Thursday, March 23, 2017

Green in 2110

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
Our third "Divided States of America" story is now available. We give you..."Green in 2110" by Debby Feo.
Fred Selkerson often heard his grandmother talk about how life had been different in the old United States, but he never understood, because all he knew was what life is like in the Green States of America. Now that he's approaching 18, maybe it was time for him to find out for himself…

Monday, March 20, 2017

Good news for Kindle users

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
We've now made all of our titles available in "mobi" format, which is the format used by the Kindle. Now, all you have to do is buy your favorite Nomadic Delirium titles, download the "mobi" format and transfer them to your Kindle...and you're ready to go.
Check out all of our titles at:

Monday, March 13, 2017

The Divided States are here

Nomadic Delirium Press has released the first two stories in the "Divided States of America" series, which focuses on a future America that has broken into several independent countries.
The first two selections are...
The Dustbin by Tyree Campbell
Pierce had had enough. He’d finished his five year mission, and he was done…done with what was left of society, done with people, done with everything. He was ready to give up on all that was left of the United States until he meets Jenny Lee.
Suddenly, Pierce realizes there may still be things left to fight for.
The Wall is Beautiful by Mike Morgan
Rick Moreno always felt out of place in the Republic of Texas. Being one of the few non-Anglos left in Texas left him facing racism and hatred, but he had to stay for his sick madre. He had to stay at a border patrol job that he hated, with a partner who hated him, but neither he, nor his Anglo partner Mitch are prepared for what they find, and what it might mean to each of them as individuals, and to the Republic of Texas.

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Read a sample of the new issue of The Fifth Di...

Stop by and read a sample of the new issue of The Fifth Di... 
There's some great stuff in there!

Sunday, March 05, 2017

E-book week at Smashwords

This is e-book week at Smashwords. You can save half off of my collections that are listed there.  In addition, I've added some new freebies that will only be available this week!  Find all of the titles at:
In addition, many of the titles I've been involved with at Nomadic Delirium Press are also available for up to 50% off at

Friday, March 03, 2017

GM's Day Sale

From the Nomadic Delirium Press blog:
For the next 10 days, you can save 30% off of a variety of Ephemeris products, as well as the core rulebook for The Battle for Turtle Island. The sale is going on at DriveThruRPG and you can order your titles at:

Monday, February 27, 2017

The March issue of The Fifth Di... is now available

The March issue of The Fifth Di... is now available. Unfortunately, due to a recent "upgrade" required by our webhost, we can no longer upload e-books to our store. While we're working on this problem, you can always order copies from or Print copies should be available from all of the usual sources in the days to come.
The March 2017 issue of The Fifth Di… starts yet another year of wonderful science fiction and fantasy fiction.
This issue brings you fiction from Daniel C. Smith, Melanie Rees, Kate Runnels, and Eamonn Murphy. These stories will have you questioning reality, questioning what’s right and wrong in the world, and maybe even questioning what we should tolerate as the world changes around us.