Friday, April 27, 2007

Where do the mousies go?

This is a major change in subject from where I've been...and maybe it's a question that Keith or Jim or any of the other cat owners can answer for me.

I often give my cat these little toy mice to play with. She throws them in the air, bats them around, and generally practices her hunting techniques. She often walks through the house carrying them in her mouth like she's just come back with the greatest kill of her life. Sometimes, she'll even play cat fetch with me. For those of you not familiar with cat fetch, here's how it works. I throw the mouse. She runs and gets it. Then she brings it back to me and drops it just beyond my fetch.

Now my question is: What happens to these things? After a few days of playing with them, they disappear...never to be seen again. She's an indoor cat, so I know she's not taking them outside. I've searched every place I can think of, but I can never find them. They're not something she can eat, so I know that's not where they're going. So, where are they?

Sometimes I think cats have a connection to another dimension that we humans are just too stupid to find...maybe that's where they go...


Anonymous said...


My cats both loved to shove stuff under closet doors and try to fish them out. You could also check under the stove. But the mousies could be in about any crook or nanny.


Cellophane Queen said...

I've found these items under major appliances. They only show up when said appliance is being moved. So, until your stove is on the blink...

Ah, I see Robert had the same idea. Do you have washer/dryer in your place?

J Alan Erwine said...

The refrigerator is about the only possibility. The stove is too close to the ground...I tried and the closet doors touch the ground. No washer or dryer here...I live in a poor man's apartment. A good guess might be behind all one of my many bookcases. They're far enough away from the wall that she might be able to get them back there, but not so far away that I can actually look back there...

Anonymous said...

Not really sure J. All part of "the unexplained"