Monday, February 24, 2025

I think I may have lost my mind

I think I may have lost my mind, but for a very brief period of time, you can save 90% off of my titles...short stories, novels, collections...they're all at DriveThruFiction at, and they're all 90% off.

I think the men in the white coats may be coming to get me soon...

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The second draft is done

I've just completed the second draft of my new novel, which unfortunately still doesn't have a title...which is weird, since titles usually come so easily to me.

I'm a little happier with the way it's turning out, but it's still going to need a great deal of work. The main character is now much more of a real person to me.

I think this novel has been more difficult because it's basically told from just the main character's perspective. There are no chapters, or even scenes that don't feature her. Usually my novels bounce from character to character, but hopefully this will make her a likeable character...sure she can be a little petulant at times, and she might cry a bit too much, but she's also a teenager. But I think she's believable because I can see bits of all three of my daughters in her.

Now the book sits for a little while, and then I'll get back to another draft. I'm figuring AT LEAST two more drafts to get it where I want it to be.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

A letter to the leaders of the world

This is a very brief letter that I'd like to address to the leaders of the world. I've said all of this before, but obviously, I need to say it again...

1984, A Handmaid's Tale, Fahrenheit 451, and even my Opium of the People were meant as warning messages. They were not intended to be blueprints for you to use to destroy our world.

The people of the world would like their democracies back.

Thank you!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Divided States of America Role Playing Game is here

No one can say with any reasonable certainty when the United States of America began to fall apart. Many point to the presidential election of 2016, but most believe the breakup started long before this. Now, in the year 2110, the former United States is made up of fourteen nation-states and The Wastelands. Some of the nation-states have prospered under self-rule, while others have declined. Some nation-states are very accepting of outsiders, while others trust no one…sometimes not even their fellow citizens. There is chaos in some places, and order in others…sometimes too much order.

The first state to break away from the USA was, not unexpectedly, Texas, and from there, things continued to spiral out of control as the national government tried to hold on to control that the state governments wanted back, and eventually, the federal government was no longer able to control the states, and the break-up came about.

Some of the nation-states kept the name “America” in their new names. Some did this as a tribute to where they had come from, while others did it to remind their citizens of what they were breaking away from. Others adopted new names, or took on names that were given to them.

Borders in some areas are heavily patrolled, even walled in places, while other borders have no protection at all…mostly it depends on the views of the new government and its citizens, even though sometimes those two groups still don’t agree. Let’s face it, greed and independence are bred into the human race, and even allying with others that have similar viewpoints does not necessarily mean that they will always get along.

As a game, players create characters with seven attributes that are used to enhance a variety of skills. As the characters advance, they gain experience, which can be put towards their skills, their health, or banked to allow the player to raise their character’s attributes.

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Sunday, February 02, 2025

Bestseller for January 2025

Once again, the new game continues its big run!

Check it out at:



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Humanity has finally made it to the stars, and they’ve found they’re not alone. They are one of twenty species making their way around the galaxy. Some of the species they’ve met are friendly, while some are quite hostile, and others are just plain indifferent. The galaxy is full of warfare, trade, and unexplored star systems. This is the galaxy of Ephemeris 2.0.
The game features thirteen different character classes and twenty different species. You can play a Clipsie Cyber Wizard, a Human Pirate, or maybe a Taurin Nanist. Build your characters up with goods, cybernetic implants, genetic modifications, and special abilities that are unique to each class.
The universe of Ephemeris 2.0 is yours to explore, and yours to build. The new version of the game is a d20 version, and the rules are less convoluted, and more player friendly than the previous version.
Now, step into the greatest science fiction adventure that you’ve ever been on!