It's been a little over a month since I escaped the banishment to a place worse than hell, so I thought I'd post a little update as to what I've been up to. So far, I've completed six short stories, and I've worked on a couple of others, I've written roughly 5000 words in a novel, which is now 15-20% done, and I know where the rest of it is supposed to be if the book will just cooperate.
I've also finished editing a novel for Sam's Dot that was written by John Bushore. It will be a great book, and should be out in about a month...and wait til you see the Laura Givens cover. This should be a big seller at MileHiCon.
I'm about half way through putting
Just Because together. This will be an anthology dedicated to the late James Baker, who was responsible for starting many an aspiring writer's career, including my own. This is a work of love, and probably won't make me rich...
The William Swarthout novel that has made all of this possible has been a bit of a struggle, but we're starting to make some progress, albeit slower than I'd like...but I find I want to get a lot that I actually have time.
Ecotastrophe will soon be out, so I've been doing some promotional stuff for that.
I got to sit and talk with Connie Willis one night...
For those of you in the Seattle region, I may be doing RustyCon this January, so keep an eye on this page for future updates.
I used to hear authors talk about how they had to write at least 1000 words a day, and I never understood how they did it, but now that I don't work 10-12 hours a day without a break, I now find that I'm quite disappointed if I only write 1000 words...speaking of, I'm getting a bit wordy here, so I'll end it now.