Saturday, April 28, 2007

The world is stranger than any writer could ever dream up...

I heard a strange story today that just proves to me that the world doesn't make sense.

Many many many years ago there was a reporter at a Denver TV station named Bill O'Reilly...that's right, THAT Bill O'Reilly. This was right around the time that TV stations were first starting to make a big deal out of live shots.

It would seem that a recent study showed that Aspen had the highest cocaine use in all of Colorado, so this station sent O'Reilly to Aspen to do a report on it. Live on TV, standing in front of a very expensive house, O'Reilly made a comment that seemed to imply that the owner of the house might be trafficking cocaine.

Now, the owner of the house was a very rich man (obviously), and he used his power to get O'Reilly fired. None of this might strike you as strange, obviously O'Reilly is good at saying things he shouldn't say, but where it gets strange is when the owner of the house is revealed...

...the owner was Rupert Murdoch...that's right, the man who owns Fox. The very network that runs O'Reilly's propaganda show...

Truth really is stranger than fiction!


Cellophane Queen said...

Rupert thought it over and realized he needed liars like OReilly.

If you tried to use a coincidence like that in your fiction, editors would point their fingers and laugh.

Anonymous said...

In commercial journalism today, it's conviction that counts. By the time you get your facts straight, it's too late. Public opinion has already been "fixed," or they've moved on to The Next Big Thing. This is probably why the right's "liberal media" hobgoblin has become a thing of the past.

Robert E. Porter