basically responsible for helping to create the field of science fiction. Verne is responsible for creating what would be modern hard SF, and writers like David Brin, Greg Bear, Mike Brotherton, and others owe him a debt of gratitude. I don't know if these writers were directly influenced by Verne's writing, but it was Verne that paved the way for the development of hard SF.

Wells, on the other hand, is responsible for creating what we consider soft SF, and as a writer, I owe him more of a debt of gratitude than I do to Verne, but I still love to read a good hard SF story, and some day, I hope to write a few as well.

I know that I read Verne when I was younger, but I honestly don't remember which of his books I've read, but I know he helped to get me into science fiction, and so I wish him what would be a happy 180th birthday.

On a personal note, today is also my dad's birthday, and since he reads this blog occasionally, I'll say happy birthday here...and remind him that at least Verne would be a few years older than he is...........

Romney's out

He said he was in it for the long haul, and now he's not anymore. What does it mean? Maybe it's true that he wants to help unify the party against the democrats, but in my very bitter and cynical view of politics, I'd say it means that either the GOP or McCain has promised him the VP spot on the ticket.

I could be wrong, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if I was right!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

My thoughts on Super Tuesday

Well, Super Tuesday has come and gone. The Republican race looks much clearer now, and the Democratic race hasn't even started to sort itself out. I didn't take part in Super Tuesday here in Colorado. As a registered independent, I wasn't able to participate in either caucus.

The results of Super Tuesday really weren't what's important to me. After all, anyone who reads this blog knows that I see both the Republican party and the Democratic party as parts of the same evil that now haunts the United States. I'm always encouraging people to vote third party and help us break the stranglehold the two main powers have over We the People.

So, my main interest is in the way the media has portrayed this thing. I haven't seen much national news lately, so instead I'll focus on some of the analysis from local "experts."

Many people are saying that a lot can be said for what will happen in November based on what we saw on Tuesday. They point to the fact that Colorado has a slightly higher population of registered Republicans as opposed to Democrats, and yet significantly more Dems turned out to vote. The experts say that this shows that a Democratic candidate could take Colorado this year.

I think there are two important factors they're missing. First, if Hillary gets the nomination, almost every Republican will turn out to vote for McCain, whether they agree with him or not. Second, fully a third of registered voters in Colorado are registered as Independents. We will be the ones to have the final say in November, and nothing in Super Tuesday can predict how we will vote. Granted, my vote won't make a difference because I won't vote for either party. I'm done with them, but other Independents will make a difference, and this is something the mainstream media has tended to ignore...or should I say marginalize? The people who aren't committed to one party or the other have a chance to make a big difference in this election, and now that Nader has thrown his name back in the ring, things have become even more confusing. And I'm sure there are a lot of Dems out there who are upset with him because they blame him and the Green Party for giving the 2000 election to Bush...but let's face it, if the Democratic party still believed as it used to, liberals and progressives wouldn't be looking for an alternative...

Friday, February 01, 2008

January's over

The month started out with that horrible bronchial thing I had going. I'm still coughing occasionally, and when I walk in the cold, I can still feel a bit of heaviness in my chest. I also worked a lot of strange hours at the job that's worse than death, so it's kept me a little off balance all month.

No story sales to report for January, but that's not much of a surprise. I only have a few stories circulating, since I've spent the last couple of years mostly working on novels. And on the novel front, I'm working my way through revisions on A Problem in Translation, and I hope to have them done in the next week or two, at which point I will begin the search for an might take me a few weeks to write that all important query letter...I really hate those things. Once those are done, it will be time for a major re-write on the new novel. There's a lot I really like about the book, but it still needs TONS of work.

Book sales are still trickling in, and at The Genre Mall Seedlings and Wondrous Web Worlds Vol. 7 both made the Bestsellers list for January...which means that maybe I can treat myself to a fast food dinner one of these nights.

Friday, January 25, 2008

It's just a rock folks

There's been a lot of talk lately about the picture released by NASA of what looks like a Martian reclining on a rock...

I've got news for you folks. It's just a wind-shaped rock. The human eye has a tendancy to want to put familiar forms into anything we see. That's why we see patterns in clouds and in ink blots. This is just the same thing. There aren't humanoid Martians hanging out on the surface of Mars waiting for our rovers to drive by...nor is there a human face on Mars as so many people thought after the early Mars missions.

If, and it's a big if, there is life on Mars, it is probably microbial, or maybe small microbial colonies, and it would be beneath the surface where the UV won't destroy it.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Search inside Seedlings

Amazon now has it set up so that you can search inside of my new short story collection before you decide to buy a copy...and you know you want to buy one...

Simply go to and have a look around.

And if you don't want to go through Amazon, you can have your local bookstore order a copy by using the ISBN: 978-0-9801703-0-6.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

More stories at Anthology Builder

I now have six stories available through Anthology Builder.

They are...

The Galton Principle
In a fascist state ruled by eugenics, one young man realizes he's not as perfect as he thinks...nor is his society.

Lowering One's Self Before Fate
No one ever really knew what happened during the massacre at Kira Len until the day the story mysteriously "appeared."

Who Listens to the Voices of the Past?
When humanity discovers a new sentient, but "less-developed" species on a new planet, will they make the same mistakes that were made when Europeans came to the Americas?

The Opium of the People
When the radical Christian Right seizes control of the American government, one man is forced to make decisions he never thought himself capable of.

Seedlings on the Solar Winds
One man is driven to madness by what everyone else says are imaginary voices in his head...but are they just imaginary?

Living in the Styx
One family is driven to the brink of madness by odd events in their lives, but are the events real, or are they only in their minds?

The site let's you put together your own collection with your own cover, and the book will be uniquely yours, so what are you waiting for?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A scary man

I'll be the first to admit that George Dubya Chimp scares the hell out of me, but comments by Mike Huckabee in Michigan recently have really worried me. He basically has said that he thinks it's ok to amend the US Constitution to better fit with the Bible. Never mind the fact that God isn't even mentioned in the Constitution. Never mind the fact that we're supposed to have separation of church and state in this country, this man wants to bring us one step closer to a theocracy.

He's a very scary man...please don't vote for him!

Read more, and see his comments

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Anthology Builder

I'd read about the site Anthology Builder on several blogs, and I've finally had a chance to check it out for myself. The basic idea behind the site is that a reader can go there and chose from a variety of stories and build their own anthology, which comes to them as a print trade paperback. I think it's a great utilization of POD technology.

For a reader, they can pick and chose exactly what they want to read. They can chose from established writers and newer writers, thus trying out a new author without having to pick up an entire anthology from that person.

For writers, it's yet another way to expose people to your writing. The royalties aren't great, so if you're hoping to get rich from this site, it's not going to happen...but then most of us that write really aren't hoping to get rich...we're a little too realistic for that. Still, if someone happens to pick one of your stories, and they like it, they may pick up one of your books...exposure is great.

With all of this in mind, I sent them my story "The Galton Principle," and they've accepted it, so you can now build an anthology with one of my stories. What could be better than picking that story from Poe that you like so much, and including "The Galton Principle" as well. Like I said, it's a way to try and get more exposure.

Over the next few days, I'm going to send them some more of my stuff...maybe they'll want to include that as well.

For now, check out the site...then build your own anthology featuring some of my stories...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

An update

I've been a little quiet here lately, so I thought I'd post an update on what's going on.

The bronchial bug I had seems to be in retreat now, although I'm still hacking crap up...that will probably go on for a while. My lungs were pretty thick and heavy during the worst of it.

Sales on Seedlings on the Solar Winds have been a bit sluggish, but that's kind of to be expected with a small press book. I have several review copies out, so if I can get a good review from a major source, it should help sell some copies...and if you want to buy a copy for yourself, there are links on the left side of this blog.

I filled out my application to be a panelist at Denvention3 today...that's WorldCon. I realize that the odds are kind of slim given the kind of talent that will be there, but I had to at least take a chance. I can only imagine what it would be like to do panels at WorldCon...assuming my anxiety about speaking in front of people didn't overwhelm me!

Having been sick, I've mostly been focusing on the big things that I need to do, and a lot of smaller things have fallen through the cracks, but I'm starting to get caught up on them. Unfortunately, I have to go back to the job that's worse than death tomorrow at 5 a.m., so I'll start falling behind again. I really hate that place!

I haven't been doing much writing lately. I've decided that I'm going to do another round of revisions on A Problem in Translation, and then start circulating it among some agents. Once that's done, I'll start on the revisions of the newest novel...the one with global climate change at the core of the story...sorry, might not want to read that one if I find a publisher for it.

Now that I'm feeling better, I'm hoping to start blogging more. I have some writing stuff built up in my brain, and I have a lot of political stuff running through my head that needs to be expressed...look out President Chimp, you're going to be a blog target again very soon!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Hugos


We realize that the odds of this working are pretty slim, but we here at Sam's Dot have always prided ourselves on tilting at windmills.

Since many of our readers and contributors will be attending WorldCon in Denver this year, we've decided to make an effort to get ourselves on the Hugo ballot. Anyone who is a current member of the Con, or who becomes a member by the end of January is eligible to nominate for the Hugos, and we feel we should be represented in three categories.

If you're interested in nominating Sam's Dot titles and people, we ask that you follow these nominations:

Aoife's Kiss
Beyond Centauri
Sounds of the Night

Tyree Campbell
J Alan Erwine
David Lee Summers
Ken Goldman
Lawrence Dagstine

Laura Givens
Cathy Buburuz
Mitchell Davidson Bentley
Lawrence Hollien
Marge Simon

If you haven't purchased your membership yet, you can buy it at

Thank you for all of your support over the years, and please feel free to repost this like crazy!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The P&E Poll

I really hadn't planned on participating in this year's Preditors & Editors Poll. In the past, they've had numerous problems with it, and don't even get me started on the debacle that was last year's poll...but I just got an e-mail from someone saying that they'd nominated me in several categories, so I guess I'll try to garner some votes.

I'm nominated in several categories as both a writer and an editor, so just look for my name and vote. Also, please feel free to vote for anything nominated from Nomadic Delirium Press or Sam's Dot Publishing...they're good people. I also noticed that Laura Given's cover for Seedlings on the Solar Winds was also nominated in a couple of places, and she was nominated as best vote for her too.

The address is

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Years

I just wanted to pop in and say Happy New Years to everyone. I'm still battling this nasty virus, so hopefully I'll get back to more frequent posting after the New Year.

As for my celebration, I'm going to take Ny-Quil and go to bed early. I feel like crap, and I have to be at work at 7 a.m., so it would be stupid for me to try and stay up...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy holidays

I'm about to go off to the girlfriend's to do the Xmas thing, but I thought I'd drop in briefly to wish all of you a happy...whatever you celebrate. While I'm gone, enjoy a couple of Weird Al Xmas videos...

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Falling behind

The annual Carl Sagan Blog-a-thon recently happened, and I really wanted to participate, but with the book release, and the fact that I'm battling some nasty virus that just won't leave me alone, I simply ran out of time. Maybe after the holidays I'll post some thoughts on what Carl Sagan meant to me.

If you want to read my post from last year, it's here.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

It's here!


Today is the official release date of Seedlings on the Solar Winds!!!

America as a fascist state, soldiers driven to terrorism, insane computers, insane humans, insane aliens, these are just some of the things waiting for readers in the pages of this new collection from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine.

Seedlings on the Solar Winds contains sixteen stories that will have readers question what reality really is, and wondering what the future of humanity might be.

"J Alan Erwine is a master at placing believable characters into plausible, and often dark, futures. In the process, he unflinchingly explores what is both base and noble about humanity." - David Lee Summers, editor Tales of the Talisman and author of Heirs of the New Earth.

"...Erwine always presents a banquet of plots and characters [not all of them human], generously seasoned with pith. You can relish him as the main course in your reading, or save him for dessert..." - Tyree Campbell, author of Nyx and The Dog at the Foot of the Bed.

Contains the stories:
The Opium of the People
Sad Grey Eyes on Tharsis
A Chronic Mistake
A Singular Solution
Out of Plato's Cave
Lost in the Dark
The Limit of Tolerance
On the Word of Ancients
Seedlings on the Solar Winds
Living in the Styx
The Ancient Ones
The Mind of the Cat

Order from us

Order from

You can also get your local bookstore to order the book by using the ISBN 978-0-9801703-0-6. They can order through Ingrams or Baker & Taylor.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Wondrous Web Worlds Vol. 7

It's finally here. Sam's Dot has announced the release of our annual best of anthology Wondrous Web Worlds, which just happens to be edited by me...

The annual Wondrous Web Worlds series presents the very best science fiction, fantasy, and horror published online at Sam's Dot Publishing, and includes two dozen selections from The Martian Wave, The Fifth Di..., and Aoife's Kiss. The material in this seventh in the series deals with some of the fundamental questions raised in the genres.
What happens when you go mad from loneliness on Mars? If extra-terrestrials eat terrestrials, should you bring one back to Earth? Is it time to move on when you can't even entertain a rag-tag bunch of robots? What are the benefits of DIY terraforming?
Come experience the literary potential of zombies, and learn why the Bone Slayer needed help against the skeletile, and discover the true purpose of biwigglies out Alpha Centauri way.
You'll find some of the finest names in the genres between these covers: Richard S. Levine, Wendy Leeds, Marva Dasef, Tyree Campbell, David C. Kopaska-Merkel, Keith P. Graham, Karen A. Romanko, and many more!
Home For Supper by Tyree Campbell
Alone on a Lake on Mars by Cathy Buburuz
An Asteroid By Any Other Name by David Lee Summers
Future Fourth by Bruce Boston
To Sit in Judgment by Amanda M. Hayes
Devoted by Julie Shiel
A Comic on Phobos by Richard S. Levine
First Tree on the Moon by s.c. virtes
Just a Kid by Derek J. Goodman
This Old Earth by Karen A. Romanko
Bone Slayer by Wendy Leeds
Zombies on a Roll by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Fish Story by Marva Dasef
Final Days by Aurelio Rico Lopez III
In the Mind of the Beholder by David Puro
The Raw Princess by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Unplugged by Keith P. Graham
Martian Vespers by Theodora Fair
Farewell, My Droidy by Karen A. Romanko
Judas Rising by Elizabeth Barrette
Geow-lud-mo-sis-eg by Jane Mitchell
Heart by Jaime Lee Moyer

Order from The Genre Mall

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

For my Atheist friends

This had me laughing out loud almost to the point of hysterics. This is, of course, a classic image, but look carefully for the one significant change.

If you're a believer, maybe you should move on to the next post...

Things to do...things to do...

I'm still trying to work on that pirate story I was asked to write. I'm having a lot of trouble with in I haven't even started. I've made some notes, but nothing really grabs me as far as what I'd want to write about. I think the real problem is that the idea of space pirates doesn't appeal to me that much. Still, the editor who asked me to contribute has done a lot for me, so I fell like I should write the story for him. I know if I told him I just couldn't do it, he probably wouldn't care, but I feel like I owe him...even if he doesn't feel that way.

I finally heard back from a certain New York publisher about my novel A Problem in Translation. They apologized for the delay, and they said "Thanks, but no thanks." I think I really need to face the reality that I should be shopping the manuscript to agents and not publishers. So, I've decided that I'm going to go back through and do some revising on it, and then start looking for an agent.

I also need to start on the revisions for (working title) Red Moon Rising. That's going to be a major re-write for the second draft and will probably have me pulling my hair out before I'm half way through the revisions.

I also have the release of Seedlings on the Solar Winds coming up on Dec. 22nd, which means that I have a lot of promotional stuff to do...although I may have already lined up my first signing for the book.

Then of course, there's the "real" job, the holidays, one of my best friends moving, and a dozen other things I don't even have time to think about.

I always say that I like being busy...but maybe I'm getting a little carried away.

And I almost forgot to mention that the new edition of Wondrous Web Worlds, which I edited, will also be released next week...more promotion...

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Writing humor

Thanks to Tyree Campbell for sending this my way...

Friday, December 07, 2007

We have a book

Nomadic Delirium Press has announced a special pre-sale on my new short story collection, Seedlings on the Solar Winds. Up until the release date of Dec. 22nd, the book is just $7.99 with no shipping charges. The normal list price will be $12.99.

Want a description...

America as a fascist state, soldiers driven to terrorism, insane computers, insane humans, insane aliens, these are just some of the things waiting for readers in the pages of this new collection from prize winning science fiction author J Alan Erwine.
Seelings on the Solar Winds contains sixteen stories that will have readers question what reality really is, and wondering what the future of humanity might be.
"J Alan Erwine is a master at placing believable characters into plausible, and often dark, futures. In the process, he unflinchingly explores what is both base and noble about humanity." - David Lee Summers, editor Tales of the Talisman and author of Heirs of the New Earth.
"...Erwine always presents a banquest of plots and characters [not all of them human], generously seasoned with pith. You can relish him as the main course in your reading, or save him for dessert..." - Tyree Campbell, author of Nyx and The Dog at the Foot of the Bed.

For ordering info, click on the title of this entry...that will take you right to the Nomadic Delirium Press website.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Visualization of the Orion Nebula

If you're an astronomy geek like me, you'll probably love this video...

Friday, November 30, 2007

The cover

Nothing has been finalized yet, but here's an early look at the cover for my new short story collection...

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Title

There was no clear cut winner in my quest to put the title of the new collection to a vote, so I've decided to go with one of my favorites. The title will be Seedlings on the Solar Winds and other stories. I think it fits me and my writing pretty well.

We should have an actual book in hand by the end of the year. Once I have it, I'll post ordering info...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Title for the new collection

Almost all of the responses I've gotten back about naming my new collection have said that I should use the title of one of the stories. So, I thought I'd open it up for voting and debate on my blogs and on my LJ account. No guarantee that I'll use the winning title, but I would like to hear what people think is catchy, because let's face it, I want to sell books!

There are going to be sixteen stories in the collection. I've ruled out the use of The Opium of the People as the title, since that's the name of my novel, but below you will see the other possibilities. Please feel free to comment with what you think is the best title...

Sad Grey Eyes on Tharsis
A Chronic Mistake
A Singular Solution
Out of Plato's Cave
Lost in the Dark
The Limit of Tolerance
On the Word of Ancients
Seedlings on the Solar Winds
Living in the Styx
The Ancient Ones
The Mind of the Cat

Friday, November 16, 2007

Cover art

Still talking about the new collection here. We've been discussing cover art with the artist, Laura Givens, who will be doing the new cover. Laura did the cover for The Opium of the People, and she had a suggestion for the new cover. In the past, I've done some "modeling" for her, and she suggested using something with me for the cover.

In some ways, I liked this idea, especially with the way she presented it, but at the same time, it seems like the height of arrogance to put yourself on the cover of your own book! What do you think.

I've also been looking at her space art, and I really love it, and I'm thinking I might want to use something like that. You can check out her work at

I'd like to hear your thoughts on all of this...thanks for reading...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I'm working on putting together a new short story collection, and I've been thinking a lot about titles. My first two collections were Lowering One's Self Before Fate, and other stories and Marionettes on the Moon, and other stories. In both cases, I used one of the stories in the collection as the main title, but I'm not sure if I want to go that route this time.

So, I thought I'd throw it out for discussion, what sounds better to a reader...a title incorporating one of the stories, something that tries to sum up the theme (although there really isn't one), or something a little more random.

Your feedback is valued...

Nomadic Delirium Press' Holiday Sale

From now until Christmas, NDP has reduced the price on The Opium of the People and Marionettes on the Moon. You can get one for $9.99 and the other for $5.95...and even better, there's no shipping & handling on either title!

Click on the title of this entry to go to the special sale page...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

John Scalzi visits the Creation Museum

Fellow author and rationalist John Scalzi recently paid a visit to the newly opened Creation Museum. He has an extremely detailed report about it on his blog. Click on the title of this entry to check it out.

In reading through his report, I have to admit that I think I'd be on the ground laughing before I was finished with the second room. Some of the things these people are trying to push on people as science are a joke. For example, there were dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden and they were all herbivores before Adam ate of the apple. I just have this image of Adam and Even with their fig leafs chilling with a T-Rex. Absurd.

It's a great post from John, however, and he tries to examine the "museum" with as open of a mind as he could possibly have.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A blast from the past

I was doing a Google search of my name...I do it to look for reviews of my, really I do...when I came across an old article I had written for the very first Halloween issue of Expressions Newsletter. This was many, many, many, many years ago. Since it's about writing, I thought I'd share it with my blog readers...


By J Alan Erwine

The door creaks open slowly as you turn the key, knowing that what you don't want to see is there. You take a deep breath as you reach in, hand trembling slightly. Suddenly, breath held in terror, you pull out that which you feared. It's a manila envelope, and it feels thick. Your story is back with a rejection.

All of us have felt this at one time or another...some of us have experienced it so many times, we're now immune to the feeling. So, what do you do?

What you don't do is write the editor telling him or her how you feel about them and their entire lineage. That's a sure-fire way to get yourself black-balled from that publication, and possibly many others. Remember, a lot of editors know a lot of other editors! The only thing you really can do is read the rejection letter, take what you can from it, make any changes to the story you need to, and send it back out. Then, you sit back and wait for the cold sweat to return again as you wait for the next time you're going to stick your hand in that mailbox.

Something that's very important to remember is that editors aren't evil demons sitting behind a desk waiting to reject you, your story, and your progeny (at least, most of them aren't.) An editor is just a person whose doing a job that they hopefully enjoy. Their main goal is to put out a quality product, and as such, they can be your best friend...or at least someone who can help you.

One thing many authors fear is the cover letter. When you write the cover letter, the most important thing is to let a bit of your personality show through. Don't send a letter that sounds as stale as last month's bread. Your cover letter reflects your abilities as a writer, and some publishers don't get past the cover letter. If you don't grab them right away, get ready for rejection.

By the same token, don't try to oversell the story. Don't tell the editor that the story they're about to read is the greatest masterpiece since Hemingway. Nobody likes a braggart, and if you're like 99.999% of the writers out there, your story will not be better than Hemingway.

Give a simple sentence on what the story is about, and why you wrote it, but like I said earlier, let your personality show through. If you don't have one, go to a costume shop and rent one.

The biggest fear of any writer, and you won't realize this until it happens to you, comes about when your wonderful story comes out, and it's been completely butchered by the editor. I speak from personal experience as one of, what I consider my best stories, had this very thing happen to it. There were numerous typos, and even two paragraphs left out. They weren't necessarily important was only the climax of the story.

What do you do when this happens? Rant and rave, but don't kick the cat or dog...they will get even! Then, you sit down and write a polite letter to the editor. Keep all the anger inside because it's not going to help any. If they don't do anything to correct the problem to your satisfaction, don't ever submit to that publisher again.

In my case, the publication folded before they put out another issue. I'd like to say that I didn't take joy in that, but I'm only human.

I could go on about avoiding ghoulish publishers, but maybe that will be for another issue. For now, remember that as an aspiring author, you're going to encounter more tricks than treats early on, but once you start receiving those treats, they're better than anything you can imagine.

Friday, November 09, 2007

I've found another way to waste some time

I recently joined a site called It's a site for readers and authors both. I, of course, signed up as an author. If you want to check out their website, you can find it at It doesn't seem anywhere as annoying as MySpace, so you don't have to be worried about that.

If you do join, please feel free to add me by going to my profile.

In other news, I've just finished seven straight days at the place worse than hell. I'm looking forward to a couple of days off!!!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Aargh! I be writin a pirate story...

I was recently asked to contribute a story to a science fiction pirate anthology. This is a new type of venture for me. I've written stories about criminals in the past, but never pirates. I've never really given much thought to space pirates. I've always thought of it as a possibility, but I've never thought of it as something I'd want to write about.

However, the editor has always treated me very fairly, so I figured I should at least give it a shot. There's no guarantee of acceptance, but I'll write the best damn story I can come up with. Since this is something I'm a little blind and dumb about as I go into it, I've decided to try to put together some kind of outline for how I want the story to work. This isn't my normal writing style, but I've used it successfully in the past, so we shall see...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Rough draft is done...more or less...

I've just typed the last word, "water," in the rough draft of the new novel. The book came out much shorter than I'd hoped, mostly because I deleted an entire section halfway through. It just didn't fit with the rest of the novel. I have, however, come up with a new sub-plot that I'll introduce. I just haven't decided yet if I'm going to go back and put it in this draft, or just work it into the second draft.

That plus adding in all of the description that I tended to leave out should give me the word length I need.

All I know is that I'm happy to be done! Now I'll take a break from the manuscript for a few weeks, and attack it with a fresh perspective later.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Big Brother Jared is spying on me

I was just noticing that someone in the last hour or so did a search on this little blog for the term "Subway." I can only assume that this would be one of my bosses or, hi, whoever you are. I know you've been here, and I'll be watching for you again...

I've done my civic duty

I mailed in my ballot for this year's election today. Democracy in action!

Granted, I live in a very small town, and there were actually only two things on the ballot, but I voted nevertheless. Voting is the most important thing we as Americans can do, and so I've done my part.

The LOL cats meet Star Trek

MileHiCon artist guest of honor and crazy man Frank Wu has been combining the LOL cats with Star Trek on his LiveJournal. If you click on the title of this entry, it will take you over to his journal. You can scroll through his entries and read them. Some of them are hilarious.

If you've never watched Star Trek, you won't get them, but since there are so many SF geeks and cat freaks who read this blog, I thought I'd pass it along.

Now, back to work for me...

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Catching up

I've spent the last few days trying to get caught up. I went back to work on Tuesday, and we were very busy. Today I had to finish the Sam's Dot update, which is now up, and I've been trying to get everything else done that I need to get done.

I've done a little writing, but not as much as I'd like.

Expect more comment from me here once I get a a few (or five or six) thousand words written...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Final wrap-up of MileHiCon

Well, it's probably not the final wrap up, since I'm sure I'll have more to say about specific things that happened. So, what were the highlights of the weekend?

I was really happy to finally get a chance to meet Tony Ruggiero. After all the years of exchanging e-mails, it was nice to actually get to talk to him in person, and to reflect on what Jim meant to both of us.

Meeting Frank Wu, was just like, really cool! Too bad the Rockies didn't get their Glory and Redemption. Frank was a great character, and he really livened up the Con. I won't ever forget before the masquerade they gave him this very large glow stick so he could see the ballots...between his absolute amazement that he could make the colors flash and his decision to use it as a light sabre, we were all very amused.

It was great to see old friends that I hadn't seen in a while like Mike D'Ambrosio, Maggie Bonham, Carol Hightshoe, and all the rest. And it was also great to meet a lot of new people, including people I'd only known through MySpace. Yes, the networking actually works!

I learned a lot, and I always enjoy a chance to speak to the fans...not necessarily mine...but fans of SF.

There was one thing that I walked away with a negative feeling on...and this is one of those personal sections that I never post about, so feel free to skip to the pictures if you'd like. Throughout the Con, and especially as it drew to a close, I realized how great it would be to have someone to share it with. In general, I like being alone, but there are times when it might be nice to have someone else...but enough of the emotional drivel.


The small press panel

Selling books at my signing

From the Masquerade

Before my reading

My reading with Rebecca Rowe

There are more pictures posted at

Sunday, October 28, 2007

MileHiCon Day 3

MileHiCon has now come and gone, and I feel like it flew by. This year's Con was a very good time, but I have to admit that by not staying at the hotel, I feel like I missed out on a lot. Next year, I will hopefully stay the entire weekend...although with WorldCon here in August, I'm going to have to sell a lot of copies of The Opium of the People, and my other books, in order to make it work.

Before I get into day 3, there was one thing I failed to mention about day 2. I had the opportunity on a couple of different occasions to talk to Tony Ruggiero. Tony had been publishing with ProMart Publishing when I first started out as a writer, and then I published a couple of his stories when I started editing for ProMart. In a lot of ways, James Baker, the founder of ProMart, was as instrumental in starting Tony's career as he was in starting mine. I hadn't realized that Tony had actually dedicated his short story collection to Jim. We talked a lot about how much Jim had meant to both of us, even though neither of us actually met the man.

Anyway, on to day 3...I started out by going to the Guest of Honor Speeches, or the Frank Wu and Friends Show as many of us were thinking of it. I like the fact that unlike a lot of Cons, MileHiCon just lets the guests talk about whatever they want. Frank used his time...well, actually it wasn't his time, but he talked about how baseball is like life, and the importance of "Glory and Redemption." Believe me, if you'd been at the speeches, you'd be laughing your asses off right about now...

Frank later went on to talk about microbes in space, while the other guests talked about more mundane things. Ed Bryant, who is a brilliant individual, and has his own quiet sense of humor, made a great foil for Frank. I think they should take the show on the road.

I then went to a panel about SF pirates. It's normally not my kind of thing, but David Lee Summers is doing an anthology on the subject, and he's invited me to I figured I should find out a little on the subject. Unfortunately, I thought the panel was very one sided, with one person hogging most of the spotlight, and with way too much feedback from the audience. I'd have to say that Con audiences are great because they love their subject matter so much, and because they really are interested in what people in the field have to say...but sometimes I think they get a bit too exuberant in their desire to participate. Still, con guests are some of the best people in the world!!!!

After the pirates panel, it was off to do my reading. I read two different section from The Opium of the People. I'd have to say that I don't think the audience was ready. The other author with me was Rebecca Rowe, and I could literally hear her cringing at some of the imagery I used. Yes, one of the scenes I read was the torture scene from early in the novel. Rebecca then read a Halloween short story, which was very enjoyable. She's a brilliant writer, and I see big things in her future.

After the reading, I decided to go to a panel about cover art. My main reason for wanting to do this was because Frank Wu and Laura Givens were both on the panel. Given their, shall we say vibrant personalities, I figured the universe wouldn't be able to handle the excitement. It was definitely a great panel. Unfortunately, Frank had to leave early because he had tickets to this little baseball game here in Denver, and he was hoping that the Rockies would find "Glory and Redemption." After he left, Laura and the other panelist, Deb Taber, forged on and I thought they did a great presentation. Deb is the art director for Apex Digest and Laura is the art director for Tales of the Talisman. Both of them really knew their stuff and did a great job of explaining what works and what doesn't work.

I will have a wrap-up of the Con a bit later. I'm dead tired and can barely think straight...which means it must have been a GREAT con!!!

MileHiCon Day 2

Day 2 is now in the bag. After a series of delaying events in the morning, I made it to my first panel with one minute to spare. This was the small press panel. It was pretty well attended, and there were some good discussions. Unfortunately, we had one panelist who tried to dominate the panel. I really hate when that happens. I did learn some things, which basically reinforced my own ideas about small press publishing, and I will be passing those on to Tyree...probably tomorrow...after some sleep.

After that, we had the Break Out session, which was an opportunity for people to learn more about the small press, and to pitch ideas. It was a pretty small turnout, but we had some great discussions about publishing. A lot of talking about the pitfalls many of us had fallen into along the way.

We then popped in on the end of the Alien Archaeology panel. I did this panel two years ago, and we had the audience rolling...this year it was not quite as funny. There were a couple of good laughs, but mostly it was a disappointment.

Then I went off to the art room, and while I was there, I ran into Frank Wu. Like many artists, I really do think the guy is crazy, but it's that good crazy. He was actually a very nice guy, and we talked a lot about art and writing, and I'm now more determined than ever to make it to a convention that both he and Jay Lake are doing. I can't imagine what those two are like together, but I'm sure it's a level of insanity that most mortals would not be able to keep up with.

At my signing, I did sell a few books, which isn't a bad thing for a small press writer. None of us really expect to make a lot of money at a convention, but it is nice when someone does want to buy your books! I had a couple of interesting conversations about global climate change and politics. Plus, since I was signing with Maggie Bonham and Carol Hightshoe, we just had to harass each other!

They then had belly dancing in the atrium. The women were dressed up like the green Vegan women (I think it was Vegan women) from Star Trek. It was interesting to say the least. I'll have pictures later today or tomorrow.

Then it was off to the masquerade. This year some of the costumes were absolutely amazing, even though there were only a few entries. We didn't start taking pictures until the end, so we only got a couple of shots. I'll have some of those posted later as well.

That's it for now. My only panel today is a reading with Rebecca Rowe. I'm hoping that it will be pretty well attended. I'm planning on reading two scenes from The Opium of the People. I'll be reading the torture scene with Dominick and Shen's scene from prison...hopefully some of the audience will get the Taoist references in that scene.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

MileHiCon Day 1

Day one of MileHiCon has come and gone, and the day got interesting before I even made it to the hotel.

I took the bus down there, and while we were stopped at a very busy intersection (for those of you from the Denver metro area, this would be Colfax and Broadway), we saw two mounted police officers chase down a suspect. As all of the lights went red, they galloped across the intersection, chasing a guy into the park directly across from the state capital. As they closed in on him, one of the officers jumped off his horse and brought the guy down. It was like something out of a movie.

The first day of the Con was a good time. I didn't really go to any panels. Instead, I mostly just sat and talked to people I'd met before, like Laura Givens, Ian Brazee-Cannon, David Lee Summers, David Boop, Maggie Bonham, Carol Hightshoe, Cynthia Felice, Michael Turner, Barb Nickless, Patricia Coleman, and I also had the opportunity to meet several others that I hadn't met before. Mostly we talked writing and politics.

After a while, I went to the opening ceremonies. The theme of this year's Con is zombies (don't ask me, I just go to these things), and seeing Ed Bryant, the toastmaster, in a zombie mask was priceless. During the ceremony, artist guest of honor, Frank Wu came in completely zombiefied chasing someone across the stage. Later he tried to eat Ed's brain, and unfortunately, this is when my camera screwed up, because I would have loved to have gotten that shot.

I'm completely convinced that Frank is insane, which means that I'm going to have to introduce myself to him today. You just can't have too many insane people in your life!

After the opening ceremonies it was off to Autograph Alley, which if you're not one of the guests of honor means that you sit around and talk to other authors. I was seated next to Mike D'Ambrosio, who I had met at CopperCon three years ago, so it gave us a good chance to catch up. I was also seated next to Maggie Bonham. I'm not sure what it is about the two of us, but we bicker constantly. I think we're both a couple of smart-asses, and we really enjoy it. We'll renew the rivalry today since we're signing together at 3:00.

Overall, it was a good first day, and now I have to finish getting ready for day two...I have a panel in an hour and a half.

Friday, October 26, 2007

I'm off to MileHiCon

MileHiCon starts in a few hours, and I'm just about to leave. This year I've opted to not stay at the hotel. I thought it would be a good way to save money, although I will miss out on some of the room parties. So, I will be checking in from time to time, but don't expect too many posts over the next couple of days. If I have the energy, I'll post daily updates, but we'll see.

I will try to get some pictures while I'm there...a lot of that depends on one of my friends actually making the Con.

I'm definitely looking forward to renewing some friendships, meeting some people I've only known on-line, and just meeting a lot of people.

See you on the flip-side...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Henry Rollins Show

Last night I went to the Henry Rollins show here in Denver. I can honestly say that I'm a bit sore today from laughing so hard. He's not a stand-up comedian, but he's actually a lot funnier.

His comments and stories about Bush, Bill O'Reilly, Trent Lott, Sean Hannity, Karl Rove, Condoleeza Rice, and the rest of the Neo-Cons that have almost destroyed this country had me almost rolling in the aisles. His constant references to Bush as "My President" were hilarious.

He also talked about his recent trips to Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. His reasons for going there were because he wanted to meet the people. Too often, we Americans make the assumptions that the people of a nation necessarily support their leaders, and reflect the morals and ideas of their leaders...which simply isn't true. I think most Americans, at least 71% based on the last polls, would be highly offended if some foreigner said that about Americans. Most of the people he talked to in those nations said that they loved America and Americans, but they didn't like our leader, and in the case of Iran, the people said they were afraid of America because they're pretty sure that we're coming to kill them...and of course, by "we," I mean our government.

There were several former (or maybe current) G.I.'s in the room as well, and his stories about visiting soldiers that had been wounded in Iraq were very moving, and he also talked about his USO trip to the Middle East during Christmas. One of the guys even approached the stage (much to Henry's chagrin) and tossed him a card for Iraq War Vets against the War (or something to that degree).

All in all, the show was great. I seriously thought my friend Vik was going to pass out from oxygen deprivation because she was laughing so hard at times.

My only complaint would be the theatre. We had really good seat, row K, but instead of the usual theatre seats, we had padded fold-up seats...and the rows were very close together. I'm 6'2", and it was very hard to find a place to put my legs.

Monday, October 22, 2007

That's a lot of words

I was just going back through my blog entries, and I realized that it was one month ago tonight that I started working on the new book. In that time, I've written more than 40,000 words. I'm sure there are some writers who would think that's kind of trivial, but that's a pretty impressive flow for me.

I've felt like I wasn't writing as much as I should, but when I sit down and realize that it's 40,000 words in 30 days...well, I'm not sure what to say other than way to go me!

Tomorrow Night

Tomorrow night at this time I'll be on my way to downtown Denver for the Henry Rollins spoken word show. I found a great clip from his show on IFC where he talks about re-writing history.

I think it's certainly true that we've done our best to re-write history throughout, well, throughout history. Even when I was a kid, I can remember people referring to Indians as savages, and even though I'm starting to gray a bit, it really wasn't that long ago. They've been savages, noble savages, victims, it all depends on what time in history you're hearing the facts. Although I think this is one we can agree on...they were definitely victims, and most of them continue to be victims. This is actually an underlying subplot in the novel I'm working on.

Because the Soviets were our allies in WWII, Russia is often portrayed as being a paradise under Stalin, when in truth, Stalin was almost as brutal as Hitler...we just can't look at it that way because we were working with him. It's kind of like how Hussein was our buddy during the Iran-Iraq War, but then he became a brutal dictator and a supporter of terrorism with huge stockpiles of WMDS...sorry, getting off course.

History is written by the victors they say, and I guess history is re-written by whoever is in power. It will be interesting to see how history portrays Bush and his cronies. Hopefully they'll be portrayed as the criminals that they are.

Over 40,000

I broke through the 40,000 word mark on the novel. In theory, this should mean that I'm half way through this beast, but the truth is, I'm well past the middle of the book...which is going to lead to some problems. It's very difficult for me to imagine pulling another 40,000 words out before the end.

My main character has already begun to undergo his transformation. At the beginning of the book, he's a sniveling little shit that most people will feel sorry for at first, and then they'll just want to slap him and tell him to grow up. At least that's what I'm going for. However, he is now starting to get through his grief, and starting to stand up for the things he believes in. For this to be realistic with the conclusion I have in mind, he has to do his thing here really soon, otherwise it will just be him being strong, and people will wonder why he still isn't doing anything to change his life.

Another character has just gone through a major trauma that puts her clearly on the path I need her to be on...something she was kind of refusing to do for a long she's going through the change she has to go through.

So, pulling out another 40,000 words will be difficult. The only solution I can see is that when I go back to do the first re-writes, I will have to add some scenes earlier in the book. I can already see one of them, but I really have no idea what else I can do to expand it.

As well as this novel has been flowing out of me, I have a feeling the solutions will present themselves clearly to me when I begin to look for them.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dumbledore is Gay

For those of you who haven't been paying attention, JK Rowling revealed during a reading at Carnegie Hall this week that the headmaster of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter novels is gay.

Now, I have to admit that I'm not really a Harry Potter fan. I haven't read any of the books, but I have seen the movies...other than the last one, which isn't out on cable far as I know. I will admit that I liked the first movie, and I've thought that each movie has gotten steadily worse. Yes, I know that the movies are probably nothing like the books, but I don't really plan on reading the books any time soon.

Now, why do I bring this up? A lot of people on various speculative fiction forums have been discussing it, so I figured I'd weigh in. Plus, in less than a week I will be at MileHiCon, and I can just imagine some cosplayer is even now as you read this busy at home working on a Dumbledore in drag costume. Plus, using that title in a blog entry is likely to generate some traffic. I learned from Keith...give me a break!

In some ways, I think this revelation will hurt the book some, at least in America. There are already large elements of the Christian Right that are opposed to this book because it promotes witchcraft and Satanism (which are not necessarily linked, no matter what the CR might tell you.) In Europe, I don't think anyone will care because they're not quite as morally freaked out as we Americans are.

My hope is that this might teach young readers some tolerance, and maybe that will help to grow more tolerant adults...we certainly need them. I don't have a problem with a gay character in a children's book. They are a part of our society and should not be marginalized like the Right would like for us to do.

I was talking about this with a kid at work yesterday. He's sixteen, a huge Harry Potter fan, and he's gay. He thought it was a great thing, but he worried that some people would look at Dumbledore's relationship with Harry and try to draw some sort of pedophile conclusions from that...because we all know that all gays are pedophiles. Where do people get those kinds of ideas from? Oh yeah, the Christian Right.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Anyone else feel like weighing in?

And just so you know, if you post an anonymous comment slandering me for my views without identifying yourself, your post will be deleted. At least have the courage to let the world know who you are if you're going to attack someone's viewpoint!

Gore and the Peace Prize

I've been debating whether or not to discuss this, but as someone who considers himself a Green, I feel I have to...

My first reaction to hearing that Al Gore had won the Nobel Peace Prize was, "Are you Serious?" After sitting and thinking about it for a long time, my second reaction was, "Are you Serious?" Well, that just kind of kept going.

Already we've seen people on both sides (are there really only two sides) of the political debate weighing in on this. From the Left you've had a lot of comments about how much he deserves the award and how great it is to see an environmentalist win the award. From the Right, you've mostly gotten derision, including several people talking about the relevance of the Prize given that Yassar Arafat won it. Hey, no award is perfect. The first ever Grammy for Heavy Metal went to Jethro Tull...people do get things wrong. Of course, the Right wouldn't feel this way if Bush had won the Prize...wait, let me come up with someone from the Right that's a little more likely to win...I'm thinking....I'm thinking...I'm thinking...well, anyway, you get the point.

Now, here's my take, I think it would be great to give the Prize to an environmentalist, but Gore is not a Green. Yes, he obviously is more concerned about the environment than the typical American, but he is still a part of the political system that thinks it's ok to sacrifice the environment for the sake of big business, no matter what his movie might say. The "Inconvenient Truth" is that Gore is just another cog in the system. When push came to shove during the Clinton administration, Gore sided with Big Business, again and again.

Maybe he has raised public awareness about global warming, but I think the melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and dying polar bears have done more than Al Gore. Not to mention the continued desertification of the world, the dying forests, and all the other problems that too many people are willing to stick their head in the sand about.

So, my reaction to Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize continues to be, "Are you Serious?"

Crazy Colorado weather

Yesterday we had a high of 80. It was just three degrees short of a record. This morning at 7:30 I was awakened by the crack of thunder, which is kind of strange, since we rarely have thunder in the morning. It's almost always an afternoon phenomenon around here. So, I got up to look out my window, and it was snowing.

That's right folks, we're getting our very first snow of the season, and that makes me very happy. I love the snow. Of course, thunder snow is kind of a strange thing, but it's Colorado...what would you expect.

Today is actually my day off. Imagine that, a rare Sunday off. There will probably be a few more blog entries later in the day, as I try to clear some things from my cluttered mind.

For now, I'm going to enjoy the snow...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

My final MileHiCon schedule

This should be my final schedule for MileHiCon Oct. 26th-28th.

Friday 8-9 in the Atrium
Autograph Alley

Saturday 10-11 Mesa Verde B
Get to Know the Small Press

Saturday 11-1 Mesa Verde B
Break out session...a chance to talk to editors from a variety of publishers. I'll be representing Sam's Dot Publishing.

Saturday 3-4 Dealers Room
Autographing along with Carol Hightshoe and Maggie Bonham

Sunday 2-3 Wind River B
Reading, along with Rebecca Rowe

Hope to see some of you there. If you need a copy of my novel, go to Amazon and order a copy.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Over 30,000

I broke the 30,000 word mark tonight. I'm still pretty sure that the rough draft will come up short of the 80,000 word goal, but as long as I come close, I should be fine. As I've often said, my writing is very sparse in the rough draft, so I should be able to go back through and add some detail to get more length. For some reason I'm still doing too much telling in this book. I'm going to have to work on that in revision. A lot of what goes on in the book is in the character's heads...what they're thinking is often more important than what they're doing. Maybe that's why I'm having the problem.

Still, at least I'm once again putting words to the page...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

White House hypocrisy

Click on the title of this entry to read what I think is the ultimate in White House hypocrisy. The article basically talks about how Condi is pledging that the White House (and America) will support Russian activists because as she sees it, there is too much power concentrated in the Kremlin.

Don't get me wrong, I think she's right that the Kremlin has too much power, and I also agree that the way Russia has rolled back democracy is not a good thing, but in my humble opinion, there is now too much power concentrated in the White House. Even with the "democratic" Congress, Bush and his cronies are still basically getting whatever they want, and democracy has been rolled back in our country as well...maybe not as drastically as in Russia, but things can always change.

Let's keep in mind that the Patriot Act, and several Presidential Orders since the passing of the "Patriot" Act make it possible for the current administration to declare martial law in this country, and although it has always been possible to do this, they've made it much easier for themselves. If we ever have another massive terrorist attack in this county, we might well see that the White House is a lot more powerful than any of us can imagine.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

MileHiCon addition

For those of you planning on attending MileHiCon, I just wanted to let you know that I have now been added to Autograph Alley on Friday night from 8-9. This is immediately after the opening ceremonies.

AA is basically just table after table of authors waiting to sign stuff. This is one I was really hoping to I'm quite happy now!

New Story posted

I haven't posted a new story on my website in quite some time, so I decided I would change that...especially since there's a good chance that I'll see a huge jump in hits just prior to I always do.

This story has only appeared in a print issue of Aoife's Kiss, so there's a good chance that you probably haven't seen it yet.

So, click on the title of this entry, and read your little hearts out.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The new book

So, people have been asking me about the new book I'm working on. If you're actually interested in the subject, I'd suggest you visit my LiveJournal at I'm talking about it quite a bit there, and just a few minutes ago, I posted an excerpt of what kind of came out as stream of consciousness writing.

So, if you're interested, you know what to do...