Friday, April 06, 2007

Silly writers

I was just reading on someone's LiveJournal where they and several other writers were offended by the fact that they got a form rejection from Asimov's. What did they really expect? They get several hundred submissions a month, and I'm sure most of it is crap...they're not going to take the time to actually respond to every submission.

I pretty much expect a form rejection everywhere I go, and I'm genuinely surprised when I get a personal rejection. I myself almost always use something like a form rejection as an editor. The main reason I do that is because many writers take it as a personal attack if you don't like their story, and if you try to tell them what's actually wrong with it, they throw it back at you as if there's something wrong with the editor. Who needs that?

Any writer who is going to be offended by form rejection letters should just get out of the business right now...


Anonymous said...

It’s even mentioned in the guidelines that Asimov regrets they have send out form letters when they reply back. Don’t these people read the submission guidelines?


J Alan Erwine said...

Sadly, a lot of writers don't read guidelines...

Cellophane Queen said...

I kind of like form letters. I can just think the editor has so many great subs that mine was only a bare millimeter off the top. If they open their hearts and tell me what's wrong with my writing, then I know I was a mile deep instead.

I'm only semi-serious about this. I think. Maybe.