Sunday, December 17, 2006

Just Because

Many years ago, James Baker was the first editor to buy one of my stories. Later he would also take me under his wing and give me my first job as an editor. I owe much of my success in this business to that one man.

When Jim was claimed by cancer on September 18th, 2002, I promised myself that I would gather together his stories, poems, and essays and put them into a collection. Unfortunately, time and a job that sucked the life out of me never let me do that.

Earlier this year when I left my real job, I swore to myself that I would finish the book. Now, on what would have been Jim's 81st birthday, Sam's Dot Publishing (the continuation of Jim's ProMart Publishing) has announced that the book will be released on Jan. 2nd.

This book is more than just a collection of one man's works. It also features insights from the people who knew Jim, and it contains a lot of my own personal memories of attempt at drawing a better picture of a man I wish many of you could have known.

The Genre Mall is currently offering the book at a special pre-sale price of $12.00 plus shipping & handling. If you'd like to order a copy, please go to...

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