Sunday, June 15, 2008


Rebecca and I have found an apartment in Aurora...a southern Denver "suburb," and we'll be moving on July 18th and 19th. It's a nice place, set back away from the street with lots of trees and it will be a nice change for me. The rent is only slightly more than what I'm paying at my current place...and the new place is a two bedroom, as opposed to a it should save me some money, although that money will go towards raising the kids.

Because it's so far away, I'll be leaving my job, which fills me with mixed emotions. I absolutely hate what I do for a living, but the owner of the franchise is one in a million, and I know I'll never have a better boss, so there's some good and some bad.

I also haven't lined up a new job, so that's kind of scary. Cross your fingers for me...

1 comment:

Jim Shannon said...

Good to hear J.

Anne and I have lived in our 2 br apt 12 years for her and 8 for me.

We're paying $815/mo here and I think this is about the lowest in the city.

If your stuck for work try Xentel DM. That's where I'm employed at over the last 8 years. We have a call center office in Denver though Zed tools won't let me listen in on the calls there.

Jim Shannon