Monday, February 06, 2006

Math with the insane

Obviously I've been very busy with the new job. Last week was just 50 hours, but they're early hours, and it tends to wear me down quite a bit...but I'll adjust...eventually.

One thing I've become very aware of since taking this job (actually I've known it for a while, but I'm just becoming even more acutely aware of it) is that people can't do math...and I'm even talking about supposedly intelligent people (hello, blondie). I have to do counts every morning on a wide number of items, and I'm amazed at how often people can't do proper subtraction.

On a box of delis (58-16=32)!!!! Granted, I'm especially good at math...but that's just sad, and I see it all the time. How did these people make it through high school? Better question, how do these people make it through life??? I'd hate to see them balance a checkbook!!!


Spencer said...

and you know their spelling skills are even more atrocious...

J Alan Erwine said...

Yeah, it's said when I catch spelling errors, considering how bad my spelling is!!!

Spencer said...

as well as yer typin' (see 'said')

Anonymous said...

What are you trying to say J?