Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Possible habitable planet found

Again, the title of this entry will take you to an article about an extra-solar planet that has been discovered that could be habitable. There's still a lot of research that needs to be done, but this is the first possibly habitable planet ever discovered...so I thought I'd make a big deal out of it...

...now, go back to worrying about the fascists...


Keith said...

J, you beat me to it. I was preparing a little discussion of Drake's formula and how this might impact it when I saw your post.
Extremely cool news. Combine this with the recent news that double stars can have planets with stable planets and it looks like we might get lucky and find a planet with life some day.

Anonymous said...

If no one has an official name for the planet, how about e.Jim? Has a nice ring to it don't it?

J Alan Erwine said...

When I was working on the game design last week, I'd actually been thinking of using Gliese as one of the homeworlds for one of the alien species...but given how close a planet would have to be in order for it to be habitable, I decided to go elsewhere.

Like they always say, trust your first instinct...although with the game coming out later this year, it probably would have looked like I was taking advantage of the news...just like I expect to see a lot of stories over the next couple of months that take place in this new solar system...

As far as a name, I'm thinking Asimov or Heinlein...or any of the early SF writers...