Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Timing is Everything

Apparently, the worst time to release a book is at the same time as one of the largest natural catastrophes to ever hit our country comes along. As the cliche goes, "timing is everything."

Sales of the new book have been slow, but this seems to be true for a lot of books. I've noticed a definite decline in sales at The Genre Mall on all titles, and other eidtors and publishers have said that they're taking it on the chin with this are most industries in America.

As for myself, I think I'd much rather read than continue to watch the heart-breaking images from Katrina...and we may be seeing more of the same when Rita hits.

And I definitely know that I'm throwing a brick through the TV the next time "W" comes on. Reading a good book...or even a bad book, is definitely better than having to listen to him try to talk.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The first rant

I might as well get this rolling with my first rant about the horrible job. Today is my first day off since I got back from CopperCon. I put in nearly 60 hours in the last six days, and today I can barely move...and I know Alyse and Josh, who will probably visit this page feel exactly the same they put in a lot of hours as well...and went to school.

Hopefully before the night is up, I will be "caught up" enough to get back to work on the book that doesn't want to get written.

End of rant..............................................

The blog is here

I've had numerous requests to set up a blog on my site so that people can track what is going on in my life...why, I'm not sure, but here it is.

I will post news about my writing, future appearances, future publications, and whatever random thoughts I can think of. There will also probably be a lot of ranting and bitching about the "job that's too dreadful to mention."

So, you asked for it, and here it is...have fun...I guess.