Sunday, September 08, 2013

Another one of my crazy ideas?

As I'm working on expanding and growing Nomadic Delirium Press, the idea of doing novellas suddenly seemed like a good idea.  What I was thinking about was doing something like the old Ace Doubles.  Basically taking two very different novellas and slapping them together.  I'm not really sure if this is a good idea, or if this is just my sleep-deprived mind sending me some sort of hallucinations.
I'd be curious to know if anyone else thinks this is a good idea, or do I just need to get more sleep...


Keith said...

I have a nice collection of Ace doubles, plus I am a big fan of Novellas and Novelettes. Some of the best SF of the golden age was the longer form Novelettes and Novellas, but very little of it has been reprinted. The 8,000 to 25,000 or so word count stories are perfect for SF. There is time enough to set up some good characters and situations, but are also over quickly so they can be enjoyed in a couple of sittings.

Not a crazy idea, but a wonderful one.


Anonymous said...

I recently discovered that Yard Dog Press is also doing their take on the old Ace Doubles. They call them Double Dogs and they were featured pretty prominently at WorldCon. I gather they were doing pretty well with them. Certainly worth trying, at least for a limited number of titles, and see how it goes.

D. Moonfire said...

For the ebooks, I would offer both and them ala carte. That way, you can also do tricks like make one of them free for a short period of time but have the double still there with a price.

J Alan Erwine said...

I've gotten a lot of positive feedback on this, so maybe I need to give it some serious thought.