Wednesday, October 18, 2006

An update

I'm going to try this again. So far, blogger has lost my previous two here we go again...

It's been a while since I've posted anything, so I thought I'd at least pop in and let people know what's going on.

I've mostly been working on revisions of the new novel. I was horrified to learn that most of the major publishers have upped their minimum word counts to 80,000 words, and my novel comes up short. So, I've been working on trying to cram words into the book without it looking like I'm cramming words in.

MileHiCon is just over a week away, and it looks like it will be a great con this long as the weather holds...

I still have a few copies left of my illustrated short story A Problem in Translation. You can order them through my website at . I'll even sign them...


Anonymous said...

I've been having problems with Blogger as well and its mainly because of their new and "improved beta" blogging system their working on. I've been trying to post all afternoon and they think "Bold" is html and rejected several of my posting atempts. I got that post through.


Spencer said...

i thought milehicon was at the end of this wouldn't that make it a little more than a WEEK away?

J Alan Erwine said...

Yeah, it's now a week. I had it right the first two times I tried to post this thing.