This is a new zine that Nomadic Delirium Press is launching. We are looking for stories about the future if the environment continues to decay. For the most part, we want stories that look at the grim aspects of our environmental future, but we will also consider stories that look at us overcoming our difficulties and creating a better planet. This zine will be published twice a year…May 1
st and November 1
st, with the first issue appearing on November 1
st, 2018.
Environmental Holocaust will be available as both a print and an e-zine.
Our current response time is two months. If you change your e-mail address, please let me know. There are always a few submissions that never get responses because the contributor changes their address.
Fiction must be science fiction, and it must follow the basic guidelines. I’m looking for stories up to 10,000 words. Reprints will be considered, although preference will be given to first rights stories. I also won’t consider simultaneous submissions. Flash fiction is not likely to be successful with me unless it's absolutely brilliant. I'm not a big flash fan, so please keep that in mind when submitting.
Original stories up to 1,500 words will receive $5.
Original stories between 1,501 and 5,000 words will receive $10.
Original stories longer than 5,000 words will receive $15.
Reprints, no matter the length, will receive $5
At this time, we are not reading poetry. If the magazine does well, then we will start taking a couple of poems per issue.
We are not currently seeking artwork.
All submissions must be sent as attachments in rtf or Word. I will read submissions that are sent pasted into messages, but I'd prefer attachments. Every submission must contain the word "Submission" in its subject line, or it will be flushed with all of the spam. I hate to start getting anal, but given the amount of Spam I have to sift through, it just makes my job easier, and a happy editor is always a good thing. Also, all submissions must follow standard ms guidelines...if you don't know what that means, please find out. Your name, byline, and address
MUST appear on the submission. All submissions
MUST have page numbers. If you want something italicized, please italicize it in the submission. Also, please include a bio with your submission written in the third person.
Don’t send work that is based in other people’s universes. All works must be original with no threat of copyright infringement. All submissions should be sent to eholocaust at yahoo dot com.