Monday, September 21, 2009

Thunder and Coco

I've been wanting to post about the dogs that we've lost in the last few weeks. For those of you new to my blog, our dog Spike contracted Parvo, and we spent a lot of money to pull him through that. Shortly after that, his sister, Thunder, also contracted Parvo. Unfortunately, it hit her a lot harder, and we couldn't save her.

Then last week, our oldest's 17 year old Cocker Spaniel, Coco, had to be put down because of old age. It might have been kidney failure, or it might have been liver failure, but at his age, there was really nothing we could do for him...

This is Thunder...

This was taken on our way back from Texas when she was about three months old. She was a very smart dog. We'd bring treats over and put them up on top of something, and after she ate her treats, she'd run over to wherever we had the treats hidden and start barking.
She would have made a really good guard dog. Whenever we'd come over, she'd get down on her belly and growl at us, until she realized who we were. Then she'd start jumping all over us.
She learned sit and stay pretty well for a young girl, and she was always full of kisses for us.
She will be missed.

This is Coco...

Even though he was partially blind and partially deaf...or maybe mostly blind and mostly deaf, he was still a very sweet boy. Whenever he'd realize we were around, he'd come up to us wagging his stub. When he first met Spike and Thunder, he wasn't really happy with them, but after a couple of weeks, he was jumping around with them, and even trying to jump on us...despite the fact that he was 17 years old.
My favorite story about him was that he used to jump on the bed of our oldest after he'd been drinking, and if you've ever had a Cocker Spaniel, you know that there ears get very wet. She never liked his wet ears, so she'd push him off the bed. He, of course, would jump back on the bed with his happy expression, and with his stub wagging, like he was saying, "I know you didn't mean to do that, so here I am again..."
He will also be missed.

This is Spike...

This was just taken last week. For a four and a half month old, he's pretty big. He thinks he's a 30 pound lap dog, always trying to sit on our laps and then trying to chew on our arms and ears.
He's a really good dog, and loves to play with us, but I think he's feeling kind of lonely because all of his friends keep disappearing. We're just trying to make sure that he knows just how much he is loved.

And because the cat gets jealous if I talk too much about the dogs, here is a picture of Mosi with her Homer...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We lost another dog

On Thursday, we had to put our oldest's 17 year old Cocker Spaniel, Coco, down. He'd been in their family for four years, and he was a very sweet dog. Unfortunately, time just caught up with him. The vet thinks it was kidney or liver failure, but there really wasn't anything we could do for him at that age.

The oldest was sad, but she took it better than her mom and I did...and she definitely took it better than I did when my dog was hit by a car when I was in third grade. I missed something like three days of school because I was so upset...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I really have to wonder about people

I wonder whatever happened to common courtesy in this country. Because Rebecca's dad needed her van to go to Texas, we've been using his Blazer...which is a piece of crap. It has starter problems, the gas gauge doesn't work right, and I don't even know what else is wrong with it.

Anyway, on Thursday morning, we were taking the oldest to school. The Blazer stalled out at an intersection. For those of you familiar with Aurora, it was the intersection of Colfax and Tower...for those of you not familiar, this is a road with a speed limit of 55 and some very nutso drivers. We stalled in what would be the passing lane if people in Colorado actually observed the idea of a passing lane.

So, we sat there. Dozens of people drove by us, honking, yelling, and gesticulating. Nobody stopped. We couldn't even get the stupid car in neutral to push it off the road. Meanwhile, we're sitting in a car with people barely swerving to miss us as they try to get through green lights. How we didn't get rear-ended by someone doing 55 or more, I have no idea.

We finally got the car into neutral, and I managed to push us off the road...of course, no one stopped to help me. So we sat at the side of the road for a while, and still no one stopped. Finally, we realized we were going to have to get gas. So I walked half a mile to the gas station, bought a gas can, and lugged back a gallon of gas. While I was gone, one person actually did stop to see if my family was ok...but only one.

Eventually we got the car started, but it then died in front of our apartment. So, we have been without a car, which means that I've been taking the oldest to and from school by bus (which is expensive no matter what RTD might try to tell you.)

So, I have to ask again, whatever happened to common courtesy in this country? A family stalls out in a car, and they're more of an annoyance than someone who needs help. We often stop to help other people, but one has to wonder what's the point if no one else is willing to do this...

Because of all of this, I find myself once again way behind on work, and struggling to get caught up. It's really been a couple of crappy weeks.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Ephemeris Update

We've been hard at work on Ephemeris materials. A couple of weeks ago we released Critters & Pests by Ian Brazee-Cannon. This is a look at some of the creatures that make space travel a say the least.

Yesterday we released the first of the Species Sourcebooks. These will be guides that give more info about each of the species. The first one released was the Althani Sourcebook (by me), which features info on two new sub-classes, two alternative species forms, some new equipment specially designed for the Althani, and a martial art that can only be used by the Althani.

All of these are available as PDF files at the Ephemeris website at

And all of the Ephemeris products are available as PDF files from DriveThru RPG at

Friday, September 04, 2009

Puppy update

It looks like Spike has made a full recovery. He's back to his usual puppy self, jumping on everyone and trying to love on everyone as much as he can. He's already put three pounds back on, and we were able to return him home yesterday. Before we did that, however, we spent five hours spraying everything in the back yard with a bleach solution...hoping to kill any of the Parvo virus that might still be there.

Unfortunately, it's not all good news...Spike's sister Thunder also contracted it, and it hit her a lot harder and faster. When we picked her up, I held her the entire way to the vet, and she just stared up at me, struggling to breathe. When we got her to the vet, she was running a fever and had a pulse of 200. The vet was also pretty sure that she was septic. We had no choice but to put her down. It was my first experience with this, and it has been a rough few days in our household.

We're certainly happy that Spike made it...but we really wish he still had Thunder to play with...........

Friday, August 28, 2009

A crappy day

When we went to get our daughters back from Texas this summer we brought back a puppy for them. His name is Spike. He's a lab mix who's very smart and one of the sweetest dogs I've met.

Lately he hasn't been feeling good, so we took him to the vet today. Turns out he has Parvo. We checked him into the hospital to get the best treatment they can give him. They're saying he has a 50/50 chance, but we're going to do everything we can for him...even if we can't really afford it. He's part of the family, so we have to.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Crazy busy

It's been a while since I've posted because I've been crazy busy. The e-book versions of the Ephemeris RPG have really started to take off. We've got quite a demand for new material, so I've been trying to write stuff as fast as I can. In the next couple of days we'll even be releasing our first supplement from someone outside of the design team. For info about the e-titles, please visit DriveThru RPG at We even have an introductory bundle posted which contains e-versions of the initial rulebook, a 1st level adventure, 54 1st level characters, and the Book of Tables. All for just $10. We wanted to price it low because anyone who games knows what it's like to drop $30 or $40 on a supplement, only to get it home and realize it's worthless, and if people decide they don't like our game, we don't want them to feel like they've been ripped off. And of course the best reason is that we really want people to try the game out, and at $10, you really can't go wrong.

In other news, I've been busy building furniture for the girls room (not from scratch), and my future Best Man was also in town, so I've been away from the computer quite a bit. In fact, yesterday was one of those rare days when I didn't even check my e-mail.

Both of the kids are under the weather, and crabby as hell...and I can now feel the creeping cruds creeping up on me...

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Got Game?

The Ephemeris RPG is now out and should be available wherever you buy books or games. If your local book, game, or comic store is not carrying the game, you can request it with the following ISBN: 978-0-9801703-1-3.

For more information about the game, or to order it (or Ephemeris merchandise) on-line, please use these links...

The Ephemeris webpage:

The Amazon page:

The Nomadic Delirium Press page at DriveThru RPG, where you can buy e-book versions of the rulebook and the first adventure:

The Ephemeris merchandise page:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend Update

Friday was the big Twitter release party for the Ephemeris RPG...12 hours of tweeting is enough to drive just about anyone batty...myself included. We had a decent crowd in the morning, and then things thinned out later in the day. Overall, I'm hoping it was a success.

Even though the game is now out, we still haven't seen any copies. The printer has had some problems with the cover, but hopefully we'll be seeing them this week. I'm also hopeful that we'll have the Amazon link at that time as well, and I'll post that here as soon as I have it.

In other news, we're now 10 days away from the oldest starting 3rd grade. I think it will be good to get her back in school because she and the youngest are spending way too much time together, and any of you who have kids know what that means.

For those of you who have followed this blog for a long time, you know I'm a HUGE cycling fan, and of course today was the end of the Tour de France, and although they predicted it was going to be a hugely competitive race, it wasn't anything like I think the fans were hoping for. Maybe next year with two of the Contador and Armstrong on different teams we'll see a little more competition.

Watching cycling is kind of bittersweet for me anymore. Every time I see something interesting, I immediately want to e-mail my friend Joe to talk to him about it...then I remember that Joe passed away due to cancer a couple of years ago...

Now, I must get back to creating more material for Ephemeris...yes, even though the game is done, it's only one rulebook. We still have a lot of stuff to create...and maybe I'll even find some time for some fiction now.

If any of you are interested in ordering a copy of the game, please go to

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm back

We got back from Texas a few days ago, and I'm just now getting caught up to a point where I can blog again. Texas was about what I expected...flat, desolate, and hot. We were about an hour west of Fort Worth, and there doesn't seem to be much there, and the day we got there the high hit 105. I was more than ready to leave at that point.

We brought two puppies back with us. One for our girls and one for their cousin. They're lab mixes, and they're both very cute. Our girls named theirs Spike Joe, and at 9 weeks he was already 15 he's going to be a very big boy. Spike Joe is currently staying with the girls' grandpa and uncle because we simply don't have room in our apartment.

The Ephemeris release is going to be Friday July 24th, and we will be celebrating the release all day on Twitter (10-10 EDT). If you're interested in keeping track, you just need to follow @jalanerwine or #Ephemeris. We'll be talking about the game, answering questions about the game, and even giving away a couple of copies. If you want to take advantage of the pre-sale price, you're almost out of time. Go to, and order your copy before the price goes up!!!

I'm looking forward to the release...after it's over with, I can start focusing on fiction again...unless the game's a huge hit...then I'll have to write more material for it, but I won't mind that one bit!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Ephemeris Cover

I just got the final version of the cover for the Ephemeris RPG, and here it is...

Hopefully that will catch some eyes!

We're leaving in Texas in a few hours to pick up the kids. Hopefully I will be back by the end of the weekend. I doubt that there's Internet access there, but I will try to Twitter by phone when I can. Just follow @jalanerwine if you want to keep track of how miserable I am in the Texas heat...

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th

Raining like crazy here right now, so I'm sure a lot of plans have been washed out. I didn't really have any plans, so no big deal for me personally. Rebecca is working tonight and the girls are still in Texas, so I was just going to sit on the balcony and watch fireworks if there were any I could see...but that was just an excuse to not work, so I'll probably work instead.

On Wednesday, we head to Texas to pick the young 'uns up, and then we should be back on Saturday.

On the marriage front, it looks like we probably have a restaurant to have our reception at. They've never done anything like this before, but the manager seemed receptive, and said they'd do it...but I still have some nagging doubts about whether or not it will really come to fruition.

On the professional front, I'll be hanging out on Twitter on Monday July 6th from 7 pm EDT - 8 pm EDT to talk about Ephemeris. I hope some of you will be able to join me for the conversation.

Other than that, things are status quo on the homefront. I may try to post again before we leave for Texas, but if not, you'll hear from me in a little over a week.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wondrous Web Worlds. Vol. 8

The latest edition of Wondrous Web Worlds has been released by Sam's Dot publishing. For those of you unfamiliar with this anthology, it features the best poems and short stories from several of Sam's Dot's on-line zines. Each issue is voted on by the fans, and the winners are placed in the anthology.

This anthology started out way back in the days of ProMart Publishing, and has been continued by Sam's Dot...with me as the editor every year.

So you can pick up a copy at The Genre Mall.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Not posting as much as I should

There hasn't been much to report, so I haven't been posting much. We're almost ready to release the Ephemeris RPG. The goal is still July 24th, and once we get the final artwork for the aliens, I'll be able to confirm that.

The hush hush project at Flying Pen Press is still rolling along. Hopefully we'll be able to make some more definite announcements about that in the next month or two.

Next week Sam's Dot Publishing will be releasing Wondrous Web Worlds Vol. 8...once again edited by me. The cover is absolutely gorgeous, and I can't wait to see the book.

That's about it for now...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


As most of you probably know there was an election in Iran recently. All indicators were that it was going to be a close election, and yet the incumbent won in a landslide. Not only that, but hand written ballots were counted about as fast as the US can count their electronic ballots. I think anyone that looks at these facts can clearly see that the election was a fraud...and certainly some of the people that have seen that have been the Iranian people.

The Iranian regime claims that there are no protests in Tehran, and yet pictures that are coming out of the Iranian capital clearly shows tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people protesting. Meanwhile, the government cracks down on the protesters and people are killed.

Meanwhile, here in the US, the revolution is not being covered by the media like I'd expected it would. It seems to get a mention on the news, but the true story is not being told...and I have to wonder why.

It would seem that if you really want the truth about what's going on, you have to go to YouTube and Twitter. People caught up in the revolution are posting regularly, knowing that they will face sever repercussions if they're caught.

Here's a sample...

Let's hope that the Obama administration, and other governments throughout the world refuse to recognize the Iranian regime. For years, those of us in the United States have been wanting a regime change, but anyone with any intelligence knew that the change would have to come from within...and here it is!

And as for all the ignorant Americans who thought we should just nuke Iran because of the government's views, try to remember in the future that a government does not necessarily represent the views of the actual citizens. The people of Iran want change, and we should let them have it...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Tuesday Update

We had our big meeting at Flying Pen Press to discuss the project we're working on. Everything is hush hush at the moment, but hopefully we'll be able to divulge the details in the next month or two.

Speaking of Flying Pen, tomorrow marks the release of Riders of the Mapinguari. David Rozansky, the publisher, will be hosting a release party on if you're on Twitter, simply follow #FeralWorld tomorrow. There will even be chances to win some copies.

I'm continuing to work on the finishing touches of Ephemeris. Hopefully we'll have some artwork soon, and then it will be time to send it off to the publisher.

I'm not really sure why I'm feeling so tired, but I feel like I haven't slept in days...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Keeping busy

Seems like this last week just flew by...

We had Rebecca's birthday, and the two of us have been doing a lot of wedding planning. Yes, it's still 11 months away, but we want to get as much planned as we possibly can. My dad and brother were also in town over the weekend, so we met them for lunch one day. It was her first chance to meet anyone from my family, and she still wants to marry I guess things went well.

I'm still working on the finishing touches for the Ephemeris RPG, and we're still running the pre-sale. What? You haven't picked up your copy yet? Well, you still have time, so go to

Over at Flying Pen Press, we're having a meeting this week to work out more of the details on the hush hush project we have going...and it should be a lot of fun once we get it going. This week we'll also be releasing Riders of the Mapinguari by Gaddy Bergmann. We're having a sale for 20% off up until the release date, which is June if you'd like to pick up a copy of that, head over to

That should pretty much get you caught up on what's going on in my life. I'll try to post more as things start to come together...

Saturday, June 06, 2009

On Twitter the next couple of nights

Tonight and tomorrow night (June 6th and 7th), I will be hanging out on Twitter from 7:00 EDT until 8:00 EDT to answer questions about the Ephemeris RPG...or whatever else you might want to ask.

If you want to be part of the conversation, just be sure to follow @jalanerwine.

While you're waiting, pre-order your copy of the rules at It will normally list for $19.95, but you can pre-order your copy for just $14.95.

Monday, June 01, 2009

The pre-sale has begun

The pre-sale for the Ephemeris RPG has now officially begun. The first rulebook will be released in late July. When it is released, it will be a 6X9 trade paperback with more than 400 pages of information! Upon release, the list price for the book will be $19.95 + S&H...but during the pre-sale, you can order the book before it's released for only $14.95 + S&H.

So what are you waiting for? Go to and order your copy today.

The cover shown here is just a mock-up of what the final cover could look like...but we needed something...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Catching up

I took a couple of days off so Rebecca and I could spend some time together, and now I'm playing a desperate game of catch-up.

During those days, we took a lot of walks, and while passing a stream, I caught a picture of this guy...

Since he's in shadow, it's kind of hard to see, but this little guy had more red in his fur than I've ever seen in a raccoon.

Now that I've been back to work over the last couple of days, I've updated The Genre Mall and the Sam's Dot website.

I'm not expecting things to ease up any time soon as tomorrow marks the official start of the Ephemeris pre-release there will be a lot of promoting to do throughout the day. Tomorrow I'll have the actual link to the pre-sale site, and I'll post it here so those of you interested in ordering a copy at a discount can do so.