Monday, October 24, 2005

MileHiCon first post

I'm going to be making several postings here over the next few days about the Con. There's just too much to tell in one posting. If you've been to my site, then you've seen the names of the people I wanted to thank...if you haven't been there, then head over there and check out the names. I won't post them here to avoid redundancy.

Overall, I learned a lot at this Con, stayed up way too late over and over and over again, and actually sold some books...almost enough to cover my expenses, which blew my mind.

I did have someone corner me in the dealers room wanting one of my books because he had seen me on a panel...a panel that I thought was a disaster...but that just shows you what I know.

I picked the brains of everyone that I could, and was glad to have my brain picked from time to time.

Overall, I feel quite a bit more confident in my abilities as a writer, and in my ability to actually do these if I could just finish this god damn book that doesn't want to be written, I'd feel a lot better. Of course, Connie Willis was saying pretty much the same thing, so I guess I'm in some damn good company.

More later.......

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