Tuesday, December 23, 2008

An open question entry

Since adding the NetworkedBlogs application on Facebook, I've added quite a few new readers, so I thought I would open up this blog to some questions and answers.

So, this is your chance to get to know me better as a writer and editor...

...ask whatever you'd like...


Keith said...

Thanks for the Facebook tip. I tried it out. ( http://www.cthreepo.com )

So let's ask a question:

How old were you when you wrote your first spec fic story?

Jim Shannon said...

I'm going to try it too.

Happy Holidays guys.

J Alan Erwine said...

Keith-I'm not sure if I remember the actual age I was. I know I started writing stories from the moment that I learned to put a subject and predicate together, and I know I started with writing speculative fiction...so I was probably 5 or 6...