Maybe I'm just feeding my ego...I don't know, but I've decided to put together two massive books, both hardback. One will be a complete collection of all of my short stories, and I'm still debating if I want to include the new story I'm working on.
The second book will be a complete collection of all of my novels, including the new one that I hope to have finished in the next couple of months. On this one, I'm debating whether or not to include Goatherds & Gods, which is a reworking of a James B. Baker novel, so not entirely my own.
I'm still working on titles, but something including "the long ones" and "the short ones" are what are bouncing through my head right now. Like I said, I'm not even sure if there's really a market for something like this, but yeah, I think it would be really cool to see these books in print!
I also haven't decided yet if I will be making them available as e-books.
Keep an eye on this page, as eventually, I will figure all of this out.